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A Late Introduction

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Hello all! I've posted a couple of times, but never an introduction. My name is Lindsey (my middle name is Shay, you can call me by either). I am 23 years old, and I recently moved from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to Las Vegas, Nevada with my boyfriend (my grey's disdain for him is what sparked my first post), and my African Grey parrot, Jagermeister.


When we first got out here (we drove) we were going to be staying with my uncle, but things turned sour within a matter of minutes when he flipped out over Jager. In short, his dog was very ill and couldn't be around other animals, according to the vet. Understanding this, but feeling incredibly screwed over (I sold my house to move out here and go into business with him, and he compared his dog's illness to my mother, whom passed away in October of 2010) I left, and we haven't spoken to each other since. It wasn't exactly a surprise that Jager would be coming either. I had sent him multiple pictures, and even asked if it would be ok if I used his old parrot's cage until I got one temporarily. So without anywhere to go, and certainly not going to let Jager go, we stayed out of motels until we were able to get an apartment.


It's been about a month now since all of that went down and we're about to move out of the apartment and into a condo that I will be closing on this coming Tuesday.


But to backtrack a little bit and on a slightly happier note, we visited a very odd store a few days ago. They sold golf carts, batteries, old cars, wheelchairs, and exotic birds. It was at the border of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas. There we found this shy little female eclectus, scared out of her mind. I asked one of the store owners about her and was told that an elderly woman brought her in on her shoulder. The woman was going to be placed in a home soon and needed to find a new home for her parrot, she was very upset knowing that the parrot would outlive her. Now, the store /was/ incredibly sketchy, but no matter what was true and what wasn't, I felt really bad for the poor little parrot that was notably terrified. Oh, I was also told that she was never kept in a cage before, just a perch-stand.


Not wanting to rush into anything, we left to think about whether bringing her home would be a great idea or not. To make a long story short, I bought her upon an agreement that she needed to be seen by an avian vet. We were allowed to bring her to a vet and the store paid for the visit, she checked out and she's doing great. The first few days were a little rocky. She wanted nothing to do with us, and would only run into her cage for safety. But just today she actually wobbled into our bedroom looking for us (she would normally run away, even if we brought her in there).


It's amazing how different she and Jager are. She's the sweetest darn thing I've ever seen in my life. She's so gentle and only makes this odd cooing/woo sound. Jager keeps trying to get her to scratch his head, but he hasn't had much luck so far. She's surprisingly bossy with him for being so gentle. yesterday she even chased him away from me.


We fostered a macaw at one point so Jager isn't too shell shocked at another bird being around. He probably thinks this one wont last either. Oh well, they'll get used to each other!


I'll be doing a little update after we move this last time and their new cages come in. But for now, here are a few pictures! And if anything I said was inappropriate for this forum, just let me know and I'll edit my post accordingly! I just haven't had anyone to talk to really.



The Eclectus. We named her Shiraz (originally Shyra until I realized that Shiraz was the Australian spelling/pronunciation and that that made more sense for her) after the red wine. I like names with a theme, lol. And oh man, I have never seen a bird with such a lusting for noodles. She will sit at her bowl and not move away from it, if it has noodles in it. Today I actually caught her falling asleep while still chewing noodles, while some hung out of her beak.





Jagermeister the African Grey. This feather was stuck on his head for a good ten minutes. He's 1 year old, can say Jager, hello, good boy, doodle bird (his nickname is doodles), and oh Jager. He also heard the fire alarm when we set it off cooking the other day, then out of nowhere two days later belted out the exact same sound.

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Smiles ... thanks for the introduction! Sometimes its funny how things just seem to work out in our lives. Im so glad you were able to get the new addition to your family and give her a great home. I love the name of your grey that is just so funny. Is that a preferred drink of yours? I cant even handle the smell of it <insert pukey face here>


Thanks for the pics too! Jager looks like he's got a mohawk going LOLOL I love it!

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I love your post and pictures! Jager is just adorable with his little topknot. What a stroke of luck for Shyra to find you too. Glad you got a place of your own and out of grumpland. Did you ever know how much parrots could make you laugh and smile? They are very lucky to be with you.

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Hello Lindsey and welcome to our family, better late than never I say.

Your birds are adorable, Jagermeister is so cute with that feather on his head and he knows it, I look forward to seeing more pictures of these two.

So glad to hear you could give this eclectus a new forever home where she is well cared for and loved, now she can feel safe and will continue to blossom.

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Oh wow, what a great story (minus the crap with your Uncle - that sounds awful). Your birds are adorable! That's why I have to stay away from stores and friends with rescues - I'd have every bird in town living in my house. :)


And, I'm sure you've done all your homework - but Eclectus' diets are very different from other parrots (I know, I'm a party pooper! But I'm always looking out for the birds).


I look forward to lots of stories and pictures.

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Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the warm welcomes.


As far as Jäger's name goes, I'm actually not too fond of the liquor. xD I suppose I've been sick off it one too many times. I named Jäger after it simply because I like the way the word sounds. And when he makes a poo, I can be corny and say that he just jäger bombed. xD


As for Shiraz, rest assured I know about her special diet needs. The Eclectus reminds me more of a toucan in a few ways, than a parrot. One of the many reasons I love having birds in the house is that it encourages you to eat better as well. Fruits, veggies, and whole grain everything!

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Greyt introduction. Welcome to all of you. Jagermeister will be an easy name to rememeber, he and I were good friends at the local pubs in germany for the 5 years I spent there. :)

bwahahahahah! :D

Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the warm welcomes.


As far as Jäger's name goes, I'm actually not too fond of the liquor. xD I suppose I've been sick off it one too many times. I named Jäger after it simply because I like the way the word sounds. And when he makes a poo, I can be corny and say that he just jäger bombed. xD


As for Shiraz, rest assured I know about her special diet needs. The Eclectus reminds me more of a toucan in a few ways, than a parrot. One of the many reasons I love having birds in the house is that it encourages you to eat better as well. Fruits, veggies, and whole grain everything!

I like the name too .... :D I think the female Eclectus birds are just magnificiently beautiful cant wait to see more pics of your flock! :D

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