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Salsa, Give me back my teeth!


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I hate to admit it but Jay and I are at that age when everything is gone, thinning, or purchased. Yesterday morning I was talking to Jay and I was in the process of getting ready to insert my teeth. Salsa swooped down, grabbed them and flew off with me in hot pursuit! She landed on the back end of the freezer and watched me, chewing calmly while I struggled with the stepladder. Jay, Joe and Tango were no help either. They just stood by laughing as hard as they could! Aarrrgggh! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Maggie :P

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Hahaha, Maggie is just "lucky" Salsa is willing to share and she got her teeth back. We had a pet skunk when I was a child and he stole a family member's teeth and buried them with an assortment of coins and other stolen items and we didn't find them for two years. This was as funny for me as it was for Jay, Joe and Tango. Of course that is because it wasn't our teeth being spirited away.

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