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My bird no longer likes me


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hi all. i have an 8 month old timneh who is super attached to my boyfriend and now does not like me. he isnt bitting but he no longer likes when i handle him, shower with him, or feed him his favorite treats. what can i do?

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Hi Moose, welcome to the forum.Im afraid when a grey attatches to one person there is not to much you can do.

If possible can you be the one to all the good bits with your bird, you let him out of the cage, you give his favourite treats etc..


here's a link for you to have a read through ;)



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he has been in the bird's life from the beginning. i bought the bird when he was 4 months old. the bird has and continues to let me handle him but he no longer engages me. he doesnt come to me when i call and he has started jumping off of my hand to return to his cage. my boyfriend usually comes over in the evening and will hold ed, that's the bird's name, and sctrach his head for quite some time. ed has always gotten excited when my boyfriend comes over. he used to get excited when i came home and that has stopped. i can still give him food by hand but he would rather be left alone by me.


i have not changed anything in my morning or evening routine with ed. i dont go home as often for lunch as i used to could that be it?

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Birds are strange things moose ! As nothing has changed in his routine there is no apparent reason for him not paying you attention,two of my greys went through a phase like this when they were 6 months old.I would personally perceive with ed, it may be he's trying to show a little dominance over you, just carry on & show him you are the boss & not him, Dont let him see himself higher in the flock than youself.

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thanks lovemygreys! i hope this is a phase. i do not mind the bird being more attached to my boyfriend but the bird has to like me too. :lol: yes birds are strange but so freaking entertaining.


my name is shelly btw ;)

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HI Moose and welcome!!


I see you have gotten some good feedback already.


Boy, is your Grey going to have a few conniption fits over the limited contact with your boyfriend :-)


It will be interesting to see how this progresses. At such a young age, THEY don't even know what they want, just like a one year old Baby ;-)

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Funny thing is my Cag has just in the last ten days decided to hate my husband, for no reason. He throws himself at the cage and screams whenever my husband gets close enough to the cage and when he is flying around the house will try to dive bomb him and when he is on my hand and my husband is close by he will try to hack him. My poor husband doesn't find this very amusing to say the least. I have been encouraging him to try harder to get Ying to love him but it is not working so far. I am always amazed though about how much Ying loves me. I can do anything with him and he just LOVES it. He starts acting all stupid dog like, wagging dancing around saying I love you I LOVE you ILOVEYOU!!! They are such funny little creatures.

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Someone said earlier it could be a dominance thing, it very well could be, or he may just have really bonded with your boyfriend.....I don't know if I would seperate them though, as your bird won't understand why you seperated them, and might get grumpy with you about it. I would suggest just giving him special treats and keep doing things the way you are, just maybe let your BF hold him a little less frequently, but I wouldn't cease and desist with the boyfriend entirely, just my 3 cents!

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I have learned one thing about these beautiful creatures. They are so unpredictable, loving one minute and mad at the world the next. Radar goes through stages that he nips an fusses for no reason, he acts as if he doesn't want you to even look at him. Then an hour later, he wants ever ounce of your attention.

Go figure!



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i am not cutting off the bf from ed completly i am just limiting the contact. i know the bird is going to have a fit. i am beginning to think this is some kind of dominance thing. he still steps up and lets me feed him treats by hand. i got a little perch to put in the kitchen. i put him on that so he can watch me preparing his fruit and veggies. i also feed him treats while he is perched. i cannot let this get to the point where he is hissing or bitting me. after all, i do feed the bird.


thank you all for your great advice.

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