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Josey is Quiet Today


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Josey has had her early morning chatting routine disrupted today as we have workers here taking off the old and putting on a new roof after it was damaged in that derecho we had earlier this summer. She has been sitting quietly on one of her perches just listening to the racket of scraping, hammering and such that is going on today. I had to work at home so someone would be here, looks like it might go into tomorrow finishing up, bet she gets more vocal after they leave, she might make up for lost time who knows.:eek::rolleyes::o

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She is studying and noting those sounds, tomorrow you may be hearing a few of them. :P


The last time I had some construction here a few years ago, Dayo picked up the nail guns and not long after the workers left, guess what sound he would do over and over just like the nail gun going off 10 times in a row. Fortunately after a few months he quit using that sound, well every now and then it stills POPs up. :)

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They do pick up sounds they like and use them to point that you could ring their neck.

We had 22 new windows put in two years ago and Corky picked up the sound of the sawzall.

She has not made that sound for a while. (Thank God).

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We had all new windows and doors put on last year and she didn't pick up any of those sounds so hopefully she won't be repeating these she hears today but I will let you know if she does, it is the quietest she has ever been, not a peep out of her.

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I have some construction going on at the moment as well. At first, the birds were very quiet. Then they discovered the joys of competing with the sounds of hammering, power saws, etc. I say get ready with a tape recorder or video camera!

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They are back today to finish the job but Josey is going thru her morning chat right now, guess she feels more comfortable with just the hammering as they finish putting the shingles on. Yesterday it was louder with the scraping off of the old shingles and such, soon it will be over and I don't hear any of their sounds being repeated by her, just her regular ones, sorry folks.

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Can you imagine what she was thinking? Some big kind of predator must be coming in through the ceiling. I love how they have thoughtful quiet time while they figure out what is going on. Josey may surprise you yet with her newfound knowlege. It was really thoughtful of you to work from home so she had the security of knowing you are there taking care of things and watching over her.

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