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How's Isaac?


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Well, I found myself a little time today during lunch to talk about how my little guy is progressing in his life and how I feel about having Isaac in my life.


Any of you who have read my previous updates know how much in love I am in with my baby Isaac. To this day, he never ceases to amaze me in ways I could not have imagined. I have had my boy for about 2.5 years and he surely knows his place in my house. Oh wait....his house....I forgot. I often have to launch 'cleaning campaigns' in order to return order to my house a lot of the times. I do give Isaac a lot of wiggle room. He loves to play with any items in the kitchen sink, which ensures that I will keep my washing up to date, or possibly risk some broken items or just a lot of noise. He can open the dishwasher if it is not latched shut. He loves to get into the racks and pull things off of them if he can. In general, Isaac is a fully flighted Congo African Grey...and you had better believe that. This guy gets around! Mostly the destination is me and what ever it is I am doing. I obviously need help from Isaac. LOL.


Recently, I updated my phone to another OS which includes a feature called Google Now. You engage this by saying "Google"...the phone makes a rising sort of beeping sound and allows you to state your search request. Well, yesterday, I say' Google', and my phone didn't hear me, but Isaac did, and he made the little beeping sound and awaited my request. LOL!


Another thing I do to Isaac when he is getting into trouble is growl at him. Yes, like....gggrrrrrrrrrrrr....rolling my tongue. Well I came up to Isaac the other day to lift one of his wings and he said...."grrrrrrrrrrrrrr'. Pretty cute.


This little guy, I tell you, has taken possession of my heart. I often see him preening and see his wings part slightly to form what looks like a big grey heart from behind him and I think, 'Yep, that is my heart right there....that is my love'. Just this moring, while Isaac was trying to get involved in my hair grooming, I decided to give Isaac the brush...he laid on his back in my hands and took the brush....so I look at him and go. "Okay...now what?" I dragged my head across the brush so he could help. He is amazingly cute in his desire to involve himself in my daily activities.


My life could be seen as upside down in so many ways since I schedule a lot of things around ensuring Isaac's happiness and health. I don't get out to as many social events as I typically would, and vacations away have not been as common for sure. That said, I have an African Grey parrot named Isaac, who I can call one the most wonderful friends I have ever had. I hope that others capture this magic with their Grey. It really is a paramount experience to understand how they have emotions and thoughts.

Edited by Elvenking
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It was a match made in heaven thats for sure and I love hearing how Issac continues to amaze you with his grey ways, you are truly blessed Stephen.


Thank you. I do get pretty emoptional just writing these. I am often moved to tears to think about Isaac. I don't know what it is, but he's got me.

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I always look forward to an update on Isaac! Your right, they always want to "help" us in whatever we are doing. It's GreYt to see you encourage him. It makes them feel like the are useful and are an asset to the flock unit. :)

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I always look forward to an update on Isaac! Your right, they always want to "help" us in whatever we are doing. It's GreYt to see you encourage him. It makes them feel like the are useful and are an asset to the flock unit. :)


LOL....he does the hair brush dance every single time I brush my hair. If I try to sneak away with the brush and brush in private...he is all over my plan. No no no way yer doing that without me. The cutest thing in the world, is him...laying on his back in my hand...grabbing on to the brush....it's just beyond cute....his little head poking forward with so much attention. Like, "Okay....I am ready." I adore him.

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I do love reading about you and Isaac, it never changes, you just get more and more drawn in by his charm. I can just hear him when you try to sneak off to brush your hair without his help. "Oh jeeze, there he goes, he always makes it look goofy, I better go show him how to do it right." LOL. Also when I was reading about the Google Now, I was expecting that Isaac was the one to speak to the phone to make it do his bidding. Before long, he will be ordering pizza for himself. Thanks for keeping us updated on your life with your wonderful friend. This is the stuff of legends and we were there from the beginning with you.

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