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My baby is a Genius!


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Ok, so the other day he turned 6 months so I decided that he was old enough to trick train. I started a couple days ago with teaching him to wave hi, and he learned it in like, 10 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised because this trick took about 2 days for my Sun Conure to learn. Sense he got it down so quick and didn’t need a treat in my hand to get him to do it, last night I figured I would go ahead and see if he was ready for another trick. I went ahead and started teaching him to shake his head no. I could not believe it when he picked it up in only 5 minutes!!!!! I also was shocked that after 15-20 minutes of training and figuring he was done for the night he got upset and wanted to keep going…he got all puffed up and head butting me…this is his “I wanna” dance as I call it. I gave in and kept training him for about 10 more minutes. I can’t believe how excited I am that he enjoys learning so much and his attention span is long enough to want to keep going well after I’m done…that’s more of a large breed Cockatoo thing. Has anyone else had one of these moments…where you think your grey is the smartest bird in the world for something they did/learned? I laugh at myself because I’m like one of those moms that think their kid is the next Einstein even though he’s eating glue or something in the corner…LOL


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Thanks you guys! I'm one proud mommy, and I'll have a smile on my face for the rest of the day from your comments. I'll be handing out Karmas!



Siobhan, it is a really simple trick as long as your bird doesn't like getting it's face blown on. :P


All you do is put the favorite bite sized treat in-between your middle finger and thumb and stick your index finger up, like your making a d with your fingers. Get the bird to look at your hand with the treat and start shaking your finger side-to-side as the queue and at the same time blow into the birds face. Most birds don't like this and will shake their heads. Once the bird shakes his head you bridge with praise and the treat. Keep doing this step and slowly quit blowing in the face...it should realize it is being rewarded for shaking its head and not need the blow to get him to do it. Then just keep drilling and only give treats one out of two or three times and only give praise the others to get the bird to do it without the treat. It’s very simple as long as they don’t like the blowing. I’m not sure if bad breath will made a difference if they like it or not…LOL.

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Keep me posted, and I hope I did start a training frenzy as Dan put it. I have found that trick training helps reinforce bonds and curb behavior problems, as well as give birds a higher self-esteem.


The Sun that I had could care less if his face was blown on, so I figured out a new trick for him. He loved to tap his beak on perches, stands, tables, anything he could put his beak on. Every time I started tapping my hand he could not resist tapping his beak, so I went through with treats and praise till he got to the point that if I tapped my finger in the air he would bob his head like he was tapping air.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/10/04 16:43

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Guest briansmum

BMustee, get some footage or photos and enter the contest in the training room!! dooo itt!!! ;)


so cool that your little guy is such a fast learner. brian was doing pretty well but he's going through a bit of a "you can't tell me what to do" phase, so training is short and fruitless at the moment LOL


keep us updated :)

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As I suspected, Liath couldnt care less if I blow in her face. She just tucks her head down so that I blow the top of her head. I think she actually likes that. Mind you she loves to sit on my shoulder if I am using the hair dryer too.


Oh well. Guess that one is a non winner for us...


Did you manage to film him yet? I really would love to see that, it sounds soooo cute!!



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Alright, the wave Hi is actually what I would say it one of the easiest for a bird to learn as long as it is fully trained on the step up command. Start with the bird on a stand or play gym. Get a treat and put it in-between the thumb and first finger...I'm right handed so I do this with that hand. Get the bird to look at the treat and wave the other fingers in a "wave hi" manner while at the same time taking your left hand up to the bird like you want him to step up. As soon as the foot is lifted off the perch, no matter how high (and not stepping on you) praise and give the treat. Keep drilling and pretty soon you should not have to bring your left hand up as far to get the bird to bring up it's foot up. Little by little take the left hand out and only show the hand signal with the right. As soon as the left hand is no longer needed to get him to lift the foot start working on how high it is lifted. What has worked for me is lifting the right hand with the treat higher and not giving the treat till the foot is raised a little higher...and not giving treats for lower lifts. If this does not seem to work, then after the foot has been raised bring your left hand back up and take your finger to a toe/nail and lift it for him...the bird should get the hint. I have never needed to use that so try just raising the hand higher first.


Don't get frustrated and give up, the real key to training is to make sure you get a feel for your bird’s attention span. If you go too long the bird will get bored and you won't be able to end on a positive note. If your bird can only go for 5 minutes before loosing interest then only go for 4 minutes, if you can go for 15 without loosing interest then go for that long...just as long as the bird is still into it. This may be your problem Dicky601…you should try shorter sessions.

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LOL...maybe try a better treat LunaBaby? I use hulled sunflower seeds (roasted, no salt) because it's like the old Klondike bar commercials...my grey would do anything for one! :laugh: Plus, training is the only time he get them...I make sure the little bit of seeds he DOES get do not have them in it. Goldfish crackers also work...just break them up into smaller bit sized portions.


I haven't been able to get a video yet...my new phone's video it's working right so I need to call them up to see if I can fix it. I'm going to start working on teaching how to Fetch in the next day or two so I'll let you all know how that goes as well.

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Guest briansmum

i found a great treat! in my supermarket the other day i spotted pomegranite "gems", already out of the fruit it's self, just in a little packet in the fresh fruit section. well brian loves them and each little gem makes an excellent treat and much better for him than seeds.

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  • 11 months later...

Ive gotten zuri hooked on the trick training too, hes a TAG and i started last winter, we were bored and its collld outside and i thought he wouldnt want to but hes like yours hes excited about the training. I got him to do the head shake took a bit longer but the turn around took 5 minutes max. now the wave ive wanted to try but i dont know did it mess with your step up command? thats why i didnt try it, i didnt want to confuse him, but maybe im thinking too much..lol

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Weldone Mbustee, you sure deserve a medal:) ,i am going to try it with Charlie tomorrow and hope he also dont take that long to learn. Please inform us of the other tricks as well, if you good you good, {Feel-good-000200BB}

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Weldone Mbustee, you sure deserve a medal:) ,i am going to try it with Charlie tomorrow and hope he also dont take that long to learn. Please inform us of the other tricks as well, if you good you good, {Feel-good-000200BB}

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