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Introducing Wozzie !!

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Our little Wozzie came to us in this little cage. From what we know this is all our little guy knew before he came into our lives. (Very little is know about him). First thing, a new cage was made. Secondly, I made him a new toy with colored straws. HE LOVES IT! (I learned to make from your forums :) ). We are one month into our new life with Wozzie and loving him dearly.


Wozzies Old Cage 2.jpg

Wozzie's New Cage3.jpg

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Hi JeffNOK, I just recently joined the forum and titled my introduction "I'm so Amazed" on July 7. It tells a brief snapshot of Wozzie and the very little we know about him. (I really don't know his gender, I just decided to call him a boy). Do not know his age, I have absolutely no paper work on him. He has chosen me to be the love of his life, but will let Ken, my husband, pet him but with extreme caution. I would say, yes, somebody has worked with him, but not much. I went to the man (on a street corner) who sold him to a friend of mine, and that same day, I bought him from her. He couldn't answer any of my questions. (I was thankful for his honesty, and that he just didn't make up answers to appease me) All he could tell me was that it was a man from this country (Burkina Faso, West Africa) that owned him and the only word he speaks is "Bonjour" (Its a french speaking country). Jeff, Wozzie is amazing! I had know idea birds had so much personality. Everyday we are growing and bonding. Right now, I am really working on watching and learning his body language for when he is trying to tell me things. Thanks for showing interest. I could use all the support I can get right now, with the little knowledge I have about my CAG. God Bless!

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Are you living in Ouagadougou? Are there any avian vets there? Where are you from originally? Is Burkina Faso your forever home? Sounds like you are the adventurous type. That should be an asset in your life with a grey. We all look forward to hearing more. Looks like things are going great so far. Bless you.

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You know of Ouagadougou and you spelled it right? I'm impressed already...LOL Yes this is the city we live in and plan to work here until retirement age, which is awhile yet. My concern with Wozzie within our life style is that we return to the states every 4 years for our furlough time which is up to a year time. (will be having this time Jan. 2014) I do have a lady here that has said she will keep Wozzie for me during our time of separation, but I know that it is going to be difficult for him and myself. It almost kept me from rescuing him, but when I saw the condition he was living in, I couldn't stop myself from making the commitment to him. Its one of those things we will have to work through when the time comes. And when the time for us to return to permanently, I don't know if it will be possible to bring Wozzie because I don't have any paper work on him. I don't know of an avian vet here yet, I'm still asking around. I had my vet for my dog come and take a look at him, and he brought vitamins for him. He said He needed them because it is the rainy season here now. He really didn't know much at all about my bird, I could tell by his amazement of how I was handling Wozize and all the affection we were exchanging with one another in front of him.

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He's absolutely adorable! Enjoy!


p.s. Getting him DNA tested is a good idea. It helps to know if your bird is female in case of egg binding, prolapse vent etc.


I wish I could but the place I live, I cant find an Avian vet. There may be one here somewhere in the city, but we don't have yellow pages, just word of mouth. (Burkina Faso, West Africa) I keep asking though, you just never know...LOL

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Jeff, Sorry i forgot to tell you, we base out of Missouri. My two sons live in Parkville, MO, North of Kansas City. This is where we consider our home seeing that we raised our kids here. Great place! I see your from Tulsa. We have been there a number of times because of our travels to raise funds for our churches here in Burkina. (we call it deputation). God Bless and thanks for the connection

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You know of Ouagadougou and you spelled it right? I'm impressed already...LOL Yes this is the city we live in and plan to work here until retirement age, which is awhile yet.


I am an English teacher for international students, and I spent a year working for the US State Department as part of their English Language Fellow Program. Although they ended up posting me in Romania, I had listed a post in Burkina Faso as one of my preferences. While waiting to find out where I would be assigned, I did some research on each country. That is how I came to know of Ouagadougou. Ever since I have just loved that name for a capital city.

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