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Proud momma


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The past few times I've visited Neytiri she has been beating her wings pretty hard getting lift as you feel her get lighter when holding her. Yesterday she scooted across the floor like a hovercraft. It was pretty silly. A little later she did it. She took her first flight. :D she went from the floor across the room to an upper cage and grabbed on the side. I was in awe. I was so proud I wanted to cry. Unfortunately it means she's going to be in her cage more at the shop for her safety but I'm going to bring her flight suit and work with her on that sh she can be out in that. And not have to worry about her getting out the door.


On a sad note though I found out the other baby grey that came in with mine died recently due to aspiration while feeding. :(


Have a greyt day!


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Soon I hope. They don't want her flying in the store as ther is too much she can get hurt on. I hold her toes when she flaps like crazy and tell her it's ok and I'm holding her toes so she doesn't fall. Not sure if she understands but worth a try.

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