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Falling for your zon

Ray P

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Cricket is a hiker when it comes to going places. If she can go to the place she wants to go by walking and climbing that is what she will do.

She can fly when she wants to, but if she can walk and climb there she will.

The other day I left her on the dining room table and was going to change her food and water dish in her cage in the family room.

When I came back she was not on the table. so I said Cricket where are you ??

Than I heard Cricket say WHAT and I looked down and there she was on the floor and I almost steped on her.

I did not want to step on her and lost my balance and fell into my reclining chair.

As I turned and was in the sitting position Cricket climbed up the side of the recliner to my shoulder and looked at me as if to say, what took you so long.

Does any one have a bird that would walk before it would fly.

Corky my grey will fly to find me if I leave the room. but Cricket will walk or yell RAY !!

Edited by Ray P
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Shadow, my Grey would rather walk than fly as well. She is fully flighted and very capable of flying, however, she is convinced that she would rather be a "ground bird". Recently we added a plexy guard around her cage to prevent my little dogs from ravaging the newspapers in the poop tray. This actually prevented Shadow from accessing the floor as well. I was pleased because it is not safe for her to be wandering around the floor and I am not appreciating her cabinet restoration skills.


Shadow has been dealing with these guards. She learned how to unhook them which presented a danger to the poor little dogs below as the guard would swing from one hook in a decapitating manor. Zip ties fixed that. Then she discovered the fun (and alerting) noise that the guard makes when lifted and dropped! Great fun. And finally after all this manipulation and studying of the guards, Shadow has found the way around the guards and back to her ground bird status. Nothing like living with such a smart bird!

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Sophie, my grey also can fly, but walks half the time! She is always under my feet. I can't even go to the bathroom on the lower half of the house, without her. We are all use to her being under our feet. We have been trained by her. LOL! Everyone in our family knows... " tread lightly!" It becomes natural for us, to walk carefully, as Sophie is going to be there. Nancy

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