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A few pet peeves.


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[#4] Sorry about my education, another member recently stated that people in Arizona were backwards.



Sorry, it was more a joke about the contrasting politics in Arizona. Backwards, doesn't imply less education, just different. I'm ready to move on to other forums some days. The politics on this forum make it hard to get what I hope to get out of a forum like this. People can be down right mean and offensive, including those who are moderators. I would expect better from them. You're not helping the animals these people have hostage by insulting the people who will go off and get bad advice elsewhere. Some will go where they hear what they want to hear. Those can't be helped. Others might listen if people are more patient and not be driven off by insulting language. I know I've been guilty of it but it's something I try manage. That's my pet peeve.

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How does that go, Ye who are with out sin, cast the first stone? My reply was a joke too....;) There are a lot of good forums out there. A person has to do what they feel they have to do, Oh, by the way, I didn't It wasn't I who made the first remark! You said, People can be down right mean and offensive, including those who are [members]moderators. I'm tired of the cheap shots, I agreed and thanked you many times after your remark, seems you didn't see that! Whatever you want my friend, the choice is yours..Thanks for your opinion, again that's yours...;) I'm glad you're so versed on Arizona......I have a Question? By one video you judge a whole state? On the forum no one makes coments on another person's lifestyle, family, religion, country, state or origin, etc....I'm an advocate, I'm the 1st person that will tell you if your doing wrong with your parrots. I don't pull punches. So anyone else that wants to do a cheap shot, do it now. If you don't like what I say, don't read it, My help is free, my care and love for our fids is free. It costs you nothing....

Edited by Jayd
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WOW. And now I'm forced to reconsider everything. Another embarrassing outburst like what happened in the "Welcome" room, and I'm going to have to copy all of my posts, make a few Facebook friends, and say good bye. MANY of the responses in the thread wulfie started were disgusting to read. Wow.

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Criticism of others does NOT breed respect.......


Neither does standing back silently when someone is doing something blatantly wrong, cruel or inhumane. We as humans seem to think we can justify almost anything we do, even if it is at the expense of a child, another person, or a helpless animal. I'm the one that doesn't sit by and watch a man on the street beat his dog with a leash because it wouldnt sit when it was told to. I take the leash and dog away and call 911, I didnt even think twice about it. I'm the one that wont sit idly by while you beat your kid, or say something mindbogglingly damaging to them. I WILL say something to you in public if you speak degradingly to your wife, g/f, or elderly parent. I earned my law degree to go out in this world and help people, to seek justice for the victims, to help right a wrong, no matter how small and I WILL speak up when I see something terrible being done. It will be blunt and to the point, I dont fart sunshine, rainbows and puppies.


I dont agree with Dave's delivery but I absolutely agree with his sentiment. His concern was for the bird, and nothing more and I have total respect for that . We can, for the most part ,look after ourselves and stand up for ourselves, but who is going to stand up for the innocent and the weak if the rest of us are too timid to say anything for fear of offending the perpetrator or upsetting the apple cart? Maybe it is because of my education/training, or maybe it is because I have worked for years with less than desirable people, but I have a whole lot more respect for the ones who stand up for the innocent, no matter how they do it so long as the intent was good, than I do for those who are too cowardly to do the right thing.


Given that this thread was started as a self serving, whining post to complain about others, one might want to think twice about who you're b*tching about and why you think you have the right to do so to begin with. And that's just my opinion. If it's too blunt, too bad.

Edited by Darwinsmom
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WOW. And now I'm forced to reconsider everything. Another embarrassing outburst like what happened in the "Welcome" room, and I'm going to have to copy all of my posts, make a few Facebook friends, and say good bye. MANY of the responses in the thread wulfie started were disgusting to read. Wow.


I have no doubt you know the saying "It not what you say, but how you say it". I am guilty of this many times over, especially when hammering out a quick email in between work and checking the forum. Quickly blasted out posts and emails just do not truly convey many times how you were thinking, which perhaps was not blasting a person at all, but making a comment/correction on a person in error, being mislead by false or experimental/scientific studies etc. by someone else stating them as if they are proven scientific facts(talk about sentence run-over!). We humans have enough difficulty working odd hours and our sleep rhythms, much less wild creatures that rely wholly upon the circadian cycles.


I believe everyone here does have the birds, rather than the owner in mind (rightly so) and are "Protective" of them more than the feelings of a person asking a questions or stating what they may think is a truth. We are for the most part, very aware of how parrots and critters that were mistreated, mis-trained and looked after end up in shambles at rescues or multiple re-homes due to issues they have as a result of it. Thus we are VERY protective of these wild and intelligent creatures.


I hope I conveyed this in the way I intended it. :)

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We may have to agree to disagree on this, but I doubt as many birds are "saved" as some would like to believe when the original poster is shouted off the forum. As for best intentions, they are easily lost interrible delivery.

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Neither does standing back silently when someone is doing something blatantly wrong, cruel or inhumane. We as humans seem to think we can justify almost anything we do, even if it is at the expense of a child, another person, or a helpless animal. I'm the one that doesn't sit by and watch a man on the street beat his dog with a leash because it wouldnt sit when it was told to. I take the leash and dog away and call 911, I didnt even think twice about it. I'm the one that wont sit idly by while you beat your kid, or say something mindbogglingly damaging to them. I WILL say something to you in public if you speak degradingly to your wife, g/f, or elderly parent. I earned my law degree to go out in this world and help people, to seek justice for the victims, to help right a wrong, no matter how small and I WILL speak up when I see something terrible being done. It will be blunt and to the point, I dont fart sunshine, rainbows and puppies.


I dont agree with Dave's delivery but I absolutely agree with his sentiment. His concern was for the bird, and nothing more and I have total respect for that . We can, for the most part ,look after ourselves and stand up for ourselves, but who is going to stand up for the innocent and the weak if the rest of us are too timid to say anything for fear of offending the perpetrator or upsetting the apple cart? Maybe it is because of my education/training, or maybe it is because I have worked for years with less than desirable people, but I have a whole lot more respect for the ones who stand up for the innocent, no matter how they do it so long as the intent was good, than I do for those who are too cowardly to do the right thing.


Given that this thread was started as a self serving, whining post to complain about others, one might want to think twice about who you're b*tching about and why you think you have the right to do so to begin with. And that's just my opinion. If it's too blunt, too bad.


As Dan has so nicely stated, this is a perfect example of misreading one's intentions on their post..... it was never my intention for you to think I meant to sit back and be quiet.....

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Who can yell the loudest....Watch your language......


My 2 cents, I saw it coming, I tried to curtail it, 1st their comment then ours, I'll stand up for Dave to the Gates of Hell, but his wording was wrong.... It continued and I tried to restrain from derogatory remarks, I did fairly well. I asked our members to drop it, a couple of times, no one listened, ZulusMom I even later sent you a PM. Our responses were wrong we started it and continued feeding the fire period!!!. They asked a question even if it went against our beliefs and we attacked them, then the domino began to fall.......Yes, they were wrong but no more then us......I'm ashamed of my part in this..Since that night, I've been working hard to smooth over with the other forum this mess, I had it for a second, then "Who's Right" reared it's ugly head once again. Hey, Walk away if you can't be civil. There seems there's no more opinion, just experts.


When all's said and done, A black Day



This thread wasn't started as a "self serving, whining post to complain about others" It was started as one persons opinion, and as usual, we turned it around to serve our ego's.......

Edited by Jayd
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Jayd, this "pet peeves" thread was absolutely started as whining about others.


And I for one will NOT back down on my beliefs just to appease some stranger on the internet, ever. What that poster wants to do to a baby bird is wrong. I feel that way, professionals I spoke to feel that way, and lots of other members feel that way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying what they were thinking about doing is cruel and inhumane, because it is.


Talon, I was speaking in general of people who sit back and watch bad thing happen without ever saying a word because they think someone else will do it.

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Jayd, this "pet peeves" thread was absolutely started as whining about others.


And I for one will NOT back down on my beliefs just to appease some stranger on the internet, ever. What that poster wants to do to a baby bird is wrong. I feel that way, professionals I spoke to feel that way, and lots of other members feel that way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying what they were thinking about doing is cruel and inhumane, because it is.


Talon, I was speaking in general of people who sit back and watch bad thing happen without ever saying a word because they think someone else will do it.


ZulusMom..Read before you speak, answer in proper decor, state your feelings than move on if you see it's going to flair...You've missed the whole point, It's not what you believe but how you respond. Don't lower yourself to their level, reword your protest to teach instead of antagonize...To you, there is a difference between being opinionated and having a opinion...Your doing the same thing now, dragging it on in stead of moving on, we all understood your point a long time ago...Accusing vaguely is wrong. Now, it's you turn to act professionally. Enough, move on...

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Since some members feel this is a Complaint Thread, my turn. Read carefully, I'm not going to mention name's. We have some members who fell they are experts [could be anyone including me] who will give a opinion, or state I know what I'm talking about,and I'm a expert! These people, some don't even have a parrot or any experience other than reading something some one on the net said or from a book make this claim. They give advice as if they really believe the know what their talking about, instead of asking some on this forum for their out take on the subject. Than in turn they'll openly correct members who know what their talking about, only to cause confusion.


From now on when ever this happens to me, I'm just going to delete my post, let them answer right or wrong for me. I've seen a lot of good people blasted because someones mad because the answer they received wasn't what they wanted to hear. So come-on, let's keep on replying to boost our ego's or to score point's to discredit some one because we don't like their attitude.....To some specific members,

sometimes there's more than one correct answer to a question....


This is your Forum, it's what you Make it !!!!! I'm tired, all this bantering, and I know more than you do attitude is making me sick.. I'll be the first to admit I've done wrong....So instead, why don't we accept truths and quit going out of our way to hurt or discredit someone just because we can !!!!..I'm feel like I'm wasting my time, Don't waste yours any more, each and everyone of you have so much to offer...

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