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Cheddar Cheese = Birdie Crack


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Does your Grey eat cheddar cheese like its some sort of drug addiction? I don't let Isaac have too much...but what I give him....disappears faster than any other food he has ever had. It is no BS all business with making cheese disappear as fast as possible. Is this common? I gave him a little square tonight and was just astonished with the speed and efficiency he took the thing and just killed it.

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My birds go crazy for cheese of any kind. My cag Rikki will pay the consequences for it the next day though......she gets very cranky and has water, yellow poos all day like she has the runs....:( But that doesn't stop her from wanting cheese like she's never eaten before. I have to be careful with her, this happens even when she only has a little bit.

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lol, both girls would eat nothing but cheese if we let them. if i put some in their dinner bowl, even at the very bottom, covered with veggies, they'll dig it out to eat it first. its a warp speed "attack" to get at the cheese to eat it. athena always does her little "happy squeaks" while she's inhaling hers, lol!!!

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:DDon't stay away so long, All our fid's love it, especially sharp cheddar:)....Thanks Jayd and Maggie.....


Yes, I have been away for a while buried in thought about a lot of things and trying to determine the course of my career and such. But I have some Isaac updates to post very shortly here. ;)

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Its funny when you go to the frig and take the cheese out they know the sound of the cheese box being opened and they are there in a flash.



LOL! Isaac is the same way, except I cannot open the refrigerator door without a grey cling-on scenario. No matter where he is in the house, he hears the refrigerator crack and he will not miss whatever happens next. 'flap flap flap flap flap flap flAP FLAP FLAP'

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Must be a "grey thing." Cheese is probably Timber's favorite thing as well. He isn't saying much yet, but when he sees the block of cheese he shifts from one foot to the other and shuffles back and forth on his perch. I call it the cheese hound shuffle.

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