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Hi my name is Sarah, most of my details are on my ,profile as I havent worked out how to get around yet (or how to upload my picture).


I live with my children, my partner and a cat, a dog and Wilson, my african grey.


I am a mum of 4 but sadly my youngest two children are in spirit now, ironically my youngest son passed away at virtually the same time that Wilson hatched, he is my new baby boy and has already worked wonders helping me to heal.


Wilson (almost 3) was in a sorry state when I got him a few weeks ago, he had been kept under the stairs and had no toys or any form of company, he settled in here better than I could ever of imagined, now ruling the roost! I hope I can help him to heal in return. He has lots of patches where he has plucked his feathers out but I am hoping it doesnt take too long for them to grow back (?), we have introduced him to several new and small toys over the weeks and he now plays very happily, he chats well and is a pleasure to live with.


I have never kept any bird before so all help and advice is more than welcome, I am doing what I think to be right and although he seems very happy I am a little concerned I may be missing something vital, sprays, vitamins, etc.

Hopefully I can learn more here :laugh:


I look forward to hearing from some of you and chatting more soon.


Sarah x



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Hello and welcome to the family, Sarah, glad you could join us, we look forward to hearing more stories of your adventures in grey ownership.


How commendable of you to take Wilson in after his miserable existence under the stairs with no toys or company. I know he will thrive in your tender care and blossom out into a lovely creature he was meant to be.


I am sorry about your loss of two children, I cannot imagine how you must feel but God must have needed two little angels and they are with him now.


We have lots of threads that deal with most any topic of grey ownership, what to feed, toys to provide and whatever you can think of. Read thru them for lots of information and if you have any specific questions please just ask, we will do our best to get you an answer and we will help you in any way we can.


When you get the picture posting figured out, we would love to see Wilson even if he has patches missing, they are all beautiful in their own right.

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Sarah welcome here. I am so sorry to read about the immense loss you have experienced. There is nothing worse than that in the world I think. I admire you for your determince to go on and be of help where you can and in this case caring for a lovely animal like an AG. I wish you all the strength and love you can possibly wish for.

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Welcome Sarah!!


It sounds like you are on the move in your life and living it well now. :-)


What a great rescue story of how you have taken on your new Grey and made him happy with a new loving family now.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos!!

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Hello Sarah,


I am new here also, but I can tell you, these guys are great!! Very knowlegable also. I'm sure any questions you have they will provide you with answers &/or solutions.


Good luck & welcome aboard.



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Thank you to all the wonderful people who have wrote to me and made me feel so welcome, I think im going to be spending a lot of time in here (when Wilson allows it)

Already I have learned so much, the aloe gel for one is something I think will help wilson.

I will try to reply individually if I can and will try to get a picture up soon, I have tried but it wont work for some reason.


Thanks again, Im so glad I stumbled into here:)

Sarah x

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Hello Sarah and welcome to the group, as you find your way around the site you will see lots of great information. The members of this group are very supportive and knowledgeable. If you have any questions just ask.

Wishing you and your family all the best and enjoy your grey, look forward to reading more of your posts.

Have a great weekend. :)



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