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First step-up :)


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Two posts in two days! A record for me. Progress with Timber (rehomed TAG) seems to be snowballing right now though, thank God. The pic is of Timber napping (I woke him up trying to get a pic) on his new playstand. He's decided he likes it! After a few days I'll start adding some things to it. What I'm really posting about though is that he stepped up for the first time today! I needed to go in another room and I can't leave him out (I have four cats) so I told him he either had to go in or go with me. I offered my hand and he climbed on without lunging or getting my wrist in a death grip. We made a brief tour of the dining room and the bathroom without incident. He did go up to my shoulder and perch there. No nips, no grips, no squawks, nice trip. He stepped right back on his cage when we got to it without incident either and looked quite pleased with himself.


This probably doesn't seem like much to experienced bird owners or those with tamer birds, but for us it is major progress! :)


Timber vegging.jpg

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This probably doesn't seem like much to experienced bird owners or those with tamer birds, but for us it is major progress! :)[ATTACH]22782[/ATTACH]


Not at all! It's a major step towards building a relationship of trust with your bird. Good work....and congrats!!!

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Small steps is great, you are doing so well with Timber, you gave him a choice and he understands enough to know which he preferred, he has come a long way and there may be days when it seems you have taken a step back but don't let it get you down for you have accomplished a lot, way to go girl.

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This is great news! You are making great strides. Hooray for Timber, he is such a handsome sport. His play stand is really nice. Hooray for you too. It is hard to keep going back and trying new things when a "no" sometimes mean you lose a little blood. When these rehomed parrots finally accept you and cooperate, it is cause for a huge celebration.

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I have lots of room, but the problem is I can only be in one room! I've tried to keep him where I am as much as possible, which means he spends most of his time in the kitchen. We have a large house and the kids are gone now (my youngest is in college). That's the main reason I felt I had the time and attention to devote to a bird. I've thought about fixing up one room specifically for him, but I don't think he'd enjoy it if he was alone there a lot of the time.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think your parrot is happier with less stuff and more of your company!

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Well my boys havent moved out yet and I do think Marco is much more happy definately in the same room I am in. Ive often thought once my oldest moves out of taking his room and dedicating it to the "bird room" but I dont think Id like not having her out with me where I can just sit n watch her and her antics and talk to her. So in the only "living space" we have there is her huge cage, a tree stand on wheels and her boing hanging in the corner lol and it works for us... I think to make more space Im going to get rid of the coffee table just to open it up a bit more :D

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Sounds like a great set up to me! That's basically what I am doing. I just keep stuffing more stuff in the kitchen. I can roll his playstand into the living room when I'm there (not much) and out on the screened in front porch (which he hasn't really taken to yet). Any nonbird person would look at my kitchen and think I was a crazy woman ;)

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only my kids call me the crazy bird lady ... OHHHH how i wish I had a screened in front porch to take marco out on :( its on my wish list :D (someday :rolleyes:)

with the shed that needs built for hubby and other things on there that we need, my screened in front porch is at the bottom of that list! but thats ok, she has her harness and she'll sit outside on the chair with me and I bought a cage at an auction that Im "re-doing" for her so she can stay outside and be protected!

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It sounds like she likes being out there with you at any rate! I know what you mean about the porch not being the priority. I have a long wish list including an outdoor aviary of some sort, but I also know that probably isn't going to happen! Timber doesn't seem to be that comfortable on the porch (I thought he'd love it). He doesn't protest, but his body language tells me he isn't thrilled to be there either. I take him out for short stretches hoping he will come to enjoy it.


It sure has been a learning experience. What I've found is that he is just like my kids. All the stuff marketed for parrots is directed at the bird owners. I'm always ordering stuff I think he will "love" and he has no interest. Just like my kids enjoyed playing with the boxes more than the toys, Timber enjoys little things like paper towel rolls and junk mail. The $20 hanging toy wonder I purchased just hangs there unused... When will I learn? ;)

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Sondhi wants to be wherever I am - and Burt wants to be where Sondhi is. :)


I find, with my greys, that it can take them sometime to warm up to certain toys. After trial and error, I'm pretty good at eliminating things that will just end up as "art." When I get a new toy, I'll throw in some training. I use the toy as a target - one touch, click and treat (I only use the clicker in the initial stages of training). Touch a little longer, beak the toy, chew it, move close to it, etc. All get clicks and treats. In no time, they are investigating it all on their own.

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It sounds like she likes being out there with you at any rate! I know what you mean about the porch not being the priority. I have a long wish list including an outdoor aviary of some sort, but I also know that probably isn't going to happen! Timber doesn't seem to be that comfortable on the porch (I thought he'd love it). He doesn't protest, but his body language tells me he isn't thrilled to be there either. I take him out for short stretches hoping he will come to enjoy it.


It sure has been a learning experience. What I've found is that he is just like my kids. All the stuff marketed for parrots is directed at the bird owners. I'm always ordering stuff I think he will "love" and he has no interest. Just like my kids enjoyed playing with the boxes more than the toys, Timber enjoys little things like paper towel rolls and junk mail. The $20 hanging toy wonder I purchased just hangs there unused... When will I learn? ;)

that is so funny we have alot in common :D I too wanted a beautiful outdoor aviary and its just not high on the list or the enclosed front porch. Unfortunately the shed has moved ahead of everything else right now then the new ac installation (this fall) maybe next summer for my stuff eh? :rolleyes: its ok tho.

For the most part I do say that yes Marco likes it outside. I immediately started to take her outside when I first got her home. Sometimes she holds on with a death grip other times not so much. If we are sitting in the chair on the porch in the shade she seems VERY content as aposed to me walking round the yard holding her. The noises are an attraction for her of course. I havent had to worry about loud loud noises being I live in the country at the end of a dirt road so we are typically a quiet place but if my kids are home working on the mud truck or the neighbor is out on the 4wheeler I wouldnt keep her outside for fear she attempt to fly off in fear. :( so much to be cautious about and course shes always on her harness outside.

As far as the toys ... seems the cheaper/homemade jobbers are definately high entertainment as much as the $35 so we have been REALLLLLY crafty at home I must say :D

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Timbersmom... I am THRILLED that Timber learned to stepup.Its like any parent being proud their toddler used the potty for the first time!( certainly different events, but the proud feeling is the same!) Every experienced parent, knows how important this event is, so don't " cut yourself short", how proud you should feel. We are all proud of Timber. Nancy

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