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Grey and Sun in the same cage?????


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Hi everyone. My CAG and Sun Conure are about 1 1/2 years old now and still in the same cage. I got my conure first and about a month later my CAG, I handfed both and have never separated them. My first question is will they let me know when its time to get them their own cages? Is there any harm in allowing them to be together? I also have been wondering if this will limit my CAG's human language development because she has someone to speak parrot to? They are both definitely more bonded to me than each other, but they don't fight and even sometimes still feed each other.

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"My first question is will they let me know when its time to get them their own cages?"


It should have been done sooner especially because of an adult grey's eventual personality. But you lucked out with no biting aggressive issues.


"""Is there any harm in allowing them to be together?"""


Only time will tell. Any changes will require an immediate change. Maturity is #1 on the list.


""I also have been wondering if this will limit my CAG's human language development because she has someone to speak parrot to? ""


Yes it will. Greys learn to mimic the best when they're alone in their own cage. Parrots will always speak parrotese to each other if they're in the same room but having their own private home ( cage) is important. If you're keeping them in a cage all day long, that'll cause problems because conure to grey sized birds need time out of a cage.

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They spend at least 3 or 4 hours a day out of the cage, but usually that time is spent together too. They hang out on top of the cage, on the back of the kitchen chairs when I cook, in the shower with me, and on the playstand in my bedroom. I let them sleep on the playstand in my room sometimes and they just go to different perches. In the cage the conure sleeps in a happy hut and the CAG on a perch. My CAG is more of night owl so many times she will leave the Conure in her happy hut and walk into my room. They have no problem opening their cage and getting out, I tried to sleep late last weekend and the CAG came in the room, climbed ont he bed and was very gently nudging my face with her beak to wake me up. The cage is in a closed in porch area off the back of the kitchen and when they escape they usually just sit on the top playstand together, so it doesn't seem like they even want to be away from each other. My CAG doesn't say anything yet just makes sounds and whistles so I was thinking that was the issue or maybe she just isn't a talker. However if it makes them happier I don't really care if she talks. Maybe I will just put another cage in there and leave the doors open to both and see what happens.

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You have definitely lucked out with them getting along but in my opinion each should have their own cage to call their home, when they are out and they want to be with one another in one of the cages that is something else but the day could come that one will be aggressive to the other for whatever reason and one or both could be physically harmed, I wouldn't want to take that chance.

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If the cage is big enough for both birds i.e. 30 x 30 x say 4 to 5 feet high, the Grey should stay in it. If it is smaller than what a grey should be in, put the grey in the new larger cage.

Edited by danmcq
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My three parrots are out together all the time. They go into each others cages to steal food all the time. When one is in another's cage the cage owner just watches outside of the cage. They do not fight or challenge the other who is in their cage. However, they never go into a cage of another if the owner is in it. They do know which cage is their own. They sleep in their own cages. In your circumstances, I would get another cage and see which one wants it for his/her very own. Let them decide.

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I think they believe that my bed it their personal territory! Lately when I leave the room I will find them both standing next to each other on my pillow, never my husbands just my side of the bed! I will put the other cage in the bird room and see what happens. Thanks for the advice.

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mcuellar2412.. I understand what you are talking about. I had three cages for three different species. Sunconure, amazon and grey. Sunconure, Sunny, was a rescue, here first for several months/ Then came baby amazon, Kiki, then two year old african grey, Sophie. Kiki moved into sunny's cage on her own, as I have open cage policy. Sunny was thrilled! They have been together past decade in same cage. Sophie had her own cage next to theirs. When I tried to upgrade Sophie's cage, left new and old side by side for several months, it wasn't working. Removed her old cage( just hid it in the garage). She refused her new palace no matter what I did. She moved into kiki and Sunny's cage and was welcomed. Oh brother! Three birds in one cage was ridiculous. Brought back Sophie's old cage... she said " No thanks!" LOL! I left out her old cage, new cage and cage everyone hangs together in.I told them to work it out.... and they do. Sophie jumps in her new cage several times, but they love to hangout on or in Sunny's cage.( remember though, the door is never closed). I'm sure they would not be able to live in same cage with door closed.

I would be hesitant to separate them, in my opinion. 1 1/2 years of age is an important time in their lives. Entering terrible two's etc. I would not want to stress them out as they seem happy with their living arrangements. As far as talking, Kiki and Sunny say very little. Sophie the grey talks enough for the entire family. She ALWAYS has something to say! Kids say there is one family member that talks more than me and that is Sophie!Hmmmmm are they saying I talk to much? Nancy

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I leave the door of their cage open most of the time too because they can open it anyways! So maybe they still have that sense of freedom. I might put the other cage in there again just to see if they chose to move on their own. Was Sophie already talking when you got her?

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""I also have been wondering if this will limit my CAG's human language development because she has someone to speak parrot to? ""


Parrots will always speak parrotese to each other if they're in the same room


:confused:Hi, Dave is correct, with one exception in our case,[Our weird Parrots] We had 5 large parrots in the same room before Spock left, we have 4 now. Spock and Joe would talk to Jay and I jn english, sometimes we would have 2, 3, and 4 way conversations. Spock and Joe would have conversations with each other in both English and parrotese. The 2 TOO's don't speak to much and Salsa will speak to who ever will listen!

We think this is rare.;)

Thanks Maggie

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Sophie came from an excellent home, but no, she wasn't talking much. She was babbling in baby talk, and doing lots of whistling. I don't believe greys are slow to talk unless way past 2 1/2. Just my experience with Sophie.Sometimes I have to say to Sophie... " be quiet for a minute, let me think!" She gives me 30 seconds! LOL Nancy

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