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When Does The Voice Mature?


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My CAG Gracie will be one year old on Monday. Wow! Time flies. Anyway, she has begun speaking a little bit. She says: "Step Up" "Wanna Step up" "Barkley" (The name of my parents' dog), "Doggie", and "Toy". Her voice does not sound human-like as is often seen with greys. She is pretty clear in her pronunciation, but she still sounds very parrot-ish and robotic. She reminds me of the hawkshead parrot that shared a room with her at the breeders. At what age do their voices begin to sound like their owners? I mean, I really don't care if she sounds like me, but I know that greys do usually sound very human. I am guessing she is still developing the muscles necessary for that. Whenever I watch Dan's videos and hear Dayo--he sounds exactly like Dan. Is this something that occurs after a few years? Just curious.

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Hi Jeff,


It is just a matter of calibrating and really does not take that long. It seems that Gracie is speaking loud enough for you to hear while she is calibrating. Most will seem to mumble while they are doing this and you cannot very often make out what it is they are quietly practicing. Dayo was and still is a mumbler while putting together phrases for a few days and then just comes out with it in full volume when he is confident he has it right.


Gracie is doing great and believe me, she will end up sounding exactly like you. One to take note of, when we hear our voices from a recording, we normally respond with "That doesn't sound like me". :P

Edited by danmcq
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Happy birthday to Gracie! Wow is right, that seems like a blink of an eye. Since Gilbert has had many people in his life, he says different things in different "voices", some sound run together and harder to decipher. The funny thing is, he says a lot of things that make him sound just like Dan and Dayo's voice. I love that. The only thing close to my own voice I hear is asking the dogs if they want a "treat". Gracie is still ahead of the curve in her talking and I am thinking she will probably say a lot of things in different voices. I have heard the robotic or cartoonish speaking from Gilbert and then I will hear him say something else so clear, so enunciated, that I am sure someone else is in the house with us. As she gets you trained, Gracie will find out what works on you too. LOL. I love that she is talking to you and there is much more to come.

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DJ is going through the same stage, he does talk a lot but i can't understand everything e say yet. Sometimes he sounds just like me, and sometimes it's just bla bla bla. He reminds me of Susu when he started talking and saying lots of bla bla bla, now he talks really clear for being an IRN. I love it when they tell me "I LOVE YOU", especially in the morning :)

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I'm not sure when they stop with the robatic voice! As you all know, Sophie was two when she came here. I don't remember her talking robatic. I only remember her talking like me! Not necessary a good thing... as she talks like a " valley girl" from California. I always would say to kids... " why does she talk like that?" They would give each other a certain look!( I get it! I talk that way!) Sophie can also imitate Ryan and Sean too perfection. When I yell.. " dinner".. I can't tell if they are responding, or if it is Sophie. Nancy

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Jeff, I asked this same question a few months ago & didn't get very many responses.


Maui started out like that - very robotic.

She turned one in April. And talks very "human" now.

She has different voices for all of us & I can usually tell the difference between them.


I agree - she'll say things & I think that it doesn't sound like me, until I say it back & realize it is a dead ringer.

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To all..When I first adopted Sophie, I learned quickly, that they tend to follow the same age of development, as my kids.While clueless, I tried to expect Sophie, to do the same things, as when my kids were at that age. I found out I was right! Sophie started going thru the terrible twos, the moment she came home. She was babbling with baby talk and whistling, which I encouraged. We went thru a serious time of saying "NO!" She learned her boundaries. She was allowed on my wrist only since she would " bite", when on my shoulder.When she was 2 and 1/2... she was sitting on my wrist... I was on the computer... she started to bite the air... saying " NO! NO bite! She understood! She knew what I expected of her, and she finally understood. Sophie went to shoulder status after that, and has never looked back!

I would suggest... creating expectations, encourage baby talk and whistling, wrist status only, encouraging multifamily involvement, Height over baby cage, is important.I've laid it out...I'm sure. many will not agree, but this is what worked for us. Nancy

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Jeffnok, I'm so glad that you asked this! Dorothy turned one on Sunday (one day before Gracie!) It sounds like Gracie is saying much more than Dorothy. Dorothy loves to whistle and is very good at it! She has literally been repeating "Hello" since Saturday over and over! I can tell she is trying to say other words but I can't understand them. Her "Hello" is getting clearer however it is still quite robotic! (at least I hope that's what I'm hearing and I don't sound like that!) LOL I get very excited when she says it, I'm hoping she adds more words to her repitore it is such fun hearing her speak. She is however quite the prolific whistler!

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My Sterling Gris is a sound man. He loves to wolf whistle, gives the neighbor lady a thrill whenever she is mowing her lawn because Sterling goes Woo Woo and wolf whistles every time he sees her. Sterling is a talker too, he is the only one of my parrots who say, "Hello Gorgeous" which makes my daughter very happy!!!

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Brutus never sounded robotic. He always imitated my husband's voice. Also, maybe unusual too, is Brutus doesn't mumble, he just spits his mistakes out full volume. He has always done it that way. I think Gracie will sound more "human" with time. Happy birthday Gracie!

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