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Loving the thought of being a first time grey owner!!!


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Welcome! You have made a greyt choice in joining this forum. There is so much information here you will be overwhelmed, but take your time, read and ask questions. Living with a Grey is a wonderful experience if you are prepared for the challenges.

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I'm in Austin, TX..... we're leaning towards getting one in the spring... but knowing us, we'll probably get one sooner if we can... we want a freshly weened baby... we want to raise it from the beginning ourselves... however, none of our plans are set in stone :)

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I remember that excited feeling well once I decided I was going to get a Grey. Taking the time to find a good and trusted breeder is a perfect second step (the first step being here and absorbing as much information as you can!) I did not find a trusted breeder with my first grey. He died shortly after his first hatch day from a disease that he had carried with him from the breeder. His death was very sudden and very traumatic for the family. I found a very trusted breeder who is 20 minutes away from me. I told her that I didn't care how long it took, I was getting a grey from her. As it turned out I didn't have to wait very long! I have had Egan now for almost one year and it has been an outstanding experience! It is worth it to wait if necessary and get your forever feathered friend from a good breeder!!

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I'm getting a fledgling later this month from a breeder in the Dallas area who I've read good things about and is one of the few that I've contacted that has a positive attitude about selling birds un-clipped. She keeps all her companion birds flighted and has an aviary that she socializes greys with other species. Her current clutch is spoken for.



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Thanks everyone... I plan on spending a lot of time reading ... right now our zoo consists of a 6000 gallon koi pond with 14 fish, a shitzu, a Lhasa Apso, a puppy from the two, a redfoot tortoise, two 65 gallon tropical aquariums and a cinnamon turquoise conure

.. for the most part our house is reasonably quiet. My main concern is my rambunctious ten year old and the three dogs. One of the reasons I want to get a baby is to acclimate him to this environment from as young an age as possible... my kid is pretty well trained about being calm around our Conure and about not leaving her alone with the dogs. This'll have to be triply reinforced with a large parrot like a grey... I look forward to getting to know all of you



Edited by loco4greys
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Hopefully, one of the pros on here will give you some answers, hopefully someone who has experience with both. From a novice standpoint, I decided on a TAG for several reasons. They can be very destructive, but a macaw has a larger beak and can be more so. Their speech is easier to understand (from what I've read and the macaws I've seen). They need more cage space because of their size. That being said, I'd think it is purely a matter of preference. I've read the macaw threads here too, and their "people" think they are great. Maybe you and your wife should visit with both species and see which "clicks?" Not much help from here but I'll give you another bump ;)

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With Greys you're picking between two very similar sub-species. Picking a macaw is like picking a dog, there are so many more different kinds and their personalities differ quite a bit from what I've read. You could end up with a newfoundland size Hyacinth or a terrier size Hahns. So when you say macaw, what kind are you thinking?

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I have a mini (Hahn's) macaw. Even though she is smaller than the grey, she is VERY loud! She can say words but prefers to scream repeatedly when excited. That would be anytime she sees something unfamiliar or when someone is in the kitchen doing anything. The grey will "call" but is more likely to use words. Also the macaw yells repeatedly whenever we have guests over. We have to cover her cage in order to be able to have a conversation.

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