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I am not sure even what to say but I am still shaking and worried about my girls. As accidents would happen, this points out why we need to be vigilant in preventing what we can. I DO NOT have any teflon cookware THANK GOD but a disaster occurred at my house this morning regarding cookware. Bottom line a simmering pot of spices burned dry and filled my house with smoke! I am VERY worried about my birds both Shadow and a new little greencheek. I managed to get them both outside in their outdoor cages away from the smoke and have been running my exhaust fan. Is there anything else I can do? My poor babies, tears in my eyes I am praying they will be ok.

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Oh Jesus, what a 911! You did everything right. Getting them outside to fresh open air is the best medicine. Just watch them and if you observe any labored breathing, take them to the vet asap. Other than that, they will be fine.

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THANKS Dan! I am so glad I have an outdoor space for them. They seem fine so far. My plan is to leave them out all day. Of course the humidity is like 90% so the air is slow to clear.

Not sure if I should put the AC back on or keep the exhaust fan going?

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I know it's hot and AC will help a little it is a "Closed System" normally and does not pull in fresh air. I would place box type fans pointed outside from window cells and/or doors to get the air evacuated out of the house and replace with fresh clean air. It should not take more than an hour or so of doing this.

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Thanks everyone....seems to be better now. Just a lingering scent of overdone mulling spice. I plan to keep the birds outside all day just in case. Nothing like a shot of reality to keep me on my toes. AND.....to remind me to check the smoke detectors!

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Eeeks! Don't punish youself. We try to be perfect with our birds, but it's impossible. I burned a pot of beans once and had the same situation. If it's very hot and uncomfortable outside (it sure is in Los Angeles), I would mist them down - but keep them outside as long as possible. If you can, when you bring them inside keep them in a room with a door that closes and put a rolled towel under the door to keep the fumes out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yanno, when my mom was visiting for that week, we enjoyed some time cooking in the kitchen. Course the first thing I begged her to make was homemade apple pies from fresh apples my friend had given us! I was so excited! UNTIL ... (not thinking) they spooged over the edges of the dish, bubbled up on the bottom of my oven and literally caught a FIRE inside my oven !!!!!!! Which a year ago wouldnt of been sucha big deal.

I start freaking out running round opening doors, windows, turning on fans to force the smoke out of the house. (thankfully there wasnt that much but ANY bit in my opinion was too much) My mom looked at me like I had lost my mind until I told her how sensitive the birds lil air sacs n stuff were. Needless to say I told her we couldnt make the other pie until we cleaned the spillage off the bottom of my oven AND we had to put something under the 2nd pie.

It was a total scare and clear reminder how quickly things can go bad!

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