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Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself... my name is Alexis and I'm new to this site and African greys... its been a while since I weened a baby so I'm a little nervous and will probably be summoning all of you for some help now and again... my stormy is now 7 going on 8 weeks old and we are doin fabulous! 3 feedings a day and she started nibbling on pellet 2 days ago... as of this morning she weighed 387 grams before feeding and is consuming 35 to 50 ml of formula at each feeding depending on her mood... if anyone has advice or helpful hints they are welcomed and appreciated ! :D

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Hello Alexis and welcome to our family, so glad you found us.

We usually don't like to see people get unweaned birds, thats better left to those who are experienced with it but it looks like you are doing fine with your baby. Be sure to read thru some of the threads in the nursery room for lots of advice as so much can go wrong but do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Stormy is adorable and growing quickly, she will be starting to try other foods so introduce them to her and see what happens.

We always welcome pictures so if you have more you would share with us please do so.

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Hi judy! Thank you for the warm welcome... believe me I know all the horrors with hand feeding... if I had no experience I wouldn't have taken her... luckily I grew up in a house hold which raised larger birds and was comfortable in the fact that I could handle her... but its not something to be ventured into by just anyone.... so I more than agree with u! I am enjoying her completely... she learns and grows everyday .... I have ordered her cage from kings cages and it should be here within the week... I'm so excited... she is already starting to sit on her concrete perch! Thank god because her nails are like needles!

I also created an album for stormy so everyone can watch her grow with me... :-)

Edited by alexispolicastro
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Thank you! :-) your crew is adorable! I also have a bunch of furry and feathered kids... I have 3 Siberian huskies and a silly little love bird ... I'll have to figure out how to get more pics up of my bunch... I am having a great time with my stormy... I absolutely love this stage of development... I love watching her grow and get new feathers and get stronger every day.... although I second guess myself at times like any new mommy... which is why I'm so glad to have found this site...

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