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Leg Band.. should I remove?


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I know this may sound silly, but I had no idea the bands could be comfortably removed. My Grey doesn't have a band, but my Eclectus does. Does anyone happen to know about how much it costs for the band to be removed?

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I was just talking to my husband about this. We are rehoming a 25yr old CAG and will be picking him up next week. He has a band and we were at a bird store yesterday and while we were there a Macaw got his band caught on a toy. He was pretty freaked out. So I think I will have it removed.


Congrats on the new addition :) How exciting!!!

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I know this may sound silly, but I had no idea the bands could be comfortably removed. My Grey doesn't have a band, but my Eclectus does. Does anyone happen to know about how much it costs for the band to be removed?


Depends on who does it. When calling around for a place to have my GCC's removed I was shocked, one vet wanted $50, I suppose the cost of an office visit. My friend was calling places too and found one that did it for free. Great! I thought she meant a vet..no she pulls up at this little mom and pop pet store..I was freaking inside. "hope they know what they are doing, hope he doesn't pick up anything here". I think they had a good grasp on what they were doing and she returned the band and told me I needed to keep it so that reassured me a little bit.

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Such a good question. When Java was new to us, her vet suggested taking the band off on her first visit. I was kind of taken aback. I thought it was a "rule" that they had to have them. Taking it off felt like I was going to get into trouble. Her vet assured me I wouldn't get arrested or anything and the band was giving Java some irritation. It felt a little like writing in a book, I know some people do it but man did it make me look over my shoulder when I was in college and highlighted my first book. It still doesn't seem right to me. LOL. I kept the band, but it makes me wonder why they still band parrots in the US. There doesn't seem to be a registry so it must just be a way of identifying them to the breeder for feeding, weight checks and general record keeping. If you think about it, banding them may help you identify them if they were lost and found, but since there is no registry it would be coincidental if they were taken to your vet who might have recorded your band number. I haven't even thought about that band again for years and now you have me wondering if Gilbert has one. I don't think so, but I am not going to turn on the light and wake him up to check.

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The state I am in requires Jake be banded and the band must include the breeder state, breeder mark and an identification number. It can be removed, for medical reasons, by a vet. The vet must report to the state that the band was removed and why. If Jake ever leaves my home he must again be banded and again it must be reported to the state. (I have included provisions for Jake in my will and have noted this as a requirement.) Since the closed band doesn't bother him and isn't causing any discomfort I am choosing to leave it on. I prefer that he keep this closed band instead of possibly needing an open band some time in the future.

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The state I am in requires Jake be banded and the band must include the breeder state, breeder mark and an identification number. It can be removed, for medical reasons, by a vet. The vet must report to the state that the band was removed and why. If Jake ever leaves my home he must again be banded and again it must be reported to the state. (I have included provisions for Jake in my will and have noted this as a requirement.) Since the closed band doesn't bother him and isn't causing any discomfort I am choosing to leave it on. I prefer that he keep this closed band instead of possibly needing an open band some time in the future.


That really sucks!! My vet says they can easily get caught on things, so thats why I am choosing to have it removed. I wasn't aware that any states require you to keep them :(

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