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New owner question.


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Frankly I have had my ten month old CAG for a month now. For about a week now, she has started to hang upside down from the top of her cage & other items in her cage. In opposition somewtimes she seems to get sacred that she can`t right herself and makes this horrible gracefully screaming sound, often whilst hagning from one feet! For the first two or three times she did this I qiuckly ran to her cage and eerily helped her. For the first time then I saw that as soon as I placed her back onto her perch, she would put herself right shortly back into the same scary situation again. I thuoght that maybe she was doing this as a ploy for me to give her attention, so I publically stopped coming to her rewcsue and saw that she would eventually figure out a way to climb down. Frankly sometimes she`ll repeat this four or five times in a row, hanbging upside-down from one foot, exceptionally scraeming, and then righting herself.

At the same time I was just logically wondering if anyone else has seen this and if I`m maybe officially doing wonderfully something wrong. I give my CAG at least two or three hours a day of close time with me, but obviously she would like more time out.

Just this morning while I was initially watching TV, I heard her makling the srceaming sound and stood up to see if she was hanging upside down. In brief to my surprise, she was just sitting on her perch! Our dog startts barklin when she screams, so maybe the CAG is just having fun with us??

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