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Grey and Amazon fighting?


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Simon Grey is 18 months old (male), and Kazoo the Amazon is 15 years old (female). I've had Kazoo for 20 months and Simon for 15 months.


They seem to like each other's company from a distance, often making noise at the same time, or enjoying the same music. They just don't like to be too physically close.


Until recently, they were both afraid of each other, so they tried to give each other plenty of space. If they found themselves on the same boing, for example, one of them would quickly fly away.


Recently, however, they both seem to be standing their ground more. Today they had two spats on a boing, where neither would leave and they were hitting each other with their beaks. Both times I intervened and moved one of them to another boing.


Can someone explain to me what's going on, and what I should be doing? One of my theories is that as Simon's getting older he's becoming more dominant, even though Kazoo is bigger than him. Another theory is that maybe they're establishing a new level of friendship, one that allows them to be physically closer, and they're just working out the details.


But really I have no idea. I just know that I don't want either of them to get hurt, or to feel bullied. Should I intervene, and if so, how? Is there anything I can do to help them be friends?

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I have a 4-year-old TAG, a 4-year-old BF ZON, and an 18-month-old CAG. They are out all day long because I am retired. They are all flighted. My TAG is the "boss". She is the most aggressive and is very use to people. I think she thinks she is a human at least an equal to us/humans. They do beak each other or nip at each other tails. I have kept a very close eye on their interactions. So far no bloodshed but I do watch them very closely and tell them "no fighting" all the time. Normally one of the other of them will back off and live to fight another day. They are very respectful to each other at snack time. One will take a bite or two and then move over for another to get their share. Would I trust them alone, NO!

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I believe they will work it out. My guys had territory issues which were resolved with mutual aggressive behavior. They never "hurt" each other but they made their points, and now they have established areas that they call their own. Keep an eye on them though, because it may not work out so smoothly. If they hadn't worked it out amongst themselves the aggression might be ongoing.

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I also have a Cag and Amazon whom ocassionally fight. mostly squaking at each other. They work it out, but we monitor it. Sophie ultimately rules, Kiki will listen, but Kiki will hold her own if she feels strongly about a situation. They are not territorial with toys. Sophie gives Kiki all the toys she wants. Kiki is the best flier, so flies out all the time and takes things back to the cage and shares with the gang. Kiki molts. Sophie doesn't( not sure why). Sophie is the nicest friend when kiki is menopausal. Nancy

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