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Here's Bubba!


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Scheduled Bubba an appointment with the vet on Monday. I want his crop checked out, he has really sweet smelling breath too. Previous owner said he was just in heat but... I need to hear it from the vet. She said her vet said his crop may have been burned as a baby causing the odd shape making him look weird.

He let me flip him upside down today! Scary when he was ready to get back up, that beak is sharp and strong! Lol Also Oliver said Bubba today! Lots of firsts, great day!

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I am constantly amazed at how tuned in you are with your flock. Also that you can do so much with them in such a short time. Gilbert still does not regularly allow me close enough to him to smell his breath and it is a real treat when he permits me to hold him but no way would I be able to flip him over. They are all blessed to have your care and attention. Did you have parrots before Oliver, Bubba and Bongo? I will be watching to see what the vet says about Bubba's crop.

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Many moons ago we had an umbrella, Oscar. I really think that between my husband and myself we are ignorant of the "rules" and just do stuff. If they bite us to hard, we wait and try again later. If we didn't force the touching on Bongo, every day and in just short bursts, i think i would still be waiting on him to make the first move. My opinion only here but by waiting for them, they are training us. How do they know if they like it or not if we never try? It is a trust building moment when i, lets say, try to go under Bongos wing and he doesn't understand it. He goes to nip at me but i do it anyway. He will one, bite me harder saying no and i stop and tell him it is okay, or two, lift his wing up and tell me ahhh, i like that, do it more. Either way, we end on him getting his way and on a high note, he trusts us now and comes to me for the pets and tickles! The macaws actually do lead the way with us, i was carrying Bubba from his room to the stand and as we walked he leaned back, i said okay, here is my chance and just rolled my arm over, we went the rest of the way with him upside down and he loved it. He is a natural leaner so with time until he was okay with it we just tried each time, now he trusts us that if he isn't ready we won't force it on him but will keep offering. ( i am sporting a fat lip right now from Bubba but no pain no gain. :-) )

I have doubted myself many times after reading the, let them be and adjust to their new home, and let them build the trust with you, this could take years... I wondered if i was screwing up my birds. But in the end, they are thriving now and are well behaved and love learning and new experiences. ( okay, Gabby needs some help but we just got her Sunday so, lol )

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Many moons ago we had an umbrella, Oscar. I really think that between my husband and myself we are ignorant of the "rules" and just do stuff. ...

I have doubted myself many times after reading the, let them be and adjust to their new home, and let them build the trust with you, this could take years... I wondered if i was screwing up my birds. But in the end, they are thriving now and are well behaved and love learning and new experiences. ( okay, Gabby needs some help but we just got her Sunday so, lol )


Yes & no. I think some people are born "Whisperers": horse, dog, whatever. They're not born w/the expertise. They have to learn that. But they've got some "it" factor that animals relate to in a very special way. Good intentions count but aren't enough.


You guys seem to have "it" & I think it's pretty wonderful to see you sharing it w/all these fids who deserve so much better than they've gotten before you found them.

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