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Hello from Mumbai, India

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I'm sorry but I noticed that you feed your baby peanuts in the shell, you should never feed them this, they can cause serious illness and possible death they can harbor a deadly fungus, Aspergillosis, only feed them roasted no sodium human grade peanuts without shells. Our Greys can and should have about 3 tbs of white-striped sunflower seeds a day, what I see your feeding your baby is Black-oil sunflower seeds, which are extremely high in fat, you might want to change. Such a beautiful baby and a wonderful job your doing...Thanks Jayd



Thanks a lot Jayd. The peanuts and black sunflower seeds were given to me by Kikki's previous owners. Poor Kikki has been eating those for the last 25 years. :( But from the day I got him, I started feeding him vegetables and fruits. He gets carrots and beetroot without fail. Plus I mix and match with fruits like plums, mango, banana, peach. I also give him sprouted lentils. Peanuts and sunflower seeds are an occasional treat but going by what you said, I will stop immediately. The last thing I would want is Kikki falling sick.

Thanks a ton.

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Thanks a lot Jayd. The peanuts and black sunflower seeds were given to me by Kikki's previous owners. Poor Kikki has been eating those for the last 25 years. :( But from the day I got him, I started feeding him vegetables and fruits. He gets carrots and beetroot without fail. Plus I mix and match with fruits like plums, mango, banana, peach. I also give him sprouted lentils. Peanuts and sunflower seeds are an occasional treat but going by what you said, I will stop immediately. The last thing I would want is Kikki falling sick.

Thanks a ton.


Your doing Greyt, Nut's, sunflower seed are good for your baby, If I may, Watch his Poop, if it's runny, he's getting to much fruit, Greys need very little fruit, it's mostly sugar and water and has very little nutritional value. Our Fred, [sulfer crested too] Was caged in a closet for 18 years, he has hardly no feathers, so we know where your coming from, he's over 20 now...T5hanks Jayd

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If I may, Watch his Poop, if it's runny, he's getting to much fruit, Greys need very little fruit, it's mostly sugar and water and has very little nutritional value. Our Fred, [sulfer crested too] Was caged in a closet for 18 years, he has hardly no feathers, so we know where your coming from, he's over 20 now...T5hanks Jayd


Yes! I'm completely with you on this. He doesn't get fruit if he doesn't eat his veggies. That too is only twice or thrice a week. I hope that's ok !? Plus he loves to eat the seeds of chilli peppers. I give him one a day (about 4" long green chilli).,


Poop has been good so far. (as per "Grey" poop standards)

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Yes! I'm completely with you on this. He doesn't get fruit if he doesn't eat his veggies. That too is only twice or thrice a week. I hope that's ok !? Plus he loves to eat the seeds of chilli peppers. I give him one a day (about 4" long green chilli).,


Poop has been good so far. (as per "Grey" poop standards)


He needs veggies every day, but fruit as a treat once or twice a week in small amounts. ;-)

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He needs veggies every day, but fruit as a treat once or twice a week in small amounts. ;-)


Yes. That's exactly what I give him..... Veggies every day. Fruits twice/thrice a week (that too only after he eats his veggies). Once in a while I give him half an Arrowroot biscuit (its fat free).

Do you think I need to include anything else in his diet. Plus I add a few drops of BAVN to his drinking water (which is changed twice a day).

BAVN is an avian feed supplement that we get here in india.

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Yes. That's exactly what I give him..... Veggies every day. Fruits twice/thrice a week (that too only after he eats his veggies). Once in a while I give him half an Arrowroot biscuit (its fat free).

Do you think I need to include anything else in his diet. Plus I add a few drops of BAVN to his drinking water (which is changed twice a day).

BAVN is an avian feed supplement that we get here in india.


Does he get pellets at all? There is tons of information on diet in the diet section, it has kept me reading for hours!

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. I'm struggling to get good quality pellets but no luck so far. I guess I will have to resort to importing them. The problem with importing is that the shipping charges are twice as much as the original cost of the product. :( So i'll end up paying triple the cost. Plus if he gets all fussy with it then I'm gonna have a tough time.


Dear ZulusMom,

I am still struggling. Tried getting Harrison's Adult Lifetime pellets but it's working out to be a bit too expensive. Imagine, a $40 bag working up to $160 if I try to import it. So till now, no pellets. But I'll definitely get some.....somehow.

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Hi TIMS & Kikki. Just read this thru & WOW! I'm so impressed w/how far Kikki has come in just 2 wks. That's a very, very short time even if he was younger & had a super life. He's doing way better than normal.


Kikki's already far ahead of where he might be about stepping up. The fact that he offered you a foot & chickened out is huge. So respect that & celebrate the effort. He's come a long way in an incredibly short time. But he's got 25 yrs to overcome. That's a giant step(up). This is a very important part of your bonding process. So go painfully slowly & be very, very patient.


If Kikki's lived in that cage for so long, he has very little balance & no muscle tone. It's probably going to take months to develop. He has long since forgotten what his wings are for because he hasn't even been able to spread them. So he doesn't really get how to use them for balance let alone flight. It's going to take time & practice. And he will likely crash many times once he starts to regain his confidence. So like others have said, keep him as safe as possible, especially from bouncing on the hard floor.


Better to start w/lower, safer perching. The Tarzan rope is probably not going to be a good idea for many months. A Boing might be good safe fun. Maybe you could build him an orbit &/or a cargo net. There are a number of threads about DIY here. Once he logs some time climbing & swinging, he'll be able to relearn what those long forgotten muscles do.


As far as food is concerned... pellets are over rated! :P You can forget about them completely if Kikki will learn to eat a fresh balanced diet. It might really pay off if you read, read, read on the "Bird Food" forum. A lot of the information/recipes are about ingredients that are available in other parts of the world. But you should still be able to get a very good start. Once you get the idea, you'll be able create your own mashes w/native ingredients. A lot cheaper than pellets, a lot more available, tastier & better for Kikki, anyway.


Thought I'd recommend this thread to start. There was something for everyone in it.




Food is also greyt bonding. Lots of fids like to eat w/their parronts. Foraging is good exercise for Kikki's body & mind. But watching how he thinks is another good way to really understand him. Did I mention that all parrots love to play w/their food? lol Lucky for you, you've got those lovely tile floors. Makes clean ups so much easier. But seriously, fresh food has so much advantage over tossing pellets in a dish. I'd really encourage you to look into it.


I'm so glad that you came along & changed this poor guy's life. It sounds like you're off to a fabulous start already. I'm looking forward to your posts about all the little things that make parronthood so scary, rewarding, frustrating, exciting & awesome. ;)

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Dear ZulusMom,

I am still struggling. Tried getting Harrison's Adult Lifetime pellets but it's working out to be a bit too expensive. Imagine, a $40 bag working up to $160 if I try to import it. So till now, no pellets. But I'll definitely get some.....somehow.


To my understanding, pellets are not an absolute must, but they make it easier to ensure your boy gets the needed vitamins and minerals. Otherwise this needs to be done through a fresh diet. There is lots of information on this list and ton of knowledgeable people. My previous CAG did not eat pellets, we tried, and I had to use supplements, our new baby is eating pellets like mad so hopefully that will not be an issue.

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Hi TIMS & Kikki. Just read this thru & WOW! ............................................

I'm so glad that you came along & changed this poor guy's life. It sounds like you're off to a fabulous start already. I'm looking forward to your posts about all the little things that make parronthood so scary, rewarding, frustrating, exciting & awesome. ;)


Wow!! Thanks Birdhouse for the string of compliments.....I already feel like an expert... And thank you for so many valuable inputs.

Just doing my best to give Kikki a good life and trying to learn as fast as possible.

I admit that tiles ARE really easy to clean. The poop doesn't stick. Just wipe and it's gone. I use dettol solution to clean up.

Off late Kikki's been scratching a lot and plucking in the bargain. He's moulting I guess. So i got some Aloe Vera juice and soaked him with it using a spray bottle. Since then he's been upset with me. (he doesn't like misting. Whenever I use the spray on him, he gets upset and doesn't let me touch him. Takes a couple of hours to be normal again., But doesn't mind the cage being put under the shower. He enjoys that)

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Wow!! Thanks Birdhouse for the string of compliments.



... just call them the way I see them. :)


Some of the plucking could be about having his whole world rocked. Even though it may be for the better, it's still scary! You can't overestimate how fragile a grey's psyche can be sometimes.


Also, be careful what you use on/around Kikki. The aloe vera should be 100% pure preferably organic & not gel. Otherwise, it can cause it's own problems.


Believe it or not, plain old vinegar is a very good disinfectant/antimicrobial for cleanups. It's cheap, safe & rinses well. Doesn't matter if it didn't. Vinegar is actually good for fids.


Steamers are excellent for cleaning, too. No harmful fumes or chemicals. Heat's great to disinfect & lift most any mess. Quick, easy & very effective for floors & cages & useful through the whole house. Can you tell I love my steam cleaner & my microfiber cloths? lol

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I too love my Microfibers....but they are totally dedicated for detailing my car.

I disinfect his area with a disinfectant when he is in the bathroom having a shower (which is in another room). And then I give the entire area a good wipe down and air it well before I bring him back. Steam sounds great but I do not have a steam cleaner so I guess I'll go with vinegar.

Thanks again mate.

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Hi, vinegar is Greyt, soak the fresh veggies in it, you can let them dry or feed them wet, it's good for parrots. [apple cider vinegar]

Good advice your getting, pellets are not a necessity. I advise to stop the BAVN, parrots can overdose on supplements if there eating properly.

Rule of Thumb: Seed's, 1/2 cup 24/7 [no sunflower feed 3tbs as treats a day] Dark green leafy veggies and orange veggies in afternoon, Cooked Sweet-potato, squash, zucchini, nuts, cooked beans, wild rice and/or brown rice, lentils and split peas cooked,1/4 slice wheat toast as a treat, Low sodium tuna/salmon and cooked chicken drumsticks with most of the meat removed, cooked and raw pasta, couscous. oatmeal, dab of low sodium peanut butter. NOTE: Seed 24/7, veggies etc in the afternoon, warm food breakfast andd dinner.[example: boiled sweet-potato, drained skinned and smash [or squash] add dab of peanut butter, ad dab smashed apple or pear,[baby food ok] serve with a little rice and/or cooked pasta and/or cooked bean.etc...Youll have a healthy baby. Good posts birdhouse, ZulusMom....Thanks alll ........Jayd

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Jayd, thanks a ton.

This is really useful information for first timers like me. I am going to take a print out and stick it on my fridge.

I had a few questions though:-

1) Is it necessary to cook the lentils. Is sprouting not enough? I sprout a mix of chick peas, black peas, green mung beans, black eye beans etc and give him.

2) Same for veggies. I it necessary to cook them. So far I have been giving him raw veggies (carrot, beet, pumpkin); the way they would find them in nature. (I wash and scrub them though)

3) What varieties of nuts can I give him?

4) What about the dark green leafy vegetables? Do they also need to be cooked?

5) Is it ok if I give him whole wheat or cereal biscuits? What about corn flakes, rice crispies, muesli (and other unsweetened breakfast cereals)??

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Jayd, thanks a ton.

Thank you..

1) Is it necessary to cook the lentils. Is sprouting not enough? I sprout a mix of chick peas, black peas, green mung beans, black eye beans etc and give him.


All beans need to be sprouted or cooked, sprouted is best, serve them when they have a small tail, long sprouts are more bitter and lose some of there nutrients...


2) Same for veggies. I it necessary to cook them. So far I have been giving him raw veggies (carrot, beet, pumpkin); the way they would find them in nature. (I wash and scrub them though) Raw is best, except carrots, lightly steamed or boiled enhances there nutrients, not to much pumpkin....Rinse them in apple cider vinegar, it's a natural disinfectant, rines your sprouts to just before serving, parrots love it...

3) What varieties of nuts can I give him? Almonds are the best, walnuts, hazel, Brazil, pistachios, Red palm, Queen palm, these are all raw, peanuts which are a legume needs to be roasted. A Grey should have no more than a half of walnut a day...

4) What about the dark green leafy vegetables? Do they also need to be cooked?

No, rinse in water then soak in apple cider vinegar...

5) Is it ok if I give him whole wheat or cereal biscuits? What about corn flakes, rice crispies, muesli (and other unsweetened breakfast cereals)??

Not really, a bite or two won't hurt, there full of [one or more] Sugar, salt, iron and flour which is a filler.. Thanks Jayd
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Thought these might be a few more helpful links to add to your reading list.


SAFE/TOXIC LIST (another fridge list lol)






^^ you'll need Adobe Reader installed for that one. If you don't already have it, you can get it free here

PC http://get.adobe.com/reader/

MAC http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3807






I'm a great big fan of Jim McKendry. This blog post just had a couple of relevant food tips. So I thought I'd share. Please keep in mind that he's feeding an aviary full of Aussie breeds, for the most part. So the food is much higher in fruit than is advisable for Greys. But anything else applies.


The rest of his blog is full of little jewels, too. You can also find articles by him in many publications & all over the Web. I think he has a great approach to companion parrots. So I thought some of his articles might prove helpful.

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Thank you Jayd and Birdhouse. Really appreciate all your help. I have just bought a lot of lentils and seeds. Have soaked all of them for sprouting. Will mix them once sprouted and pack them in daily pouches and into the freezer. Will post pictures in sometime. Wont be able to name all of them as they have different names in the local language. Hopefully the pictures would help in recognizing them.




Some of the plucking could be about having his whole world rocked. Even though it may be for the better, it's still scary! You can't overestimate how fragile a grey's psyche can be sometimes.


And Birdhouse, you were absolutely right about the plucking. Its getting worse. He has almost cleaned up his chest overnight. I wonder when he's gonna stop that. I am not even leaving him alone. Somebody is always there trying to entertain him.

I tried my hand at some DIY toys. He is just too scared of them. He shrieks just at the sight of them. If I get them close to him, he runs/flies away....Yes!! Thats right. He flew a bit today and had a smooth landing too.

So I have just left the two toys around his perch/cage so he gets used to seeing them and doesn't feel threatened.

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Hi folks,

Here are some pictures of the seeds, lentils, beans that I got today to make Kikki's food mix. I can name some of them.... Soybeans, Red kidney beans, black eye beans, green gram, melon seeds, hulled mustard seeds, wheat, maize, linseed, barley, Jowar (Indian name), Bajra (Indian name)plus two other bird seeds.






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And Birdhouse, you were absolutely right about the plucking. Its getting worse. He has almost cleaned up his chest overnight. I wonder when he's gonna stop that..


Look what he's done to himself. Right now he is still a little fluffed. You should have seen him after his daily bath. :eek:




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Kikki may be starved for the contact but freaking out from too much stimulation. And believe it or not, he may be missing his last owners. It's a grey thing. It doesn't matter if it makes sense to us.


I'd encourage you to ease up on the physical contact. Let him find his own pace. Let him start to come to you when he's ready. Making eye contact, talking, whistling are all forms of contact, too. I think that's more of Kikki's speed for the moment.


Greys can tend to have a real problem w/new toys, too. Actually, greys tend to have a problem with "new" period. lol So again, I'd suggest you back up. Put all your "big" toys away, for now. Find bits of wood, buttons, plastic bottle caps, etc, foot toys for Kikki to play with. You can collect a cup full to leave in his cage. You can also use them as an excuse to make limited contact by handing him something several times a day.


Sorry, but it just doesn't matter that you want to give Kikki a greyt life Right Now. Looks like he may be trying to tell you that it's all too much too fast. So just be patient & give him however much time he needs.



You'll see that a lot around here. It's our mantra. Another thing to put on the fridge. lol

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You should have seen him after his daily bath. :eek:


You might want to cut back to 2-3 times/wk. It may be too much for him & then there's the stress, too.


And I'm w/Zulu's Mom about nylon cord & sponges. They can be a real problem once they start to unravel/fray.

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