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lucy is making a hissing sound

Tess Denise

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My grey has starting making a hissing sound like a snake and then she bops her head like a snake too, could she have seen this on animal planet. I didn't think greys do this silly thing , and when she does it it is quite silly to watch. any advise for this silly behavior

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The first time I went out of town after getting Morgan, I had a pet sitter come take care of him. I had the sitter come in a day early, and introduced them. I prepared him in every way I could imagine. I went out of town, and the sitter did a great job, maintaining most of Morgan's routines. When I got home, I let Morgan out of his cage. He puffed up his feathers so he looked twice as big as his normal size and he GROWLED at me!!! LOL. I talked to my brother, who is Morgan's breeder. My brother informed me I had just received my sound scolding for going out of town!! Now, Morgan does just fine with the pet sitter. She has taken care of him for as long as 6 days, with no worries, and no more ruffled feathers. They DO like to let us know how they feel!!!

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Greys do have a natural growl when they are afraid. This may be what is going on, or it may be something she is imitating. How is her body language? Are her eyes pinning (irises opening and closing rapidly?). Are her feathers fluffed up or excessively flattened? Do you notice certain specific times when she is doing this? Are there stressors present? I have only heard my CAG growl once, and that was when we were visiting at my parents' house, and my father walked by holding a cat. She growled and then screeched. She doesn't mind the dog, but that cat was enemy number one. Since then Mr Cat has had to be locked up during visits. If it is a fear reaction, it is definately not a "silly" thing. If it is an imitation of something she has heard, then she will likely move on to other sounds as she learns. It's hard for me to know what it is since I haven't heard the sound. Just observe what is going on when she makes the sound. If she seems calm and can be handled easily, it probably isn't a fear reaction. Otherwise, something is stressing your grey and you need to find out what that is.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Growl and hissing are 2 different sounds, this is normal, most of the time it's just play. Being that Parrots evolved from Dinosaurs, head movements ans strange movements are not unusual, ever seen a Hawk-head parrot? I can't remember which Dino they look like, a lot of Dino's striked in a distinct head movement...I believe Grey's ancestors were "Raptor's.... Thanks Jayd

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Maybe I haven't heard the hissing sound yet. Is it typical?


The hissing is a shhhhhhhhh sound as a true snake would make, they also make the same sound if they hear a steam kettle. Greys and Amazons have a large number of wild sound in their memory's. Your post was excellent and correct and informative, I just feel this is a "play sound"...Thanks Jayd

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I havent heard a hissing but OH MY GOD I got a growl the one day that just really startled me and Marco was so puffed up bout twice her size walking backwards .... tho, the hissing might be easier on the ears then the dang barkin like my dog she is doing now :rolleyes:

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Shadow has been using her "hissing" lately. I am honestly never sure if she is hissing or simply "shushing" me! They sound just the same. I am constantly shushing the dogs, so I assume she is looking for the same response. :rolleyes:

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Hiss and growl are very different. Sondheim's hiss sounds more like "shuussshhhhh" in rapidfire sequence. It's usually involved with knocking a toy around, etc. The growl is much stronger and can escalate in a screaming sound. I'll try to get some on tape. My TAG will growl when he sees a cat or hawk.


If the head bobbing is accompanied by raised feathers and pinning eyes, it means "get back!" or "get away from my _______" (fill in here: cage, food, toy).

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when Lucy hisses she doesn't have raised feathers or pinning eyes , she does grab my finger but only gently and I really think she is just being silly and playful.


She's just playing that's all, when and if she growls, you'll know it. In the wild, they also use a growl to warn another Grey they're too close to their nest.....:D

Thanks Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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Slightly OT, but I had to look up a growling Grey on YouTube - turns out I've never heard Spencer growl. On-topic, I guess, I've never heard him hiss either. His 'ticked off' noise is something my wife calls "the ray gun." That doesn't quite capture it for me, but it's beyond description, so I can't come up with anything better. Maybe 'Atomic Cluck." :)

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