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Baby coming home Friday! Ahhh!! Help!


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Hey guys! So I have been posting periodically about my baby CAG who is currently still with my breeder. He/She (Get the DNA sex results this week) is about 4 and a half months old. She was waiting for it to be fully weaned and fledged to let it come home and I finally got the go ahead to get it this upcoming Friday, the 10th. I am excited but, HOLY CRAP am I nervous!!! I had no idea I would feel this way but I feel like a first time parent bringing their baby home from the hospital. I have done a ton of research but still feel like I don't know a single thing!! I will be picking it up from the breeders around 7pm on Friday evening. Any suggestions for how I should proceed with everything that evening once home, and for the remainder of the weekend? Thanks in advance for your help :)



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Brittany...I completely understand you anxiety! I have been preparing for a baby for almost a year and met Lola the week she hatched, yet I still had that "freak out" moment 3 months later when I was told she could come home. She has been home for almost a week and things are going great. Trust yourself and just take things slow. Remember that teaching independence is an important life lesson. Good luck!

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I remember that excitement of bringing a new baby grey home and trust me you will do fine, you have been reading and researching but everything will fall into place when that day comes.

Just bring him/her home and put directly into the big cage and let him/her settle in, you can leave the door closed or open, just take your cue from the baby, he/she will probably check things out and stay inside or maybe venture out. If you want to use a separate sleep cage then that is fine, you will need the travel cage for vet visits or just to venture outside.

Take it slow and easy when he/she comes home and begin the rest of your lives together.

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Great photo. I'm excited for you. Just enjoy the moment and journey ahead. Let your baby lead the way. Let him/ her get used to things. Talk and be close but let your baby settle in. Try to take that pesky word "perfect" out of your mind if you can. It isn't attainable. Just do your best with as much love as you can muster. That will serve you welll.

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wow I remember that feeling. so excited for you. yes put your new one in its cage and let her settle. I just sat and read bird talk magazines and just kept mine company lol for the first day. stressful for them for the first day.

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BRITTANY... you ARE bringing a new baby home for the first time! LOL! Just not human.You are ready. I can feel it. Open the travel cage in front of new cage, let baby take his time coming out.Follow your instinct. We are all hear whenever you need us. Nancy


Point well made :) I don't have the sexing results back yet so my sister and I were going through names saying "Well if it's a boy you could name it this, if it's a girl Ilike this.." and she made the comment "I feel like we are naming your child". I told we ARE because A) I treat my animals as children pretty much and B) I will have this bird after my children are grown and gone (and I don't even have any yet) haha!!

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Brittany... Your sister is right. This is your first baby. Take time naming your little guy, and be proud of all new developments. We will be honored to be part of his/her development. We look forward to all pictures of progress.We are always here for any questions or concerns. We have different advice, but we all want what is best for your baby Nancy and Sophie

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Point well made :) I don't have the sexing results back yet so my sister and I were going through names saying "Well if it's a boy you could name it this, if it's a girl Ilike this.." and she made the comment "I feel like we are naming your child". I told we ARE because A) I treat my animals as children pretty much and B) I will have this bird after my children are grown and gone (and I don't even have any yet) haha!!


We've been picking a name as well and I made a very similar point to a co-worker when recounting the epic battle over which name to pick, between my girlfriend and I. I pointed out that this isn't just another pet name that you'll recall 20 years later on a list of other shorter lived pets. My girlfriend and I plan to have 1 bird each for the foreseeable future instead of many. So in many ways it's our one and only companion for the rest of our life hopefully. So point is, picking that name is is a big deal.

Edited by FirstPenguin
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Thanks everyone for the advice! I know I am just being overly worried!!! I just want to do everything perfect! Here is a pic of my baby making friends with another one of the breeders birds :)[ATTACH]22774[/ATTACH]


OMG, that picture is so adorable! What a sweet baby :)

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I totally remember this feeling when I first brought my coco who is a CAG first home when he was only 6 months old. It's a every special and exciting feeling to bring a parrot into your life. Just remember to make sure that you do not rub off your excitement and anxiety on your baby because you might stress him out. He needs t first get used to his surroundings. And then take things into moderations. Hope everything goes well! Very exciting!

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Picking the name, is VERY important! Can we help? What's the choices? Nancy


Well, we (the breeder and I) both thought it was a going to be a girl and I was set on Talula (I have always wanted a bird named Talula) BUT I got an email this morning that we have a BOY!! And I haven't chosen a boy name yet. We have been jokingly referring to him as "Chicken Wing" just because I didn't like saying "It" and our breeder said go with that.. Zazu (The bird from Lion King) was a possibility. Ahhh I just don't know!

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Boyfriend already veto-ed Harley :/


Funny you mention "vetoed." My girlfriend and I have a veto system, whoever's bird it is going to be gets to pick but the other get's to veto it if they don't like it. I'm at a disadvantage since she has a million rules that I didn't hinder her with, like, it can't rhyme with or be to close to our current birds name.

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Haha.. thats funny :) This is pretty much my bird (bf isn't really one way or the other on owning one but knows I have always wanted one) so I really get to choose the name, but I am taking his input into consideration. I don't want to name it something he doesn't like. (Which seems to be everything I like! Grrrr...)

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