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Unsure African grey owner


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Hi Iv posted before when let down badly by breeder and had some great replys, thankyou.

But I'm struggling at moment not sure if it me being over the top so any replys will be great.

1st Alfie is 17 weeks old still loves one formular feed at night which is fine also still enjoys Cheerios at breakfast which he has out of cage, I'v worked real hard to try to get him onto pellet food by mixing it with seed, soaking it and mixing it with veg, he will eat some of it soft and wet theres always some in his cage and he will break it up, its only small to start with, but seems not to eat it, veg what a night mare, the only way he will eat it is if its cooked, I'v hung all sorts in cage and put in dish just bites it and drops it, took grill out of bottom of cage so he could eat it from the bottom, didn't work, cant find a fruit he likes either have tried pear, apple, grape, kiwi, peach ect again somtimes bites it but never seems to eat it. I spray him every other day and he will stand in a large flat dish with warm water in it and drink it will also drink from spray nozzel which again is fine but never see him drink water in his cage.

I weighed him today he is 420 kg.

secondly I want him to be out of cage as much as possible which is no problem he is very friendly the problem is when out he just wants to be on me having head scratch which I know you will all be saying how good is that but I cant sit all day doing this if I try to do any tasks he flys after me landing on head, back or shoulder I remove him put him back on perch, have tried gentle stay the same if i try to play with him with toys just puts his head down for tickle, he has a play room with gym ect we go in there but just wants to be on me, end result have to put him back in cage to do anything, he does fly well does not seem nervous at all i use a perch stand which I can take into the room I may be in but just wants to be on me, open the top of cage with loads of toys but wants to be on me even now I have had to return him to the cage as I cannot keep him off the PC while writing this, I'm so glad he loves me but how do I get him to stay on a perch for some of the time, how do I start training him if he wont stay off me, put him on perch sit in front of him talking but flys straight to me head, I remove him this goes on and on.

sorry this is long but I'm worried about diet should I add supplements and worried about consistant perching on me if I get up and walk to TV he flys onto me from sofa where I have put him down.

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No worries. Sounds very much like "baby" behavior. Enjoy it!


The trick is to make sitting on the playstand, playing with toys (or whatever you want the bird to do) equally as rewarding as sitting on you. It may take a bit of training, not all birds instinctively play with toys. Here's what I do when presenting a new toy - I bring the toy to the bird to judge reaction. If it's scary, I don't force it. If it's *mildly* scary, I present it while showing a handful of reinforcements (seed, nuts, dried papaya). If the bird touches it, he gets the reward. I move from touching, to holding to actual play. It may take several sessions until the bird actually gets that playing with the toy is (a) fun, and (b) brings treats!!

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Truly baby behavior. Just like any human child, they want to be with you. Trust is being established. Not sure if you have kids or not... but those that do, know how hard it was to just get a shower in! LOL!When you need to do chores, take a shower etc., close his cage. Its also important for safety as well as bird needs to learn you have things to do! I always told Sophie " I have to do this!" Once I'm done, I will come get you. She eventually understood. Eventually I was able to expand on that as she got older. " I have to go to work, but when I get home I will come get you!" I always followed up with my promise! She trusts me, and knows I always keep my promise. Nancy

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Thankyou for reply, alfie has no fear of any new toys but at present prefers me to them, do have problems with treats though as he is such a funny eatter he will take them off me but just drops them!

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It is natural for us to get so excited to bring home our baby we want to do everything right and keep them happy and healthy. Our breeder told us how important it is today to train them in the beginning to have cage time and to learn to play independently so they don't become "velcro" birds. It is also natural for us to feel guilty when we are doing our own thing and want just a minute of peace but it really does do him some good to learn that cage time isn't really separate from you. You are finding balance with Alfie and it will all come together. As he gets settled and accepts cage time you will have some time to do the things that require more attention or the safety factor of having him in his cage while you are cooking or otherwise focused. It will get better.

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I have had similar "problems" with Misty. His diet is fine and although he has fresh water always available in his own water bowl I start his day with a drink from a tumbler of hot water and vitamin D with calcium( Not too hot!). Its become our morning ritual. Me with my "Coffee coffee" and Misty with his "Water". Although he has his food , nuts and fruit available all day he always preferes to eat when I do so his main meal is in the evening. I often give him a little pasta with cheese and vegges and some times a little fish. I use very little or no salt in any food we share. That is good for us both. He likes to get involved in any thing I do. I have to be especially careful if I open a drawer. He will fly the room like a bolt of lightning and dive right in! I have mostly got used to it and only occasionally have to put him in his cage but I usually wilt under the constant barrage of"come here!" and "Can I come out?" Still. We have only been together about 7 or 8 years so I live in hope that he will grow up one day and understand the importance of letting me get on with my work once in a while at least!:D His demands for head scratches are not excessive and is mostly when we are settled watching a bit of TV or listening to music.


Steve n Misty

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Thanks steve Misty sounds great, least Alfies not talking yet so cant call me or ask to come out, we tend to have meal times mainly started so I could monitor food intake but always leave alsorts in his cage, I like the water idear with vitamin D and Calcium thats one will be starting, as I write this alfie is sat ontop of kitchen door and allowing me to write this mind you he has been out all morning so prob time for a rest!

With the vitamins how much do you put into an average size glass of water and do you add vitamins every day?

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I would be VERY concerned about adding vitamin D and calcium supplements. Excessive amounts of vitamin D is the cause of the recent recalls that have killed many parrots!

Vitamin D and calcium absorption are not as easy as just "taking a pill". These vitamins are best received from food and sunshine.

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I would be VERY concerned about adding vitamin D and calcium supplements. Excessive amounts of vitamin D is the cause of the recent recalls that have killed many parrots!

Vitamin D and calcium absorption are not as easy as just "taking a pill". These vitamins are best received from food and sunshine.


I agree. Overdosing with supplements and vitamins must be avoided . However my way of doing it is very unlikely to give excessive amounts and although sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, in the UK that can be a rare commodity and vitamin D is important to aid the correct absorption of calcium. I give Misty less than 2.5 ml of liquid Osteocare ( A human dietary supplement) diluted into 150 ml of water and of this he drinks perhaps 10 ml. 2.5 ml contains about 1 microgram of vit D and 75 mg of calcium so you can see after the dilution the amount he gets is very little. In fact most of the calcium settles on the bottom of the glass. I started this because I had some concern with Misty's tail feathers. Three years ago he lost all his tail feathers. Possibly due to a home move. I took advice and started him on this supplement. Now all his feathers are in great condition and his red tail is near perfect as can be.


Steve n Misty

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