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Hi. My name is Robert and I have got back into having an African Gray. Quick history lesson on me. In 1993 I brought my first African Gray. Got her on two feedings a day and she was the best pet anyone could ever ask for.


She was my baby. At the time I was a rookie police officer and had a steady shift. Then in 95 I got promoted to Detective and my world went into over drive. The Gray suffered. She was left alone for blocks of time. She didn't handle that well. That along with my brother moving in due to losing his job.


She started to pluck. Bad. I ended up buying her a companion thinking that it would make it better. I brought her a double yellow head amazon. It made things worst.


To make a long story short. I ended up giving her up to my mothers friend who retired on disability and had all the time in the world dedicate to her.


Here we are 17 years later. I now retired from the NYPD on the 29th of June. So today, a day before my 42 birthday, I went out and adopted a 4 year old female gray.


I just spent a 1 1/2 hour car ride with her on my shoulder. What a drive. She stayed on my shoulder and every time i went to touch her she put her head down to be scratched.


Then when I got home I introduced her to the family. She went on all their hands. She went into the cage and ate had some water and fell asleep.


It feels like a void in my life has been filled. No words can explain how I feel.


Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi.



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Thanks all. Well today was a great day two for all of us and the gray who's name is Lola. I have to say that I don't understand why the prior owner got rid of her. This is the most well rounded gray I have ever seen.


I had about 70 people over my house today. They gray took it in stride. She hung out on my shoulder and was having a blast. The prior owner I think didn't know how to feed her. She doesn't respond well to fruit and Veggies. My first gray loved Bananas, Grapes, Pepper broccoli. This one loves seeds. That is it. I am giving her a bowl of fruit and veggies any way and hope she will pick up better eating.


She will go up on anyones hand, and I know its hard to believe but I think she is bonding already with me. I took her out this morning and sat with her for about 10 mins doing the up and down training that I learned on my first gray. She did it with flying colors. I put her in her cage and feed her and changed her water. When people came over she wouldn't let any one take her out of her cage. I had to. She would go right up on my hand. She would then go to anyones hand but when they tried to get her off she would bite. Not draw blood but like a warning. I would come up and she would go right up on my hand. When I put her close to my chest she stuck her head right in the middle and open her feathers for me to scratch her.


I really think I got a great parrot.


Maybe its the Detective in me. Tell me if this story doesn't sound weird.


I found her on ebay in their classified area. The price on her was 950. I think that is a great price for an Congo african gray. I contacted the seller. He told me that he brought her a month ago and that the landlord told him that he had to get rid of her or move.


I told him that I wanted to look at her. He told me we could meet after work.


About 5 hours later, he called me and told me that if I would take her that day that he would drop the price for her to 575. I was already in route to his house and I felt that it was a steep drop in price and I didn't haggle with him.


I got to his house and the bird was excellent. Great shape, healthy. The house was a mess. He didn't have a cage. I had brought one already because I knew I was going to be looking for a gray.


I played with her for about 5 min's. The owner told me that he had never seen her respond to anyone like that. She was just fine with me. I gave him the money and walked out with they bird.


He wanted to put her in a box for me to drive her home. I said no thanks. Got in the car and put her on my shoulder. She drove the whole way back to NY on my shoulder.


Everything keeps going through my mind. Why so cheap. I would have paid the 900 dollars. It made me question if she is a stolen bird. This parrot is way to tame and nice . I spent the whole night last night looking up lost or stolen african grays in NJ. Came up with a few but they don't know the band number and sent a few emails. What do you guys think. This bird has a great temperament and behavior. I was told she was about 3 to 5. She looks a bit younger than that. Her eyes are yellow/white not gray/black. Her feet look nice and young, not the older looking scale.


I'm taking her to the vet this week to clip her wing and nails a bit. So I'll have her scanned for a micro chip.


Anyway. Just checking what you guys think.



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I was told she was about 3 to 5. She looks a bit younger than that. Her eyes are yellow/white not gray/black. Her feet look nice and young, not the older looking scale.




Hi. If your bird's eyes are yellow/white, he would be approx 5 yrs or older.

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Hi Robert, I have my parrots microchipped with the hope that someone like you will find them if they are ever stolen/lost. I hope your new grey is not stolen because it sounds like you two are a perfect mix. Holding my breath until you let us know if your little lady is yours to keep.

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Here are a few pics. The she is a very funny bird. She saids hello when the phone rings. She saids "DROID" like the verizon droids do. She also saids a lot of things I don't understand because it sounds like mumbling. Tons of whistles.


She is very well behaved. I scored big time with this parrot.


Question to all. I think her cage is to small. It is 18 X 24. I think she needs a lot more room. What are your ideas? Thanks.





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What a great introduction and what good fortune for Lola to come to you. I agree with you that the seller seems fishy at best, especially the part that he had no cage. It is wonderful that you are having her checked out for a microchip and are looking into the possibility that she was stolen. No wonder Lola steps up and trusts you already, you have a good heart. She does sound like a dream come true for you. Your beginning with her is much better than some of our rehomes. Congratulations on the perfect fit.

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Fist of all, congrats on your retirement from the NYPD. A Grey is a great gift to yourself. Being a detective, I do not doubt your spidey sense were tingling regarding the seller. I might have expected you to ask a few more questions at the time, but things are different when you're emotionally involved, right? ;) I hope it all checks out and was nothing more than an odd situation. Lola sounds like a great bird and like katana600, as the owner of a rehome with a more difficult collection of baggage, I'm a little envious of your easy start. ;)


It's a shame about your first birds, but life happens despite our best intentions. Lola is your chance to make it up to those first parrots - if you believe in Karma or the like.


Welcome, and please keep us updated on Lola.

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Unfortunately, there are all sorts of shady folk out there when it comes to parrots - and there are a lot of stolen birds. BUT, he could have been just in a hurry to get her out because of an insistent landlord, or maybe he just really needed the money. We can't know the entire history.


If the bird is chipped, you be able to return her and you'll have done a wonderful thing! If not, sounds like you are on the road to a beautiful relationship. It's a win-win situation, either way.


I am wishing you the best of luck!

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Hello Robert and welcome to our family, so glad you could realize your dream of having another grey.

Even though I really hope it is not the case I am glad you are considering the fact that Lola might be a stolen bird, dropping the price like that is surely suspicious but I will be praying that you just got yourself a great deal on a wonderful bird. She is a beautiful bird at that and you are very lucky she seems to want to go to everyone as most will not, she has been socialized thats for sure.

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Had the vet visit today. She is healthy. They are testing her for a bunch of diseases. She is a very healthy weight and look. The vet said that she is extremely well behaved. He clipped her wings and grown down her nails. All in all she was great. He found no micro chip in her. Anyway. Just an update.



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I wish I could post a video here. This morning my daughter and i were watching TV when Lola started singing happy birthday to you in a man's voice. She so far saids Droid like the droid phones, Hello, sings happy birthday, and tons of whistles. Thanks for all the comments. I went through http://www.911parrotalert.com to look for lost birds in my area. The crazy thing is that everyone who has lost a bird never puts anything that the bird saids. They all say that they are gray with a red tail. All the pics look the same. Everyday that goes by me and my family are totally in love. Thanks all.



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Hi Robert! Congrats on ur lovely Lola! I had a similar situation with my female Siberian husky Sasha.... you were brought to her for a reason... enjoy her... I have an 8 week old baby cag and I am also new to the site... I can tell u this her cage is definitely too small... even if she's only in it to sleep, it should be at least 35 inches wide by 45 inches high on the inside... I just bought a beautiful cage from kings cages and waiting its arrival... they are expensive but worth every penny... good luck with lola.. she is beautiful!:-)

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Hi. our sleeping cages are 23"x23"x23", they will usually stretch one wing while resting, our fids are in their cages for a very short time...If your parrot is caged a for a long time, it needs to be as large as possible ... Something else to consider is what type of feeder your Grey is, Spock was a ground feeder, Joe is a perch feeder, long or tall cage? Thanks Jayd

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