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Hi Everyone!


I'm Nikki and I have Tango a 7 y/o Congo. I have had him since he was about 2 months old. He is an amazing bird and I love having him with me. He does have a bit of a feather picking issue which we have been working through for the past 4 years. Looking for ways to keep him entertained definitely keeps me busy. I look forward to learning from everyone here.

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Hello Nikki and welcome to our family.

We are so glad you could join us and I assume that is Tango in your avatar, yes it looks like he has a little bit of a plucking problem and you are so right to try to keep him busy to keep him distracted away from pulling out any more feathers. I would imagine you have had him checked out by your avian vet to rule out any physical reasons for the plucking so more than likely it has become a habit that is hard to break but providing him with plenty of things to chew and foraging opportunities may help.

Please feel free to share more pictures of Tango as we love photos here.

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Thanks for the welcome! Yes, that is Tango in my avatar picture. That picture was taken on a good day. He is missing a few less feathers now. Being a vet tech, I tried to get the problem under control as soon as possible, so he has been through all of the tests and procedures. At one point he was practically all bald. :( So we have come a long way since then.

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So glad for you to join us Nikki. Tango is a lovely boy. I am looking forward to hearing more about your life together. We have a feather picker too and I have become accustomed to him showing his fluffy little undergarments. It will be interesting to read about what you have tried and I might learn some things about entertaining Gilbert too. Thanks for coming in to our forum.

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