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It wasn't me this time, but I didn't say no either!


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If it helps, I've always pick birds up more towards the underside of my wrist/palm of my thumb. It seems to be easier perching, especially for the bigger birds. When I make a loose fist, less vulnerable things are available to grab. What there is tends to be a little easier to get out of harm's way, too.


Also, I'm usually careful about giving my guys things like glued boxes & random metal objects. A while ago, manufacturers started using glue that has zinc in it. I started to see it on other forums when it meant parronts lost their fav cheap toys: empty TP & paper towel tubes. :( I try to remove glued seams or stick to corrugated boxes that need to be folded together because I don't know what's in tape adhesive, either.


Lot's of common metal objects (keys etc) are unidentified metal alloy w/zinc plate. They're likely to have a clear coat of epoxy to keep cheaper alloys from tarnishing or rusting. Also (possibly lead based) paints which might never stop giving off enough VOCs to be safe for fids.


They don't get coins to play w/either. Besides the fact that they "eat" thru enough money as it is, I thought all US coins had at least a percentage of copper. But I could be wrong about that.

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Yeah, right now i am a tad gun shy of all beaks and my face was between them. After the macaw got me and i put him in time out, i forced myself to get him back out myself despite the pain and fear. ( he had his foot up to be picked up, once he was on my arm he clamped down on the back of my hand and tried to remove the skin and vein and wouldn't let go ) Oh and i also hate having my picture taken, lol


Well, I think you and your aviary looks great! My little monkey loves to get in my hair and bite my ears. I do my best to avoid him when he lands in my hair, but unfortunately for me....it's now a wonderful game for him. I go brain dead when someone aims a camera at me. I feel ya!

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I've noticed lately that Timber is looking longingly at my earrings and my necklace and wonder how long it will be before he gets brave enough to go for it! I avoid cameras like the plague which is why none of mine are here. If I ever have a pic of Timber with me I promise to post it though.

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Say bye bye to those earrings! LOL! I LOVE small earrings. Diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. ( small guys... I'm not rich!) Sophie loves gemstones as well. She could remove them from my ears so quick, I never had a chance! ( she didn't hurt me either!) Needless to say... I broke our gemstone addiction for both of us. I don't wear earrings anymore, unless I go out. Nancy

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Knocking on wood as i write this, my fids have never touched my earrings BUT none of mine are ( were ) allowed on my shoulder, until Gabby that is... Old habits are hard to break.

Bubba gets on my hand where i can cover his little tootsies with my thumb, this is a must for him as he likes to flip himself upside down while you walk with him! How he got the back of my hand is still a mystery. Gabby is the same way. Oliver and Bongo both hate hands and will only step up to your forearm. Heaven forbid you forget and try to get them to step up the wrong way! Lol

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It may come to that Nancy, I'm going to wait and see! I usually wear dangly (but not expensive) earrings, so if he destroyed one before I could get up back no loss. He has only gone to my shoulder once, and that was the first time we managed a step up.


Funny about the fingers. Timber doesn't seem to dislike hands, but much prefers stepping up on my forearm. If he steps on my finger he immediately shifts up to my arm. I would think a bird Timber's size would be more comfortable on my fingers, but I'd think one Bubba's size would want the arm! Guess that's just another case of personalities :)

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murfchck.. I LOVE Gabby!I love her independence, and her confidence in herself. Those are two factors that are very important. She is full of " spice", and will challenge you. I would suggest enforcing " wrist" status only for her, make sure you are always taller than her cage, when cleaning.When " cooking", even though she has landed on your shoulder, the answer is " NO!" A dangerous situation, return to cage and close it. Safety, is the number one thing we can provide our birds.

I know many , believe we are a flock. I also believe that, but I also believe there is a flock leader. I am our flock leader. I don't believe we are equal, I believe I lead, and my birds respect that. I am fair, listen to my birds input, and make decisions. We have a trusting relationship.

This works for us, may not work for other families. Nancy

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I can't enforce wrist because with her bum leg she isn't steady to walk with, you need to hold on to her hanging toes so she has balance. She gets to prep dinner with me but is put in her home now when actual cooking gets started. She is very entertaining to say the least and oh does she think she is a bigger bird than she really is. I have chihuahuas that think they are dobermins and greys that think they are hawks and macaws who think they are babies! I need to start flashcards with them to try and teach them what they really are!

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LOL Isn't that the truth! Timber is constantly striving to get down to the floor where my 4 cats reside. Now, my cats are large (for cats) with the biggest going 18 pounds. Here is Timber, a small TAG, trying to get down there so he can vanquish the cats from his domain. He puffs up and spreads his wings like he is a bald eagle and seems puzzled that they don't flee in fear. They just look at him with curiosity.

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Funny! :) While I'd never leave them together unsupervised, I've been surprised at the lack of problems with the cats and Timber. They are interested in what the other is doing (both species are nosy by nature) but don't seem interested in taking it any farther than that. I'd say Timber is much more aggressive toward them. He hangs from the bottom of his door and tempts them to poke their noses toward him and will slide down the side of his cage if they are passing like he is trying to take a nibble.

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The birds took over tonight, we had to run outside laughing and just had to sit and compose ourselves. Birds flying and wandering all over the house. Poor Oliver was the only one unable to get off his stand and cause havoc! The others were on the wrong stands, on the floor chasing dogs! Man what a night, and to think Bubba had surgery today, one could never tell that by the way he acted!

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A little more organized tonight. We had Oliver on the couch since Gabby was busy playing this cool new game with Pat which consisted of her throwing a metal bowl on the floor, him picking it back up, her throwing it down, him picking it up, down, up down, up, well you get the picture. Oliver decided it was his turn to run amuck. Found him across the room on Gabbys stand eating her food! This morning Gabby was in Bongos cage so fair is fair! She didn't care about Oliver on her stand but Bongo was upset about her in his. She was at his food bowl, he was across the cáge as far as he could get!

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Everytime i leave the room, i know when i come back in i will be playing a game with Gabby. The game is, " Wheres Waldo?" except here it is " Wheres Gabby?" I swear she plans where she is going to hide from me. I had been telling my husband about this but until yesterday i don't think he really understood. When he had to help me look for her one time and we found her up in the curtains, he finally got it!! I know i should be pro active, in my kitchen over the cabinets i have antique glass and plates, knick nacks, all very meaningful for me. I know she will find her way up there one day soon and probably break something before i do anything about it, please just remind me when it happens i had my chance and it isn't her fault!! Lol It isn't lazy as much as i have no where to hide stuff anymore! She is not allowed in our bedroom, and when we were in bed last night i looked around and it is cram packed with stuff i can't leave out! Old rocking chairs, victrola, coo coo clocks. Oh my, why couldn't my hobby be collecting rocks, not wooden antiques?

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Either extend the vent and attach it to the plexiglass or make an L shape on each side creating a tunnel of sorts. You could also use screening to block things off but I think, if done right, the plexiglass would make it look like built in display cabinets.

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He said no to the blocking off of the upper area. I am going to put some of his stuff up there and see if he changes his mind then. Lol

Gabby is actually learning our house rules now that she is settling in some, except for the garbage can! She enjoys getting in it and throwing everything out of it. I am going to try just putting her veggies directly into it and see if she eats them that way! Lol

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I just love reading about your happy flock! Sounds like bedlam sometimes, but always entertaining. :)


I have a gap on top of my kitchen cabinets. It looks great but.....and I mentioned this to the contractor at the time (who gave me a "Lady, are you crazy???" look)....the toucans think it's a GREAT place to hide. I actually have a step stool there so I can get them down at night. Silly kids!

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