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It wasn't me this time, but I didn't say no either!


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Hey Nancy! We told Gabby she shouldn't be on our shoulder, she agreed! Lol, i am just kidding, she took a flight tonight and thats where she landed! I thought it was cute! She is doing great with me, things are moving along at a good pace. Tonight she let me give her skritches without a puff up so baby steps for us both!


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Great, Bubba is on the mend now i have noticed something that could become an issue with Gabby. She has that bum leg, today however when i went to pick her up from her cage, i noticed her good leg looked funny. She was limp toed in the front tootsies. I had her step back up onto her door and restep up onto my hand and it seemed okay then. Gesh, really? Will my kiddos ever catch a break??? She seemed just fine after that, good enough in fact, to chew my antique victrola record cases ( that were originals ) into little bitty spit balls! Hubby had a little panic saying he couldn't find her, i laughed and looked over to my collection and said, well, thank heavens we were not counting on any money those could have brought in! My fault, she had already gotten one and i didn't move them. Having a busy bird like her is sooooo new to us! All the boys are quiet and just hang out and play with what they have, she is into everything! I actually love it and wish Bongo had half her energy. But that energy can be used one bird at a time!

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Ohhhh put away those antiques! Anything important to me is behind a glass, or put away. I don't even have curtains or blinds on lower level anymore. Gabby seems to compensate quite well with any of her physical handicaps. Now you need to learn them, which you are doing.You guys are a perfect match! Gabby and you and hubby are all going to thrive. Nancy

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We really are trying. Lol A friend was over yesterday and brought Budweiser beer in a can shaped like a bottle. Gabby was not leaving this guy alone. She knew what she wanted and wasn't going to give up, so I took his empty can and rinsed it out really good and gave it to her in hopes she would leave his alone, it worked, she just wanted the can. Too bad the noise level from her smacking it against the table caused us to have to change rooms! This poor guy wants to be friends with our birds so bad and really, they see him as a chicken bone! He is afraid of them and they know it. We did put Bongo on his arm and let him put him back on his stand, to build some trust no matter how small. It worked, he was able to pick him up after that on his own. I would only trust Bongo with him as Bongo is way more relaxed and laid back. His bites, few as they are are just pressure bites, he isn't out for blood as the others are. He gives your hand a push if he doesn't want to do something and we will leave him alone and not force anything, he usually will give his contact call as we are turning away and then he is ready. It is like he is testing us, i assume we pass!

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Oh boy, i almost started a warning thread in the training section. We bought two books dealing with behavior, one for him and one for me and then we would switch. As of yesterday, when we are working with our kids we are both saying to each other, "my book says....". Yikes, next time, one book! We got it mostly for Bubba and his biting but learned basic boo boos we have been making, both books agree with the boo boos but both books teach diff ways to deal with it! I am correcting him and vise versa, lol. I want to go back to being dumb about it!

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Finished or not, sounds like it might be a good time to switch books & try to get on the same page, so to speak. Might also help if you two kick around what you're reading while you're reading it, rather than in the heat of the moment.


I know you know this, but it doesn't mean anything just because you read it in a book. It all amounts to theory & suggestions that give you more choices. The only right solution is the one that works right now. Ten minutes from now, who knows. Also, what's right for one of you might not be for the other.


Just don't let the fids hear you fighting! lol You may have been kidding. But I think it sounds like a fine idea to start a Co-Parronting thread. A discussion like that could be more helpful for people than you might imagine.


So far you've operated on great instincts (very far from being dumb!). Now you're both getting a different perspective which is great :rolleyes:...and if you keep thinking that, you might even believe it . It's just when someone makes you conscious of what you're doing instinctively, it tends to make you a little nuts (like, "Do you exhale when you...?"). It shouldn't be too long before you get back into your comfort zone again though. And just think of how many less bandages you'll need once you get there!

Edited by birdhouse
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A new Grey hat!

Hey Nancy! We told Gabby she shouldn't be on our shoulder, she agreed! Lol, i am just kidding, she took a flight tonight and thats where she landed! I thought it was cute! She is doing great with me, things are moving along at a good pace. Tonight she let me give her skritches without a puff up so baby steps for us both!
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Yeah, the plan is to switch books. He is reading "the Parrot Problem Solver" and i am on the "Clicker Training for birds". Well i am done with mine but want to soak it in and read the other before we start any training. Yesterday our debate was when he said he took the birds out of the cage and just put his arm out and if they stepped up he gave a reward, hence Bongo stayed in his room and came out after i got home. I asked why he rewarded them for stepping up, which they do just fine? His reply was his book said to do that. My come back was well my book did too IF they are just learning it. We did agree, no training until we have finished both books and sit down in agreement to plan our direction. It is very eye opening how easy it is to confuse and scare them though. We are both very easy going so we lucked out not screwing them up so far! We let them be who they are, express theirselves and be happy. A few less finger bites would just be swell though!! Lol

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Many parents treat with rewards. I never knew better, probably would agree with this, but I had no experience. I worked with " stepup, step down", by making their experience amazing! After first stepup, they couldn't resist! " I'm gonna try that again!" My birds learned thru competition and games, they wanted to be with us. We are very Irish,, birds were always involved with family events. Sophie always has a foot up... who's taking me... where are we going! I feel bad sometimes....she always has her foot up and ready... what are we doing today? Nancy

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Lol, they are in it for theirselves! Gabby was a hoot yesterday. She kept flying to a counter that we try to keep her off of. She took everything, one at a time, and tried to take it to her "nest". From a spoon to the top of the sugar bowl and fortune cookies. We tried out the training of not paying attention to what she was taking and get her interested in an acceptable toy and praise and reward her for choosing the toy. She is a smartie pants cuz she kept going back and taking stuff and then looking at us for the "come on guys, time to trade toys" game. Guess we need to practice this more and reread that chapter, we seem to be doing something wrong! Lol

I have noticed that these parrot behaviour books should be titled people behaviour when living with a parrot instead. It is our actions that they feed off of!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I knew Gabby was smart but i didn't know she was an inventor! Please note this can is empty but no cans, full or not, are safe around her. I am sure that her biggest joy is shoving things off of tables to watch them spill! In this picture, she made herself the handle so we wouldn't have to hold a cold can.



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Had to google for translation, even more confused.. Whether harmful creams bad for shrimp for the stomach, liver? if not often used ...


Gabby gave me real kisses yesterday! I think she may be accepting me a little more now. Still limited on the touch but a kiss is a breakthrough with her and me!

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