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we had our grey for just over a week, thing been going great, he has been asking for head scratches....ect most of the day the cage is open and he come and goes freely...


earlyer i came in from nipping to asda for some veggies for him, i opened the cage up and went to fill his water bowl....he was making his way over to the open door as normal....then i heard his scream and flapping so i rushed in to the living room, and he had managed to shut his foot/ankle in the cage door,rushed in and freed his foot picked him up and placed him on cage floor to sort himself out......and he keeps lifting the leg up and gently biting at it....he has scratched and took a peanut from me with the leg so i dont think he has broken it..... but now he wont let me scratch his head and backs away from my hand.....so i think he has maybe bruised it......but will probably hate me forever now


any advice would be great

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Oh my, the poor thing....he is probably in a bit of pain and soreness for now. That can make any bird grouchy. I would watch him carefully for the next few days to make sure nothing is broken. If he is able to use it and stand on it for a bit, then he probably is ok, but he will be sore for a few days and favor it for sure. My amazon and grey both got their foot shut in our house door, and they were grouchy, wanted no one to touch them, so I allowed them their time and when they wanted to be with us or on our shoulder, we allowed them to decide when and for how long. It can take to a week for the soreness to completely go away. But certainly if you suspect anything serious, please ake gim to the vet asap. Once he is feeling better, he will allow you to touch him again, they are very forgiving...

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Ouch, yes that must have hurt and it will be sore for a few days, be sure to keep an eye on it for a while to make sure nothing further develops but he should be fine. No wonder he doesn't want to be touched right now, just like us sometimes when we hurt we don't want anyone fooling with us and you may think he no longer likes you but he will be back to his old self when the soreness goes away. Thats why I love the upper door of my grey's cage, it opens down so no chance the door will swing back and catch a leg, the main door stays shut.

Not to worry he does not hate you, he just doesn't feel like getting scratches right now but soon he will, I promise.

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My CAG did the same thiing the first week I had her. She was a bit standoffish for a while--but she loves me to death now. It will take much more than that to damage your relationship in a serious way. Relax and be patient. All will be back to normal soon. I have heard that if a grey hurts itself it is wise for us to go to them slowly and not run over because they can associate it with a predator chasing them when they are vulnerable. Whenever Gracie has a crash landing I just walk slolwy to wiithin 3 to 5 feet of her and let her waddle over to me for help.

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If he is not using it properly do have the Vet ck it he may need a little extra help. Hard to know if the bone is damaged from the outside, watch for any swelling or any further biting of the area. Vet may offer something to reduce inflammation and pain.

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Aww, poor little fellow, that must have hurt. As others have said, he may be grumpy and suspicious while this is fresh and for now watching and deciding to take him in for a check of his leg is the best you can do. We did have our first baby fly into a wall and even though the vet said his wing was not broken, he did give him a pain reliever and that seemed to make a difference. We have the tall door on our cage that has concerned me for this type of thing happening so I got an elastic "bungee" cord that I use to hook from the bottom of the door to the cage to keep one of the dogs from accidently closing it on tender toes. This may set him back a little but I don't think he will hate you or anything like that. It had to be really scary for you too.

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gosh Im so glad that your baby didnt break a leg. i have tried to get myself into the habit of once i get marco out or once she comes out to shut and lock that cage door cuz there has been some close calls of her doing that same exact thing :( she is amused by moving her cage door w/her beak and its only a matter of time b4 she hurts herself so ... thats what I try to do is lock it once shes out

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