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It wasn't me this time, but I didn't say no either!


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Lol, loved the video (s). Watched some others too, the spoon cracked me up! I stupidly gave the boys wooden spoons once to help out with, took the big boys about 5 minutes to make me a new box of toothpicks! Tonight Gabby got in the sink and tried to help put a glass into the dishwasher. I just wish who every taught her that had told her the glass does not go through the sink to get to the dishwasher. She was bashing it up and down on the drain, and they call me a dork!

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So much for house rules, i really need to stop bragging on her. Try as we may we can not keep her off the floor. With all the dogs, the floor is off limit! I really thought with all her talking, she would rub off on Bongo, but no. Last night when he would whistle, she would whistle right back! Darn it, i know he can talk. Everyone said that he would again but it has been 8 months now, i don't think he will!

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Timber is always trying to get on the floor, and with four cats mine is off limits too. It's so frustrating because I can't leave his cage open while I even go in the bathroom because he makes straight for the floor as soon as my back is turned! Not sure what the fascination is, but that's his choice. The cats really don't show that much interest in him (he is more interested in them), but I'm not willing to take any chances. All I can figure is, he is a ground forager by nature and thinks there might be food there? He likes to throw his food out of the bowl then go down to the floor of the cage and eat it. Foraging toys on the floor of his cage are his favorites as well.


I wouldn't give up on the talking yet! He may take off one day and never stop...

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For ours, she likes the dog food bowls. The sound of ceramic hitting tile is a joy to her! All the dogs but one make a wide walk around her. The one though just wants to play with her. The dogs name is Abby, and Gabby is always telling her hello which gets her excited. I don't really think there would be any trouble but i am not going to take that chance either! One more vet bill and i would be in big big trouble! Lol

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That used to be one of Phenix' favorite pastimes. I think he got as much of a kick from using the big bowls as from lording it over the the dogs. But it was funny & they all seemed fine w/it. So I let it go on for about a year.


Xmas morning (because that's just how these things have to happen!) Phenix looked as though he was projectile vomiting. There is no other way to describe it. Tuft's Vet Hosp, 3 hrs away, was the only place w/emergency exotic care & to be honest, I'm very grateful it worked out that way. A local vet wouldn't have had the resources to save him. As it was, it took 3 horrible days to isolate the causes & another week before he came home to recover in a fish tank for a month.


But he had to get all the way back to his normal routine before we finally figured out the actual source of this little drama. It had never, ever occurred to me how many germs were in a dog's dish, let alone the water bowl. And I certainly had no clue what so ever what went into most dog foods until that point. I'd even had a recipe for peanut butter dog food cookies that Phenix absolutely adored.




Phenix was not happy that when the cookies stopped & he was strictly forbidden to get near the dog's bowls ever again. No complaints from the dogs, though. They really liked the change in diet a lot, too.

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That used to be one of Phenix' favorite pastimes. I think he got as much of a kick from using the big bowls as from lording it over the the dogs. But it was funny & they all seemed fine w/it. So I let it go on for about a year.


Xmas morning (because that's just how these things have to happen!) Phenix looked as though he was projectile vomiting. There is no other way to describe it. Tuft's Vet Hosp, 3 hrs away, was the only place w/emergency exotic care & to be honest, I'm very grateful it worked out that way. A local vet wouldn't have had the resources to save him. As it was, it took 3 horrible days to isolate the causes & another week before he came home to recover in a fish tank for a month.


But he had to get all the way back to his normal routine before we finally figured out the actual source of this little drama. It had never, ever occurred to me how many germs were in a dog's dish, let alone the water bowl. And I certainly had no clue what so ever what went into most dog foods until that point. I'd even had a recipe for peanut butter dog food cookies that Phenix absolutely adored.




Phenix was not happy that when the cookies stopped & he was strictly forbidden to get near the dog's bowls ever again. No complaints from the dogs, though. They really liked the change in diet a lot, too.

Val, thank you so much for this post! This serves as a timely reminder of what we should and shouldn't feed our fids...All God's Creatures are NOT created equal when it comes to diets...Maggie

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Luckely Gabby wants the bowls, nothing inside them. It is the noise she is after, but i will really watch out for left overs now!

Bongo, i was told, is 5. We have had him since end of Jan so i would say almost six now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, Gabby opened up tonight, musta really liked her dinner. She was talking full sentences, having a complete one sided phone conversation, shouting out names we didn't know and doing an evil laugh for the upcoming holiday, saying i love you. Too bad hubby and i were on our hands and knees hiding in the hallway outside her room so #1, we were sure it was her and not Bubba cuz we heard his laugh also and #2, we didn't want her stopping. While starting dinner tonight she flew onto the door of the fridge while i had it open, i asked her what she was doing and she promptly pooped down the front of it. Okay so we get the good with the bad!! Worth it!

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Atleast she has stopped attacking me now. She even gives me kisses and lets me pet her, i just have to be careful i don't confuse my pettings. Lol Gabby is pet only, do not even try to ruffle her feathers, Bongo on the other hand likes his feathers moved in the other direction, if i try going with the feathers he gets grumpy. Thank goodness Oliver is bald, i don't have to worry or even think about how to pet him, i just have to do it! Bubba has taken a step backwards and we are working on getting to pet any part of him again.

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LOL! Gabby is sure coming right along. Don't you wish they would do all that talking when you are in the room? I have to hide around the corner before Timber will say words (most of the time). It is annoying because I can't make some of it out, and I think I could tell what he was saying if I was closer! The cam isn't working great for that either, because there is too much background noise. Kudos on the progress :)

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Bubba and Gabby only see each other from afar. Bubba has been ill so he has been having weekly visits and has had two mini surgeries by the vet in the last few months. He is just mad at me but getting better.

Yes, i wish they would talk in front of us! My knees hurt crawling around on the tile trying to hear by who and what is being said!


I just re-read your post, Bongo is my other grey, Bubba is one of my macaws. Bongo is so laid back, he could care less who comes into our house as long as they leave him alone and he gets his stuff before they do. He's a weee bit spoiled.

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Only Gabby is allowed on our shoulder, her decision to be there, not ours. Lol. And she only gets on mine when i am in the kitchen putting their bowls together. Her and Pat totally have the trust thing down. It is really very funny to see them when he tries to get her off his shoulder to walk out side. She throws herself backwards everytime, to that spot that is unreachable. To see her hanging upside down on her back on his back with him trying everything to get her until he finally stretches his shirt to get her within reach. I shouldn't laugh, but i do and hope she keeps on doing it, cuz it gets Pat laughing too and then Bongo then Bubba.

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Only you guys, can decide if your bird should be on your shoulder. Any bird that bites your lip or ear, needs to go to wrist. If Gabby is NOT biting your face, she should be allowed shoulder status. If she DOES bite your face.... down to wrist, whether she likes it or not!I never gave any of my birds shoulder status, until they earned it. When crawling down my back, kids grabbed my bird... down to wrist. They got shoooed down, over and over. I'm pretty liberal about most things.... but NOT shoulder status. It is a very important stage of development for me. You don't go there, until you have earned that right. That includes.... NEVER bite a person's face. Just me! Not right or wrong. Nancy

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murfchck Gabby is amazing! She is 20 years old...but settling in quite nicely! What I LOVE about your stories, is showing her personality. She likes herself VERY much! A very secure bird, is a GREAT start. She loves herself, and is demonstrating she likes her new family. About to enter the " love" stage. Keep in mind, giving her rules... is not a bad thing. I anticipate, a great interaction between you all. Just don't let her get away with " murder", worrying about being rehomed! She's a very smart little girl! I am NOT seeing any " baggage" on her part. She seems quite healthy and will manipulate you...LOL! Nancy

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Lol, yes she is a smartie pants! Regaurding the bites she has given me, she has not even been on my arm when it happens. The lip bite, Pat was holding her, the arm bite was when we first got her and didn't know the extent of the "fondness" she has for cell phones! Her getting my earring was my fault as i am not use to have a bird on my shoulder. She didn't even pull at it, i just didn't want it to become a game to her. She also gets the shoulder status with her leg being the way it is, she has no grip on the wrist, maybe in the winter when we wear long sleeves for her to grab onto but until then, she is good on the shoulder. I found a teething mobile telephone today at Walgreens for her. It is wrapped in that rubber stuff for teething babies and has one button that makes noises but looks like a phone, she loves loves loves it and so do i since i don't have to worry about her pulling little plastic buttons off now! I got to give her head a tickle tonight, yeah! Here Pat can flip her around and over like a rag doll and she runs back to him saying do it again, and i get excited when she lets me just touch her! Even when she flies to me, i don't get to touch! She does step up for me, but big whip i wanna give her skritches darn it! Lol

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