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really rough day


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Last night in the middle of a happy time of snuggling Java and giving her our routine night night almond, she was vibrant and healthy and did a circle of the house. In one moment, my day changed. She was about four feet in front of me heading to the top of the refrigerator while I was getting her almond when she suddenly dropped to the floor in mid flight. She just sat there with her pupils so dilated that I couldn't see the red of her iris and it went downhill from there. She couldn't grip my hand, all her feathers looked loose and slack and I just held her until 2 am while she was limp in my hands. I stayed awake, kept her warm and had her at the vet as soon as they opened. She had a panel of bloodwork, culture of her droppings and nothing shows so far. Our vet said she is not dehydrated, doesn't present with anything obvious but she is vomiting and something bad is happening. All we can do is start her on antibiotics because it is a weekend and we won't get any test results back until Monday. The vet says if it is some type of bacterial infection, we have caught it early. Her weight is spot on normal. I am so scared for her and trying hard not to jump to conclusions. All I can think to say right now is that anything can change in our lives in a heartbeat so treasure what you have and be strong through the hard parts. Before I take a much needed nap, I thought of all the good people in our forum that have our back when it is most important and share in our small successes and pray with us in the worst of times. My husband and daughter stayed up to support me last night and are with me, but no one understands like our forum friends what each of our precious little flock members mean to us.

Edited by katana600
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Dee, I am so sorry to hear of this and I do hope Java will be ok, you must be beside yourself with worry but trust that if she can pull thru she will, you have been thru so much with your birds and it hurts me to know you are going thru something like this again but we are here for you and I will keep the both of you in my thoughts and prayers that Java will be just fine, keep us informed.

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Thanks everyone. I really hesitated to share with you and have you dreading the next post the way I was dreading the walk to her cage this morning. Hopefully we will have good news and a turn around. Timbersmom, I don't think it is a coincidence that when I called a friend to cancel plans today, she said those words almost verbatim. You all are so quick to be there for me, I have to admit it was selfishness on my part to post and ask for prayers and the love and energy of my friends. You are all there for each of us during the rough times, when we don't quite know what to say, it is enough just to click on thanks that says "I have been here, I hear you." I can hear the Acapella song, "just breathe" and I can get through anything in store for us. When I feel panic rising, I can just breathe, take one step at a time, keep Java warm, comfortable and wait for what is meant to be. I desperately want to hear my phone ring with the vet telling me, it is a bacterial infection and we caught it in time. For something to soothe our fears and hurts, when Java didn't want to be messed with any more, I offered to take her to her cage and I kissed her on the head. As she stepped onto her heated perch she made a cute little kissy sound back to me. We are going to be okay.

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Why! do they always have to get sick at night & on weekends? I'm sorry you have to wait even longer to be able to know what's going on & what best to do next. Just try to keep Java warm & comfortable & try hard to focus on a happy outcome.


The whole flock is keeping their fingers & claws crossed for Java & send lots of e-hugs for you both!

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Wow, what an ordeal. This makes me even more appreciative to have a 24/7 emergency exotics vet a mere hour away. I can't imagine what you're going through. Even though I just weathered Anya's illness with her, the way Java's came on is just shocking. Heart-wrenching. I wish you all the best regarding her and Gilbert's health, and just as important, I wish you peace over the weekend as you wait for results. Hang in there, Java!!!

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Please don't say you were selfish for posting. It's my honor to be able to pray for someone in a tough time. Sometimes we try so hard to be independent and shoulder burdens alone. I don't think we were created to be that way. When we lean on each other, everyone is stronger and more truly human. My prayers are with Java and you.,

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We had Java first, for almost six years now. We got a baby CAG and he had PDD. This may be something totally unrelated of course and I am not jumping to conclusions. This is how it started with both our other ones who had PDD. Nothing shows on the quick blood panels and PDD is one of those things that gets diagnosed by ruling other things out and watching the symptoms develop. Her sudden drop and the vomiting afterward and the dilated pupils is very much a reminder of the seizures our boys had as things progressed. We can handle anything that comes but it sure is a lot easier to have all of you rallying around, praying for her recovery and I am happy to tell you, it is helping her too. She rallied just about an hour ago. She was whistling and talking to my husband when he came in the room. No doubt tattling on me for letting the vet poke her and such. She isn't eating and I have offered her all of her favorites plus the warm mushy comfort foods recommended for sick parrots. She is still able to perch but her grip is really weak. I am so familiar with the safe warm environment to set up our own little hospital environment. It is just sad that we have had to practice it so much in such a short time. I am going to hold all your positive thoughts and encouragement close to my heart and just hope this goes away on its own. I didn't get that vet call to say we have any news, maybe tomorrow morning. It is just good news to hear her talking and grumbling away.

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She is responding to the antibiotic and I am responding to all your uplifting and much appreciated encouragement. Sometimes just when we think we don't have the strength to handle the tough stuff, our friends make it all worth fighting the good fight. Dr. Hutchison said he would do what he could to get an answer from the lab work and blood counts that were sent out and call me tomorrow afternoon. Gilbert and Java have been talking a little bit back and forth. It is so sweet to see him sitting on a perch closest to her cage where he seldom goes and he just was quiet last night and today and when she started talking, it was the first time he came out to the cage top and interacted with us too. She isn't accepting my offers of food, and she wouldn't eat her almond but I have seen evidence in her water bowl that she was dunking some pellets, so I will weigh her in the morning. I don't cry much, but all of you have welled up happy tears that help wash away the scariness and stress of this day. Thank you all so much. I would love to have answers about what this is and know that we can make her all better but I have learned that even with the best of medical care, we don't always get answers. My goal is to live every moment and love her through good times and the hard times, to trust that her vet is doing his best and he is the best I can find. Thanks to every one of you for caring.

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So far, so good. Java is holding her own this morning. She is responding to the antibiotic and I am just grateful to get up in the morning and find her on her perch responding to my voice and touch. I have some ideas and will discuss it with her vet and see if anything makes sense. I will keep you all posted as soon as we get any word but for now I am feeling optimistic and hopeful. Who knew how much a quarter pound of feathers and sharp and scary beak would mean to us? She has all of our family, and our forum friends on edge cheering for her recovery and to bring back the smiles and laughter she is known for. Thank you all so much for sharing this experience. I have to admit I was brought to my knees and humbled at my limits while the critical hours are slowly changing to the light of recovery. Your thoughtfulness and caring lifted us through once again. I treasure our forum family.

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I too have just seen your post, so sorry for you & Java. Glad to hear she is feeling a bit perkier. Sending positive thoughts to you, you are such a good parront. I'll be waiting to hear what your vet has to say. Hugs to you & Java ( and Mr. Gilbert too! )

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Java is definitely showing signs of improvement and regaining strength. It came time for me to give her the first home dosage of her antibiotic. She has proven to me that while she is at her worst one tiny little 136 gram bird can take me both physically and cognitively with one little talon tied behind her back. First I took her to the smallest room in the house so if she got away she would have less space to fly around and stress her out. I asked her nicely to take the liquid from the syringe and she was not going to cooperate. Next, I tried to get her on my lap so I could whisk her up in a favorite cuddling fleece square. Nothing doing. Next I got her interested into going into her travel cage so we had less space to struggle and I was able to reach in like the vet tech to scoop her up with a minimum of drama. Then she held her beak tightly closed and I swear she can turn her head several complete revolutions. Finally she opened her beak to loudly protest and to attempt to fight and it was one quick little squirt and she has been medicated. For a moment, I felt a sense of accomplishment. After that I made her breakfast, and she was more than happy to go back inside her big cage but she is not yet willing to eat. Her weight is still fine so I suspect she is eating and drinking while she is not being watched. I am quite relieved to double check the dosage information and need only to do one dose a day for ten days. I think she is going to be okay. She still looks worn out and weak but it definitely is a huge improvement from Thursday night and Friday morning. Hopefully by Monday afternoon at the latest we will have some clues to this health mystery. Thanks again for all of you giving me strength during a flashback to some scary times.

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So glad to hear there is some improvement, Java might be one fiesty little bird but she has met her match in you Dee, she might as well take her medicine willingly but if she makes you take the tough road then so be it. We are all pulling for some good news for you have had more than your share of the bad, heres hoping Monday brings better news.

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Thanks Judy. Of course my mind goes to the catastrophic possibilities, but no matter what, we have what we have and will deal with it one day at a time. Java was still droopy last night, but this morning she is holding her wings up on her own, has been talking more and I see evidence she is eating. I went from store to store yesterday trying to find her favorite pellets. I have always mixed a couple brands after discovering how hard it is to find the kind she really likes. We were getting to the bottom of the barrel and I was hand sorting to find the ones she likes. Finally, I found a bag and they are fresh and she is eating. Getting the antibiotic down her beak is a battle, she is reinventing herself after the description of feisty. As the vet suggested she might, she bit the end right off the tiny syringe. It is smaller than a cocktail straw. She bit me several times in the process but she did get her meds. She is one step ahead of me every moment and I feel like I have to meditate to get into a calm mindset to get ready and I am ever so grateful that it is just once a day. I go in with a fresh outlook every time and ask her for cooperation and even when she fights it, it makes me just a little happy to see that she has that kind of strength and willpower.

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Oh man, do I know about the meds, and I sympathize. Even though Anya was tiny, never a biter, and loved me to pieces, ishe could really make it difficult. Worse than her beak, more than once, her toe nail would find one of my cuticles. OUCH! Only having to do it once a day is a blessing. Keep your spirits up. Best wishes.

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Thanks Mark. The vet clipped her toenails Friday and I was worried because it made it harder for her to hold her perches. She just switched to the rope perch and is doing fine with that though. Her strength is improving and I do hope to have some answers tomorrow plus have Gilbert checked out of an abundance of caution. After the overnight vigil and vet visit and worry, all I could do is cry because she looked so sick and I was helpless waiting for the vet to open. You really are lucky to have had the after hours emergency center, I went through a lot of searching with my other sick birds and I feel like we have the best to be found during the daylight hours. All the tender care you gave to Anya was inspirational. We just keep working to give our little feathered friends the best we have to offer and take one day at a time.

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