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New screen door;

Ray P

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About a month ago I bought one of those new as seen on TV screen doors with the magnets that auto close after you walk through. We bought this door because nobody would close the sliding screen door when they went out side.

The French doors were between our back deck and the family room and it did not take long for the dogs to find out that thay could go in and out on there own to go to the bathroom and this was great.

Our master bedroom is on a upper level and opens to a balcony that over looks the family room and off of the family room is a guest bath.

Well today the wife yelled up to me and said, Ray come here now. As I came to the balcony she pointed to the guest bathroom and there was one of our chickens standing on the toilet seat looking out the bathroom wondow.

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What a good chuckle you gave me today Ray. She has probably been coming and going at will while the old door was left open. Can you imagine how surprised she must have been when she finished checking out "her" house and discovered she couldn't get back out again. She was probably looking out the window trying to figure that new door out. The gig is up, now she will have to be more careful to get in and out without detection again.

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