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new grey owner here

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Just wanted to say hello... I'm Joey and me and my fiance just purchased a Congo grey from a local pet store... its 5 months old, and we dont know the sex of it... its been hand fed and raised in the store and seems to be very friendly..they never kept it in a cage, it was always in a room with other birds where one could walk in and play with it..its very freindly and seems tame, and its taken to both of us pretty well (its ony been at our home for 2 days) ... we have a large cage with a playpen area on top.. I was just wondering if anyone could give me advice on what to expect with it, or some things that I should need to know...I'm not very expereinced with owning a bird, however, my fiance used to own a pet store and shes expereinced and knowledgable.. I was just hoping to get some additional input from you guys..thanks in advance

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Hello and welcome to the family, Joey, glad you could join us and congrats on your new grey. I know you will enjoy this bird for they are awesome creatures.


You do need to keep it in the cage some of the time, especially at night. The cage is their santuary and place to go when you are not at home. Just provide them with some toys to entertain themselves in your absence.


Sounds like you have a real sweetheart but the babies usually are, then they tend to get a little more independent around age 2.


If you have a photo of him/her we would love to see it, we love to look at the babies. What did you name it or are you going to have it sexed first?

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Welcome Joey to the forum. Sounds so good knowing you are a new Grey owner. The most important thing to know is to have a lot of pastions with him. Some say hold him a lot others say not too much. So it is a big debate with a lot of thing to do. You have to ask certin questions with us but you need to do a lot of reading.

This a good site to start at.





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Hello Joey welcome to the form and congratulations on your new baby grey. Please look up information on what to feed your baby grey and what can be harmful. Please look up plants, fruit, house hold cleaners, Teflon pans and safe wood for perches.

LovemyGreys posted an excellent article on Teflon cookware and is listed on this site. All the best to you and your new bird you should have many years of enjoyment.



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Hi, Joey. I'm fairly new to having a grey myself (I've had Klaus for about 3 months now). I guess the biggest thing I would want to stress to a new grey owner is patience. When I give Klaus a new toy, it sometimes takes him 2 days before he'll play with it. I've offered him foods sometimes several times before he'll try them. When I'm putting him back in his cage for the night, the process sometimes takes 5 - 10 minutes because I'm giving him extra pets. Of course, he doesn't want to go in, and I won't just stuff him in there. I'm as loving and gentle as I can be. Out of everyone in my house, I have the most patience, and Klaus definitely likes me best. Wow, sorry to ramble there! Anyway, you'll find lots of great information here, too.


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