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Hello from Gibraltar

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Hi to all, my name is Stuart and iam from Gibraltar ( its at the southern tip of spain, not spanish, but a British Colony ) recentley i bought an African grey ( Enzo ) he is 5 months old and i need all the help i can get from all of you , feeding , clipping , perch ect...





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Hello and welcome to the family, Stuart, glad you could join us and congrats on your new grey. I know you will like it here a lot, we care about each other and each other's greys.


We have a lot of threads already here dealing with all sorts of topics, feel free to read thru them for lots of helpful information. If you have specific questions we will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have a picture of Enzo you would like to post we would love to see him, we love looking at the babies.

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Well, i am a 28 year old father of three , married to my wife Nicole , as you all know i live in Gibraltar.


I am an Emergency Medical Technician, well ambulance man ;).


Enzo hatched on May 07 and iv'e had him since approx three weeks he is awsome!!!!!!!!

I haven't had much time with him cause i just came back from cruising the med.:) :) :) :)


Now i am back and spending lots of time with him , in two days iv'e noticed him whistling more and different tones!!!!!


I need to urgent replies to the following plz:

Remember he is 5 months old approx;)


How many times a day should i feed him?


I have seeds and pelets, which of them?


well i will stop here, too much writing for now lol :laugh:



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Hi stuart my name is mervyn i am also a newbie where cags are concerned .Lucky is his name and he is only 13 weeks old now and we have him around 5 days ,i am all over the place wondering if he eating enough and drinking enough also,i constantly change his water and make sure he is well topped up with parrot feed and i am also encouraging him to eat some food with us at dinner time also ie just give him piece of your dinner in the cage sometimes he picks at it other times he just spits it out .

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Greetings Tourafri and welcome.


Congrats on the new Grey. They are amazing animals, pets and friends for life. Regarding your clipping question, you may get a lot of responses on that. I would encourage you to at minimum ensure Enzo is allowed to become fully flight proficient before you even consider clipping. Flight proficient means the bird can land exactly where it wants to, fly, hover and bank with complete control. Learning flight before clipping has been directly linked with playing a crucial role in the birds developent, nervous system, brain, emotional state etc. There are some really good threads on this forum regarding clipping, which is often a topic people feel strongly about one way or the other. I would encourage you to use reason on this topic, get as much info as you can so you can make an informed decision.


We look forward to your participation here.

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Hey Stuart,

As far as feeding and such, to my understanding, feeding your bird seeds as the main diet is like humans eating mcdonald's all of the time. Very fatty and not very many nutrients. Pellets are a good way to have consistency and convenience. Make sure he is also getting plenty of fresh options, such as fruits and veggies. He will eat when he is hungry. :) So keep fresh food and water around and he will do the rest. I've noticed some grey owners on this forum make a special point to make special meals for their greys, which is very cool, but not nutritionally necessary in my opinion.


As for the clipping issue, like dbhelix suggested, there are many different oppionions. Mine is (after they get control) do what i s safe for you and your bird.


Take care.



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Clipping should have nothing to do with whether or not your bird is allowed out of the cage. Whether your bird is clipped or not they can still fly under some circumstances (like fear). Therefore the same precautions must be in place (doors/windows closed etc) when the bird is out of the cage in either case.


To keep a bird you must understand their natural state is flighted. Anything other than that is not natural to them and therefore arguably less safe for them. Some people evaluate their living situation and make the decision that it is better for the bird to be kept clipped.


In any case, if you can allow full fledging you should. It is pretty clear that this is best for the birds develpment. Whether you decide to clip or not can be decided after the bird has become flight proficient.


Here are a couple if interesting (though long) threads on the topic with arguments for and against clipping. Its worth reading so you can be exposed to people's experiences and thoughts to help you make your own decision. There are other threads in the forum on this topic as well if you search.







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