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Bird Talk Magazine Is No More...


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Dear friends of BIRD TALK,

I am sorry to confirm the news that BIRD TALK Magazine has ceased publication, effective immediately.



The September 2012 issue was the last issue. We were waiting to issue an official announcement after we had the opportunity to personally contact BIRD TALK's longtime contributing authors and photographers and to send a letter to our loyal readers.


If you have questions about your subscription, subscriber letters will be arriving in the next couple of weeks. As always, you can go to the customer service link here.


The BIRD TALK staff is deeply saddened to see the magazine fold after 30 years of publication as the world’s largest pet bird magazine, and we are truly thankful for all of our loyal readers. I am happy to report that Bird Talk’s online website BirdChannel.com will continue to serve the avian community with expert-written pet bird information, as well as exclusive interviews and news, product reviews, bird events and more.


BirdChannel.com continues to grow with an enthusiastic and active online community, and we hope you will join us online. Birds USA magazine, our annual publication, will continue to be published. Our mission always is to provide the best care for pet birds so that they not only survive, but thrive as valued members of the family.



Laura Doering

Editor, Bird Talk magazine

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Actually, it's no big deal, no great loss. The magazine is 75% advertising, 25% direct bird related subjects. The bird articles are very short, don't really cover the specifics of different breeds, They encourage people to buy birds simply because the birds are for sale. No rules on what to watch out for, no rules as to were to buy them. The reason they're going out of business is because the goods that advertizers sell can now be purchsed at a much lower price in loads of places. 5 yrs ago, they were the only ones that advertised an special air purifier that actually was able to thoroughly eliminate Parrot Dander and pet dander from a bird area which proved to be completely inaccurate. That was the first and last time that company advertised such a product. So, Birdtalk obviously took ads without finding out if the products were legitimate. And in the end to give it that homey touch they had kids send in drawings of birds. The kids were obviously just starting school. Without advertisers, any company will go belly up.

The pictures may have been nice but even those things can be seen in loads of places.

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I just want to caution people, I did speak to a customer service representative... If you have a current subscription, they "will be sending a postcard in the mail within the next few days" And you will be receiving a their dog magazine for the next couple months. I told them, I don't have a dog, and if it's possible to do a refund... and they will be able to do that.

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Daves got a point, especially about how they vetted advertisers. I'm guessing a certain air filter company will loose all the business they've been getting through their full page adds. I do have some nostalgia for it since I got into birds at a very young age and would leaf through there magazines quite a bit back before the internet when there really wasn't a ton of easily accessible literature. Sometimes I'd just look at pictures. Let's just admit, we're all going to miss the centerfold. As weak as the writing was they had decent photography.

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There is not a magazine, News Paper or billboard that will turn away money for advertising.

The manufacture is responsible for the add content.

If the add is illegal they can not print it.

Tobacco Companies advertised in everything untill the goverment stept in.

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Well, that's something. I unsubscribed long ago for many of the reasons pointed out by Dave's cold, hard fist of reality, but despite the realities of print media in a digital world, I'll be a little sad to know it's no longer around.

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