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A few pet peeves.


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Sometimes you've just got to let things out. I love these forums, but there are a few things that drive me nuts, or even away, from time to time. Some are silly, and I own that. Some are less so. I'm not calling out individual users, but if the shoe fits . . . well I don't expect anyone to heed what I say nor change because of it, and I'm certain I'm not a perfect poster, but I've just got to say, what is with . . .


1) Stating your opinion or limited experience as fact? With exclamation points? It doesn't make it any more factual. Luckily, I've been around forums long enough to take everything with a grain of salt. And a shot of tequila.


2) Quoting the only person I have on my Ignore list? How can I ignore a person if other persons quote said person?


3) Substituting "greyt" for "great?" I know, it's cute, but it drives me bonkers, I'm sorry. I have a hard time taking your good advice seriously if you write like a 13 year old. "Fid" and "parront" also make me itchy, but slightly less so.


4) Apostrophes? Same reasoning as #3, I have to discount a person a tiny bit if he or she doesn't know the difference between plural and possessive. For some reason, not just here, "video's" and "pic's" seem to be two of the biggest culprits. I know typos happen, but . . .


5) Replying without bothering to READ what you're replying to? If the thread is long, and you've only skimmed the first page, AT LEAST read the last couple follow-ups by the OP before replying, PLEASE. Better yet, DON'T REPLY. Good intentions can easily turn into hurt feelings.


6) People and their pet peeves? Don't they have more important things to worry about? Hey, wait . . . .


Phew! I feel better already! And remember, it's not you, it's me. :D

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Sometimes you've just got to let things out. I love these forums, but there are a few things that drive me nuts, or even away, from time to time. Some are silly, and I own that. Some are less so. I'm not calling out individual users, but if the shoe fits . . . well I don't expect anyone to heed what I say nor change because of it, and I'm certain I'm not a perfect poster, but I've just got to say, what is with . . .


1) Stating your opinion or limited experience as fact? With exclamation points? It doesn't make it any more factual. Luckily, I've been around forums long enough to take everything with a grain of salt. And a shot of tequila.


2) Quoting the only person I have on my Ignore list? How can I ignore a person if other persons quote said person?


3) Substituting "greyt" for "great?" I know, it's cute, but it drives me bonkers, I'm sorry. I have a hard time taking your good advice seriously if you write like a 13 year old. "Fid" and "parront" also make me itchy, but slightly less so.


4) Apostrophes? Same reasoning as #3, I have to discount a person a tiny bit if he or she doesn't know the difference between plural and possessive. For some reason, not just here, "video's" and "pic's" seem to be two of the biggest culprits. I know typos happen, but . . .


5) Replying without bothering to READ what you're replying to? If the thread is long, and you've only skimmed the first page, AT LEAST read the last couple follow-ups by the OP before replying, PLEASE. Better yet, DON'T REPLY. Good intentions can easily turn into hurt feelings.


6) People and their pet peeves? Don't they have more important things to worry about? Hey, wait . . . .

Phew! I feel better already! And remember, it's not you, it's me. :D


;)You make a good point, we all should be more concerned with other members likes and dislike's. Being that a forum on the internet is 2 dimensional and members can't see if I'm sticking my tongue out or not, we use "Word's" etc,to explain ourselves. Most everything you said fit's me to a "T".

[#1] So, instead of trying to offer advice or a opinion, even if it's wrong, and lacks facts, I'll correct it.

[#2] That's not my problem...

[#3] Sorry about "Greyt, Fid's And Parront's" I'm sorry, 13 yr's old was a good year. [Did I mention something about trying to express something in 3d in a 2d environment? I'll correct this !

[#4] Sorry about my education, another member recently stated that people in Arizona were backwards.

[#5] I think I posted something about that?

[#6] That one I agree with you on, a members ego, I've noticed lately some members were more concerned with making statements [flaming etc] and ones like yours in stead of responding to those that are asking for help.

The shoe fit's me perfectly, To keep you [and others from going "Bonkers"]You can offer advice and help the members instead of me. But if you had read my posts, [#5] I was never afraid to use someones name instead of "If the shoe fits.... I'll stop all the faults I have that you pointed out...:) I'll stop posting any advice and only post photo's etc.....That includes replying to any made to this thread... It's Been Greyt!!! Your all Greyt Parronts and have wonderful fid's...:D




Edited by Jayd
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Ah, JayD, I love your contributions, especially #5. And I also appreciate that if challenged on your opinions or advice, you could back them up with research like Blanchard or the like and not just relating what one of your birds did once as a sweeping truth. Seriously, I have respect for you despite #3. This really was intended to be a lighthearted steam-blowoff and I should have known better than trying to navigate these tricky waters at 2 a.m. Luckily I had not been drinking or it could have been worse.


Honest truth, I wasn't singling anyone out overall. I definitely did not have you in mind with #1, you're not the only one who does #3 and I hade a couple people in mind for #5, ut again, not you. Heck, I know I've even commited most of those myself (yes, even #3 once upon a time) and that was part of the eye-wink I should have realized wouldn't come across as intended.


Although #4, I just can't abide. Oh, there I go again. ;)

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#1 - Get over it!!!!!! :P

#2 - Who knows who is on your ignore list? Get over it!!!!!!!!!! :P

#3 - I coined the word GreYt 4 or 5 years ago and will use it anytime I please. This is the Grey forum, and well greys are GreYt!!!!! So, you know...... Get over it!!!!! :P

#4 - Yup, well...... get over it!!!! :P

#5 - Read the post!!!!! Buuuuaaahhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... Get over it. :P

#6 - I'll have as many pet peeves as I want and have have several for years the ones I do have so far I have named Alfred, Molly, Popeye, Rat Fink, Speedy Gonzales and Lumpy. Now you have given me a new one I am naming Don Rickles...... Making all his statements about how others bug him in error of not realizing he is stating his pet peeves and probably things that bug him about himself as well..... :P


#7 - Drink more Tequila and you'll slowly get over 1- 6 and just not care anymore. :P

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Ah, JayD, I love your contributions, especially #5. And I also appreciate that if challenged on your opinions or advice, you could back them up with research like Blanchard or the like and not just relating what one of your birds did once as a sweeping truth. Seriously, I have respect for you despite #3. This really was intended to be a lighthearted steam-blowoff and I should have known better than trying to navigate these tricky waters at 2 a.m. Luckily I had not been drinking or it could have been worse.

Honest truth, I wasn't singling anyone out overall. I definitely did not have you in mind with #1, you're not the only one who does #3 and I hade a couple people in mind for #5, ut again, not you. Heck, I know I've even commited most of those myself (yes, even #3 once upon a time) and that was part of the eye-wink I should have realized wouldn't come across as intended.

Although #4, I just can't abide. Oh, there I go again. ;)


Thank You, Jay said he won't reply because of so much negative posting. And I'll just reply this one time. We as members need to post clearly, not in jest or in hope that someone might not understand a wink. Jays biggest fault is he tells it like it is, right or wrong, not draging it on, say what you have to say and get it over with. No one here knows how much he might regret, for something he said, we can only try to understand what someone has posted, not to find out they didn't mean exactly what they posted later.Times shorter than you might think my friend. Thank You. Maggie

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Good job Dan!


Oblivion, I believe you just complained about EVERY member here including me.......my saying is, if something bothers you, the don't do it, or go there. This forum certainly isn't here to annoy people, those people should go elsewhere.:) or not visit us.

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On second thought, WHYpost something like this that obiviously WILL stir the pot and hurt many feelings? Better to just walk out the door quietly if we annoy you.


I don't believe that was your intention, cause I know you better than that (I think) :)

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Good job Dan!


Oblivion, I believe you just complained about EVERY member here including me.


AND I incriminated myself. I'm inclusive. As for why post it, I really don't know. I've typed and deleted a similar post several times over the last couple years. I think the actual posting felt necessary to help achieving Dan's point, which I whole-heartedly agree with, "Get over it." I owned it in my original post, "It's not you, it's me." But you've said it yourself in your I Am Angry! thread, "Sometimes [we] have to get things off our chest." Even when it's not anger, but mere annoyance.


One unintended consequence was insulting people's, including JayD's, education. For that, I apologize sincerely. I do, in general life, have language peeves, but I 100% realize that's all on me. If I get your point despite a few mistakes, it REALLY shouldn't matter. To point that out - even though I honestly did not mean to single JayD out on it - is not only needless, but hurtful and for that, I am sorry.

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As for why not just leave if annoyed, I have left in the past for that very reason - walked away for a bit instead of stirring things up. But the fact is, like any 'family' friction, the benefits I greedily get from the group in the way of GOOD advice and information, not to mention support and head and gut checks, eventually outweigh any peeves I may harbor. You are good people, despite my complaints. Even folks I disagree with on some things (opinions, verbal style, etc.) have valid points AND offer sincere (I believe) support. You don't just walk away from that forever because you get annoyed from time to time.

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It's good to hear you are sticking around. Hell, I get annoyed with family sometimes, but get over it due to the benefits of having them. :)


One important thing you mentioned was opinions. Everyone has them on particular topics and even scientific experts conducting studies disagree with each other. Thus, many time I read and study each and come to my own opinion and use in dealing with my critters. There is more unknowns, than knowns about greys for example in the wild.

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Curses we are human and we need to just accept that and get along, good grief folks we are here for the birds not petty or critical verbiage use. Gosh many of the folks on here English is their newest language and we probably confuse them terribly some times. Greyt on Grey forums is cute, lots of people get a little warm feeling there and we all can understand the intent. Thicker skin may be the best bet here and Jayd you are one of the big reasons I am on this board would appreciate if you stuck around. Pet peeves do not need to be fed and cared for but our flock members all do! Yes I like to use Exclamation points I think I speak that way as well. All the best folks and what a tempest in a tea pot I just became a part of.

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Dan, you touched on a point I've realized I grossly mis-stated originally. Opinions and personal experiences are, of course why we are here. My point with #1 was that some times such personal views are presented as absolute facts. NO Grey does this because mine doesn't. ALL Greys do that because mine did once. Etc. That, I have a problem with, and I don't think I'm alone. Yet when it comes down to it, just like with the petty punctuation stuff, it's really a matter of style that I/we just need to live with. As I alluded, we all should remember not to take ANY one person's statements as gospel without some backup. That was my poorly-presented point.

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In light of the terrible tragedy in Colorado overnight, I want to humbly and loudly say that of course NONE of what I complained about matters a whit. I hope all of you and yours are safe (I have cousins in Aurora, but they were safely at home). Hug them and love them and be well.

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Dan, you touched on a point I've realized I grossly mis-stated originally. Opinions and personal experiences are, of course why we are here. My point with #1 was that some times such personal views are presented as absolute facts. NO Grey does this because mine doesn't. ALL Greys do that because mine did once. Etc. That, I have a problem with, and I don't think I'm alone. Yet when it comes down to it, just like with the petty punctuation stuff, it's really a matter of style that I/we just need to live with. As I alluded, we all should remember not to take ANY one person's statements as gospel without some backup. That was my poorly-presented point.


I am replying with a quote. I hope it does not offend any that has you on a blocked list. :P


You are 100 percent correct. We all give examples of our individual greys and flock dynamics based on how things work or don't work in our specific environments. Every bird, dog or critter is an individual and responds to different things and in different ways. Each must be interacted with in manners that they use and appreciate our understanding their individual needs. There are many things in common we all hopefully try to convey in regards body language, eating needs, bating needs etc. of each species. Beyond that, we just need more information from the forum particular member and their greys reactions to various things to give correct suggestions on what to try or change.

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Communication - in any medium - can be challenging. But especially so over the Internet. Even more so when the subject is an emotional one, such as pet ownership. Yikes!


When it comes to personal opinion...please work within their own experience. I try to keep in mind, always, what Susan Friedman says about bird behavior - that behavior is the study of one. What works for my bird may not work for another as they are all individuals.


As for the wildcard punctuation...it's everywhere! Protect the apostrophe! http://www.apostrophe.org.uk/index.html :)

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I loved the link Sarasota! I'm a bit of a grammar hound myself. Mine isn't always correct, I know, but I do notice incorrect usage. I realize that on forums, text messages, etc. people don't feel the need to proofread or be careful. I don't let that bother me as far as how I value the information they provide. I think it has a lot to do with my age, but the other day my son (age 25) said, "Why can't any of these people on facebook use a complete sentence?" That did my little heart good ;)

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I am an English teacher for international students. I correct grammar and puctuation every day. Of course I notice if a poster makes an error, either out of carelessness or because they might not know the rules. It doesn't irritate me though. I guess I would really hate for someone to come to this forum and feel judged for the way they put a sentence together. We are all just humans here with strengths and weaknesses. To me the greatest strength a person can bring to the table is kindness. Pet peeves are a fact of life, and we all have them. For me, I tend to share my pet peeves with an uninvolved party in confidence because I have no power to really change the things that irritate me. I think that is a "GREYT" course of action for me. I get it off my chest, and I don't hurt anyone's feelings.

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I agree with Judy.


We all have problems with many members here, and as admin, God knows I have complaints about many things that I witness here, but in the best interest of the forum and in caring enough to not hurt others feelings, I feel most of us put our selfishness aside and choose to respect others and put up with each others quirks. :)

As a person, I feel it is a good quality to have, tolerance of others opinions and way of doing things, whether it be punctuation, writing abilities, spelling, etc. many of us have iPads that love to correct us and change our words, but we as busy People dont have time to go back and re read our posts, NOPE, not me, so be it!

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Yes and that sinister autocorrect, which can make something that made sense totally senseless! I don't proof my posts particularly either and didn't mean to imply that anyone's grammar etc. bothers me. It's just something I notice. Content is what matters, and I've found the forum to be of tremendous help to me over the last few weeks. I did not intend to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I did.

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I think all those little things is what makes this forum a fun and comfortable place to be.

We speak from the heart and in a way as to who we are and not from a text book.

Our members live all over the world and some members use translation software just to be a part of this forum.

Some times what they say may not be what they want to say because the meaning gets lost in translation.

We are what we are and that is the GreyT part of this forum.

We take each others short commings and put them in a box with our own.

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Okay, I am going to tell on myself here. I have coping techniques that even professional counselors... whom I have seen (LOL) have said they would adopt in their own advice to others. Usually, I have a bit of a hair trigger and have discovered that what really bugs me today when I am stressed, might not be an issue after a good night of sleep. So, first I sleep on it. There are times when something so egregious that would be due a full on battle, but I have to choose my battles carefully. You know, cause mainly, I must be a warrior on the inside because I love a good battle. LOL. So, when someone really ticks me off, I have a three week rule for emotional objectivity. I make a tick mark on my calendar and agree with myself not to address this for three weeks. On the day that I think about it again, sometimes I can just let it go but if not, I evaulate if it is worth my breath to try to change things or better for myself and everyone else to move on. My favorite was an altercation with one of my professors. I did go talk with him and it was worked out. But, I did admit to him that on day one I "cursed him with baldness and impotence". LOL. On the next test was a smiley face next to my grade and a statement about the curse being lifted. LOL. I had to put it back on his desk with a note saying if he couldn't tell he had bigger problems than my wickedness. The point is we really never know what is going on in someone else's life or heart. If we give the benefit of the doubt and consider people we care about are really looking out for the good things, the little stuff doesn't seem to be intentional aggravation.

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