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It wasn't me this time, but I didn't say no either!


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Meet Gabby! She is 20 years old and wonderful considering all she has been through lately.

While on our way to pick up a frame for our 2nd aviary ( Bongo is scared of the macaws, who could blame him? ) my wonderful husband handed me his phone and asked me call this person for him. I didn't know why or for what, but i did. It was about Gabby, Pat made arrangements for us to go get her. When we got there i understood why he was so set on bringing her home. She has a leg that was broken as a baby and is deformed, she still gets around with no issues. Her first owners had her for 15 yrs and then ( so we were told ) put her in a box and left her on a doorstep of a friend ( 2nd owner ) , they then after 5 years sold her to the ones we got her from. She has been with them for 8 months. Her cage is for a love bird or maybe a cockatiel. Its sad. She gave me her food, i saw a price tag on it and had to ask where she found that so cheap, she told me it was the food that she got from the other owner... Really 8 months ago??? Then the seed, she said she had no idea which seed brand it was as the lady filled up a freezer bag of it for her, she gave her a tablespoon of seed each morning. After 8 months still had a quarter of the bag left! They also said that she had just started letting them touch her, i went in, held her and got kisses right in front of them. When we pulled in our drive way and stopped the car, she looked around and said hello! Once inside and the meet and greet was over, Bongo let her share his food. Big mistake (lol)! She ate almost none stop for over an hour, then went to the water bowl ( she only had the bottle water type in her cage, not a bowl ) and tried to take a bath. I had asked the lady about Gabby's bathing and she said she sprayed her once.

After all that...... Here she is! Oh, she has been to the vet, all bllodwork good and she is fully flighted.






Edited by murfchck
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Well hello Gabby, bet she feels like she has died and gone to heaven, she has a bigger cage, lots of food and Bongo even sharing what he has, she is one lucky fid to have found you and your husband is a saint, he sounds like a keeper.

She looks great and that leg doesn't hinder her at all in climbing and playing, you both are truly blessed to have one another.

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I found her a forever house (cage) today! I swear to you all, she smiled when we showed her her new home and set her on it! No adjustment needed for this girl. This morning she scared me so bad i didn't know what to do! I was opening the blinds in their room and she said hello in a deep creepy mans voice and i was in the dark hoping not to wet myself! It wasn't until the room lit up that she did it again and i knew it was her. She has 100%, no doubt bonded with my hubby. He played with her tonight for hours at her insistance. I use to wonder how to play with Bongo, watching Gabby i now have no question. She even loves being on her back either getting belly rubs or being used as a duster. She was on Pats shoulder and he thought she had started to slip, turns out she just laid down. She is talking and whistling too. Today was just her first day with us! We have been blessed with how all these guys get along. We have agreed not to push our luck, our limit has been reached. Here are a few more photos. One in her old home so you can see how small and a picture of her new home! Then one of her on her back!




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When you talked about the cage she came with I pictured a tiny thing like you see at Wal-mart. With her age and not knowing how long she had that cage I would say that someone did care and tried to do right. Largish, sturdy cages were hard to come by and usually only found in specialty shops. If her old cage is in good shape structurally you might want to consider donating it to the woman that had all the Too's. If she can't use it she might know of an organization that can. The new cage is certainly a palace. I hope she likes it.

Edited by Wingy
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It is a good cage, the picture is deceiving though. It has height but she could reach from one side to the other and couldn't open one wing without it hitting the side. With her leg, she has her wings out often for balance. Her new cage has a top door that folds down so she has a resting spot when she needs to lay/squat down. For a 20yr old, this girl has more energy than any one.

The breeder didn't need another cage, lol, i asked. A friend of mine with a quaker did so she came and got it last night.

She gets her bum leg talons stuck alot when she climbs, Pat had to help her out yesterday in the aviary. It got us thinking about the flagstone perches, Bird on the Rocks. Anyone ever use them? We have a stand for her for the daytime but she would rather be on a flat surface, not sure what to do there. Each time i set her on the stand, she would fly to the kitchen table.

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I got her a boing and uncoiled it, that way it reached from side to side, then put another one in for her to play with and get to the top. Along with wood perches and the sand perch and a rope one. Still looking into the flagstone perch. As for a stand, hubby is going to make one out of the grapevine (reptile habitat) and attach it to a bottom tray off center so she can choose if she wants to perch. All the tabletop ones are centered so they wouldn't really work for her.

She is a handful and i found out to not use a cell phone around her. She wants it and will bite thru your arm to get it. She had about a 30 minute chat session with herself yesterday too. I heard, hello, hello Gabby, Gabs, hello Gabs, peek a boo and my fav, gaaaaa-beeeeee. She said way more but she is so soft spoken i couldn't make it out.

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Takes over is the truth! I really got to get use to a flighted fid. I was enjoying cheese puffs while picking up around the house, made the booboo of leaving the bag on the table so Gabby took full advantage of it and went right in the bag muching out. I replaced the puffs bag with a bag of broccoli, heehee, she pulled it all out nibbling along the way while she searched for the cheese puffs inside! She managed to push my tile coasters off the table breaking one, chewed the wood on my coffee table and i couldn't find the remote! She is a little stinker!! (i found the remote, doh, i had put it in my pocket after i got it away from her)

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Cool front moved in, only going to get to 98 today so we are starting the grey's aviary! Gabby is adjusting very well to her new home here, me, i'm still trying to bird proof for a flying bird. Every day she points out something new i missed! I am now decorating my home with things that have lids! She hates perches so flat surfaces are in trouble! Her manly hellos don't scare me in the mornings anymore, just throw me off guard every now and then. She talks a lot but so softly i can't catch what she is saying all the time! Oh and loves baths, yeah, now i just have 3 to fight that with and not 4! Lol

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Why not rig up a mister hose above a section of the outdoor aviary. In the wild nature gives our feathered friends rain storms to get them wet whether they like it or not. So make it rain, just don't let them see you turn on the hose.

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