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New TAG Owner here! Some newbie questions :)

Guest sagittariusgirl89

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Guest sagittariusgirl89

Today was the first home with my 3 month old Timneh, her name is Ava.


Well around 830pm she climbed up on her sleep perch and started standing with one foot up to her chest. I assumed she was ready for bed so I put a blanket over her cage.


2 hours later I peeked in her cage and she is still awake with both of her feet on her perch. Is that normal? Should she still be asleep?


Im starting to think she may not like the blanket. I didn't even have a chance to wash it because I bought it this evening. It smells like its been packaged, should I wash it before I put it on her cage?




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If the blanket has a 'new' or chemical smell of any kind, I would NOT use it. Covers are totally optional/bird specific as it is, so if there's any doubt, don''t use it. As for sleeping, as long as it's quiet, dark, and you don't keep peeking in (I know, it's hard not to), the bird will sleep when tired. It the first night - taking a wile to settle in is not unexpected. And the standing on one leg thing is generally quite normal. Good luck/congrats.

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Hello Sagittariusgirl and welcome to our family and congrats on your new Tag.

You will find lots of helpful information in our many threads so spend some time browsing thru them and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

It seems you should wash that blanket before using it next time and leave Ava alone once you cover her, no peeking in to see what she is doing so she will have uninterrupted sleep for Jay is right they need 10+ hours.

Pictures are always welcomed.

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Many birds sleep with one leg drawn up. Another reason birds will draw up a leg, is when they feel " threatened!" I'm sure your baby was getting ready for sleep. When I come down in the morning, birds can't see who is coming down the stairs. All of them have their foot up in the defensive position. When I round the corner I always say " foot down!" Three feet go down quickly. They know they are safe. Nancy

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To add to what kins2321 wrote...birds are prey animals. Birds, in particular, can sleep with half the brain on/off, one eye open, etc. As your baby is in a new setting, her little system is probably still on alert. Best thing to do at this point is simply to make her feel safe in her new environment. 10 hours of sleep of uninterrupted sleep is best!

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nothing to worry about the others are correct. she needs her sleep. I never covered Zuri he has his own room and I draw the blinds and it's dark enough. I know it's tempting to keep looking at her cause it's new and they are so cute. but your waking her when you do. they are prey animals so they are always alert even in their sleep.

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The blanket or sheet may take some time to get use to. My poor girl hated it, would panic when it first went over. Now when it goes over, she just walks down to the bottom of the cage to peek out the bottom where it doesnt cover all the way. Its only a matter of time before she gives up trying to peek and goes to perch to sleep.


Give her some time, that blanket is prolly just a little new and scary.

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