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Our baby female African Grey is about 15 weeks old, we have had her for about a week.


In the last two days she has started scratching repeatedly at the bars of her cage, constantly, it is becoming an obsession.


It is a large cage with several toys. We let her out of the cage for a couple of hours every evening.


Another thing is she only seems to want to eat peanuts.


Any help or advice please.

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What was your breeder feeding her when she was being weaned? Peanuts should only be a TREAT. At this point she needs to learn to eat healthy foods in addition to the pellets that would contain balanced nutrition. I would ignore the obsessive behavior but be quick to reward her for being calm. Maybe taking her out of her cage more frequently (when she is not scratching). I am no expert but greys are very smart and will quickly learn to get what they want, often in a way that we do not want! :rolleyes: I am sure many others will offer suggestions as well.

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In the last two days she has started scratching repeatedly at the bars of her cage, constantly, it is becoming an obsession.


Do you have a video? That would be helpful. Scratching can be normal - especially if you mean on the floor of her cage. Also stop and watch what you are doing when she scratches. If you are taking her out of her cage and cuddling her - the scratching works to her benefit.


She's a baby and she will do her best to only eat what she wants. Limit her access to peanuts - treats only. .

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Greys will scratch at the bars and especially the floor of the cage wanting out, my grey will still do it from time to time and she is 6 years old. I think she needs more time out of her cage, my grey comes out when I get home from work and is out for 4 or more hours every evening and more on weekends when I am home, too much time spent in their cage is not good for them. They need and want human interaction if only to sit by you or be close to you when you are doing things even when you are sitting and watching tv.

Yes as said by others peanuts are only a treat, it cannot be their only food, provide a seed mix, pellets, fresh foods like vegetables, rice, grain, legumes and some protein, browse thru the bird food room for ideas and suggestions of what to offer, save the peanuts for training or rewards for good behavior.

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Thanks everyone.


I let her out of her cage for a long spell this morning and she has settled down quite a lot.


I have been in touch with the breeder and he says most babies do it but they grow out of it.

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