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Whats in a name? Argh...


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So I decided to name the new baby Zulu because it was cute and had African roots. Today a name struck me that I just love and is so fitting for a Grey and rolls of my tongue a little more easily. Would it be wrong to change my fids name? He doesnt know his name, he hasnt even come home yet. Sooo torn. I jokingly said to the Hunny that I'd just need to get a 2nd bird to use the other name, I think part of him is worried I'd do it! lol


To change or not to change, that is the question!


Also, will "Zulu" be hard for a Grey to say?

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Lol! We parronts stress over so many things! I feel you. If your fid hasn't even come home yet, why the stress? Change the name! Your baby won't care. Do what feels right. There are many here who have changed names well into years. I think it matters more to us than them.

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No, but I am sure they exist. I did a search and no one here has had a Grey named Darwin either. I just think its such a cute name for a Grey. Ugh, so torn, I really like them both.


I was half serious about using the name for a 2nd bird down the road, I've been looking at Amazons but the stories about breeding season and nasty aggressive behavior scare me. I also worry about the trauma of bringing a new bird into the house and upsetting the CAG. Wont the 1st bird be jealous or upset that there is someone else in his house? What if they hate each other, thats so unfair to the baby who was here first. How do those of you with multiple birds do it? Have you had experiences where the original bird had a change on temperament or personality because you brought in a 2nd bird?

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why not use both names darwin zulu or zulu darwin, then put your last name with it and the he's got a "full" name like the rest of the flock!!!!


LOL, thats what my fiance suggested, that we give him a middle name.... I think he's worried I'm going to come home with more birds! lol In fairness, we do have 4 dogs and too many cats to mention *cough*

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Have you had experiences where the original bird had a change on temperament or personality because you brought in a 2nd bird?


Sure. You run that risk. But I personally don't think it's much different from having multiple dogs, cats &/or kids. You do the best you can w/everyone's personality type & end up w/what you get today. Great sense of humor, honest commitment & superior referee skills are kind of must for success.


Two schools of thought, here. One, get 2 babies who grow up together. Or two, spend time w/the new grey & fully appreciate what that means & how it works, first. Then decide if another fid is right for everyone. Either way there are no guarantees.


It comes down to personalities & lifestyle. You really have to decide what's best for your particular flock.

Edited by birdhouse
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Zulu is a really cute name. Darwin might be difficult for the bird to pronounce. I have a Sondheim (named for the Broadway songwriter, Stephen Sondheim) that nicknames to Sondhi (Sohn-dee). It's too hard for the little guy to say and it comes out "Hi Thonnnndee!" Still, very cute.

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Zulu is a really cute name. Darwin might be difficult for the bird to pronounce. I have a Sondheim (named for the Broadway songwriter, Stephen Sondheim) that nicknames to Sondhi (Sohn-dee). It's too hard for the little guy to say and it comes out "Hi Thonnnndee!" Still, very cute.


I think you're right. I'm 99% sure we are keeping Zulu as his name...and I'll save the other for a maybe bird down the road some day.

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