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My two memorable days

Ray P

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When it comes to the grey forums there are two days that will stick with me forever.

One of the days is Aug. 1, 2010, Thats the day I joined the grey forums. Up to this time I had joined a number of other forums and posted a few times on each of them and that was about it. Don`t get me wrong, they were good forums, but for me they did not click.

At the time I had rehomed Cricket my amazon about a year earlier and this forum had a very active amazon room with Jay that seemed to be the room leader and a person that would become my mentor.

When Jay became ill and was out for a time Penny asked if I would step up and help in the amazon room as a moderator.

Sept. 4 2011 the day I became a moderator was my second memorable day on this forum.

Even after all that has happened in the past two weeks we continue to grow not only in membership, but in integrity and credibility as we smooth out our own rough spots that make us better in the long run.

Just had to tell you as members how I feel


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I really appreciate this forum and those who contribute to it. A variety of methods, ideas, and personalities are represented here, and I like how everyone is willing to voice their opinion. It is also very active, which sets it apart from the other forums I have seen. Thank you to the moderators and admins that donate their time and expertise! :)

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I don't know if I have any special, memorable days but I have enjoyed MANY days reading, asking questions, getting support and making friends. I have to ditto that I tried other boards when I first decided I wanted a grey. The other boards were good but just not as good as this one, for my purposes anyway. I like the people here, the stories and mostly the compassion. It might seem like I've been gone for awhile but I read EVERY day (almost.....I didn't read the last week in June when I was in Destin, FL with the family.) Thanks to all the moderators and members who make this a great place to live, love and learn!

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I got lucky and this was my first forum i tried. Everyone on here is great and very helpful. I enjoy reading and soaking up all the information i can because even though i may, at the time, not be experiencing the topic, i know one day i might and i will be better prepared! We get options and opinions here with no one saying "do this, its the only way". Sure there are scuffles between people on here, but don't all families argue now and then?

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This is my first forum of any kind and it took a lot determination to overcome inertia or reluctance or something. Since I hadn't had an African grey, the moment I came home from meeting my very first one ever, I was googling to find out more. That is when I found all of you and have never looked back. Ray, you are a balm to my soul and a ray of sunshine and joy. Thanks for telling us how you feel.

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