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Body language question


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Toby often grabs my index finger with his beak and while holding on, bobs his head back and forth with wings slightly flared out. I assume that this is a baby bird feeding motion, but I thought I'd check with all of you. Is he trying to tell me that he's hungry? I wonder because this happens even when he has a full bowl of food in front of him. Thanks!

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  monax said:
Toby often grabs my index finger with his beak and while holding on, bobs his head back and forth with wings slightly flared out. I assume that this is a baby bird feeding motion, but I thought I'd check with all of you. Is he trying to tell me that he's hungry? I wonder because this happens even when he has a full bowl of food in front of him. Thanks!


:)These actions can mean many things...Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
Gave bad info...
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  Jayd said:
:)A Grey doesn't mature till around 4 yr's old, but the start their mating ritual at a much younger age....
Ohhhhh yes. It's what I'm going through right now. Apparently, there's a need to climb into my hair and chew my ears off. Little stinker! :)
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Jake is 16 weeks old and does this. I asked the vet about it, when we were there earlier in the week, she was able to witness the action and said it was baby behavior and that it was fine to gently pull my finger back ask if he wanted a scratch or beak rub (he loves both) instead. I usually offer the beak rub which then leads to him putting his head down for a scratch. I'm a softie and love giving him both.

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:) Thank you for correcting me. I'll delete my post, last thing I want is to give out wrong info. It's appears I've been wrong all these years. I stand corrected, From now on I 'll be careful about giving my opinions. Thanks Jayd


Note: This question has more then one possible correct answer....But by stating "Your Vet said" means that only your answer is correct, unless the poster states there are more possibly answers...

Edited by Jayd
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Thanks everyone.


Jay - I didn't have a chance to read your original post before it was deleted. I did consider the possibility that this was Toby's way of showing "inappropriate" affection...but I thought that perhaps he was a little young for that. I limit petting to just the head and neck, based on advice in this forum. This is my first parrot (actually, my first pet of any kind), so I'm looking to learn as much as I can and hear all perspectives.

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Jay and others are correct in possible reasons behind this. At such a young age it is certainly cute, if nothing else. I know when you are interacting with baby/young parrots and perhaps get their beak on each side between your thumb and index finger for example, they will start jack hammering like crazy thinking it is feed bag time. :P

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One of the possibility is sexual attention even though their not mature till around 4 yr's old. It's a combination of different actions like Dan said, done together which shows the parrots intent. If it's non-sexual you can cuddle and pet your baby all over, under the wings, bend of the legs etc. I stay away from the lower rear end.

Thanks Jay

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