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Sudden surge in talking and new words!

Cheshire Cat

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For a while I was starting to wonder if Tui would ever talk, and now at the age of just over 2, she's talking and babbling almost constantly. Just this afternoon I'm sure she said two new phrases, "Is that right?" and "You alright?" She says her name, calls my dad, says 'hello' (as most birds do), says "Tui Bird" and calls the dog. I may have been imagining it, but I also think she said "love you".


Is this normal for birds to not talk and then suddenly start? I just think at the age of 2 she should have started before now. She's still not got the largest vocabulary, but her speech is coming on amazingly.


I've also noticed that Tui will only speak when only I'm around - whenever anyone else is around she goes quiet. Again, is this normal?

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Thats wonderful! I can guarantee you she has been "Closet Talking" a long time to have come out with phrases rather than just single word at first. :)


Your sly and cunning little stinker has probably been calibrating and closet talking for months. :P


Congrats!!! She has finally decided she is now ready for prime time and some conversation with the outside world. Now the words and phrases will start building exponentially!!!

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I've said it before... watch out for those quiet ones! They are thinking and absorbing information.Sophie talked around 2 and 1/2. Granted, I only had her for six months, but she was babbling and whistling like crazy when we got her.( building blocks).When she hangs with me and a friend is visiting, she talks like crazy, but if she can't keepup... she breaks out into baby talk.Lol! We always appreciate Sophie's input. Nancy

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People have mentioned their birds being vocal around other family members and friends. Tui isn't vocal around anyone but me...is that normal?


Yes, that is normal for a while. Over time they will become more comfortable talking around other people that visit, especially if you have socialized them with others often.

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Yeah Tui!! How exciting! Biscotti still is not comfortable talking around other people & he has been talking quite a while. The only time he will talk when others are around is if they spend the night!!

I think that's just because he can't hold it any more! :D He is a chatterbox any other time.

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Chesire Cat... Tui has bonded with you. I know it is a GREAT thing, but not so great, for the rest of the family. Now use that trust, to introduce other family members that YOU trust. That's how they learn. You love them... " they gotta be okay!" Display the affection in front of Tui.There will come a day, that your encouragement of the entire family, will pay off. Nancy

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Your sly and cunning little stinker has probably been calibrating and closet talking for months.
I babysat a guinea pig for a few days awhile back. The parrots didn't make a peep. When I brougt back the same guinea pig about six months later....they all erupted into perfect guinea pig squeals. The little stinkers were just waiting to let that one out!!


p.s. THANK GOODNESS they only make the sound when they see the little piggie. :)

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We use to have Teddy Bear guinea pigs. Teddy, (how original), was a favorite. We would set up obstical courses for the pigs. Sophie would watch and get " stressed" if she couldn't see Teddy. She would yell " Teddy! Teddy!LOL She truly loved our pigs. When Gracie the runt, got pregnant( she shouldn't have), when she went into labor, it was a choice of " her", or the babies. I chose her after a c-section. She became paralyzed from waist down.We began intensive physical therapy at home in our kitchen. One 8by8 tile each day in the kitchen. Sophie and pups were always waiting at the finishing line to encourage her. After three months, Gracie regained full motor function of her lower extremities. She lived a full life. I know I sound crazy... I really am not. Nancy

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Gilbert seems to be the exception to talking in front of strangers and when he is traveling and in unfamiliar places. He talks when his cage is covered and he talks sometimes after the lights are turned out. They all seem to have such unique personalities and even with those innate traits, they seem to evolve and change and give us surprises all the time. Tui is still a baby and will continue to give you the most wonderful and unexpected pleasures.

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I am wondering if Gilbert and Timber were separated at birth or just soul mates! Timber is like that too. When he is in the carrier (like going to the vet) he says every word he knows plus some I didn't know he knew. When he is in/around his cage and feeling comfortable he is not a chatterbox. At the vet's office (in the waiting room, still in the carrier) he was entertaining everyone and talking up a storm. Everyone in the waiting room was his new best friend. Funny!

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He talks when his cage is covered and he talks sometimes after the lights are turned out.


I had a hybrid macaw living with me a short time. His first owner was an elderly woman. After the lights were out he would talk in her voice and say "Hi Sweetie" and laugh. It was actually pretty creepy at times!

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