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Brandi's first vet check

Parrot Lady

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she passed everything with flying colrs :) except for one thing the vet was a little concerned about her weight, my scales says she weighs 370 his scales say she weighs 367 he said she needs to gain more weight , she eats good and loves her veggies plus she is still on a nightly feeding she is 15 weeks old today sooooooo how do I get more food down her? I also added some walnuts, cashews and almonds along with her pellets any suggestions?

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I don't even weigh my bird. Just think...how do they watch their weight in the wild without us. I personally would not worry about it too much. Look for a happy healthy bird...if that's there...I think that's awesome. I am not saying neglect diet, but if they look happy...and healthy...and they are eating veggies, pellets and all the diet is fine...then I wouldn't worry too much about a target weight.


EDIT: Hopefully I didn't sound cold, sometimes I just things aren't so complicated. If your baby looks anything like the pictures....I simply would not worry. Beautiful. ;)

Edited by Elvenking
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The weight itself is not what would concern me but if she would lose a significient amount over a short period of time then I would worry, weighing often gives you a baseline to go on and if it goes up or down a lot then its time to find out what is going on.

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Weight will very during the day, before and after meals, after a big poop, in the morning, at night so weight will not always be the same as the vets.

They will drop a little weight when they fledge, but that weight will come back.

She might be a grey that is slighty build.

Sounds like she is doing ok.

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sweet potaoes she gets every night in her veggies , I always add them to some Higgins Cuisine along with a little apple , kale or mustard greens . Squash . and some mixed frozen veggies

I will have to try the peanut butter and the cooked pasta , I do add pasta sometimes the whole wheat kind the little ones like the elbow macaroni only it's all wheat ty all for the advice :) I always weigh her every morning and she has lost some because she was fledging but not to much

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