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Hello from Mumbai, India

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Hi. I have just adopted a 30 year old African Grey male from an old couple who had him for 25 years and could no longer look after him. His name is Kikki. Sadly, he has spent 25 years of his life in a cage. Never had any human contact. Has never felt human touch. I've had him for 2 weeks now and slowly slowly he has started coming to me for a head scratch. First thing I did; I got a nice thick branch of a tree and fixed it to the top of his cage. He loved it and has now started coming out of his cage to perch on top of it. Will need a lot of help from all of you out here to train him. Any kind of inputs are welcome.


Thank you !!

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I know.... I was virtually in tears myself when I went to pick him up. He spent 25 years in this cage. Never ever came out. :( Sad that people get a pet without any knowledge and then give them a horrible life. Infact I was close to buying a baby Grey but the moment I heard about him, I dropped all plans of buying and adopted him instead. Currently I have a kind of a balcony (6' x 4' and 9' in height) in my apartment which I'm converting into a 'Kikki' habitat. The work will start soon. Have already picked up a lot of branches of different shapes and sizes from a fallen tree. They will become perches. Now just waiting for the workers to install the steel mesh on the window grill. Once that is done, Kikki will be saying 'Bye Bye' to his cage ........ FOREVER :)

Will keep posting pictures to let you all know how its coming along.

BTW, this is my first time ever with an African Grey. So guys pleeaaasseee, bring it on with all kinds of tips and advice.

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Great looking bird. Nice that you adopted him. He looks happy BUT concerning that cage---it's much to small and isn't made for medium sized parrots who do fly up and down. If you really wanna make him more happy with you, get another bigger cage that's square or rectangular. In our cage section you can see a variety of different cages made for greys. Plus, if you ca get another cage, change all the perches inside to the same type you put on the stand. Those types of perchws are good for the feet and muscles. Small dome cages are made for canaries, finches, budgies.

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Yes Dave. I guess you missed my last post.


Currently I have a kind of a balcony (6' x 4' and 9' in height) in my apartment which I'm converting into a 'Kikki' habitat. The work will start soon. Have already picked up a lot of branches of different shapes and sizes from a fallen tree. They will become perches. Now just waiting for the workers to install the steel mesh on the window grill. Once that is done, Kikki will be saying 'Bye Bye' to his cage ........ FOREVER :)

Will keep posting pictures to let you all know how its coming along.


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Here's a video of Kikki coming for a scratch. This video was taken a couple of days before I fixed the perch on top of his cage.



He likes a scratch. Sometimes he even begs me for it....but he is still quite unpredictable...can bite anytime. I understand it's gonna take quite some time to change his 25 year old habits. Luckily I have all the patience in the world when it comes to him. ;)

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Well, just trying to help. I posted first before you spoke about balcony. Anyway, good luck.


Sorry Dave, no intentions of offending you. Guess it was my slow internet connection. Thanks for the info.


Thats a lovely picture of your Grey flying. Any advise on how I can build Kikki's confidence and get him to fly around the house? I guess his muscles must be quite weak as he hasn't taken flight in 30 years. He is very scared to flap his wings. He tried to step up twice but with a lot of fear. He would step on my hand with one foot but then he would withdraw. He did that thrice. Did not do it thereafter.

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Hello Tims and welcome to our family, so glad to hear you could give Kikki a new forever home.

How sad he had to spend his time in that small type cage, poor thing didn't even have room to flap his wings, it borders on cruelty to keep such a bird in such small quarters.

He does like being touched by the video you shared with us but I must caution you about stroking him down the back as he is a mature bird and touching them down the back, under the wings and anywhere around the tail area are areas that can be sexually stimulating to him and you do not want a sexually aroused grey.

You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Sorry Dave, no intentions of offending you. Guess it was my slow internet connection. Thanks for the info.


Thats a lovely picture of your Grey flying. Any advise on how I can build Kikki's confidence and get him to fly around the house? I guess his muscles must be quite weak as he hasn't taken flight in 30 years. He is very scared to flap his wings. He tried to step up twice but with a lot of fear. He would step on my hand with one foot but then he would withdraw. He did that thrice. Did not do it thereafter.


You didn't offend me. You're gonna see a big difference in your bird's abilities once you set up that project. He may have gotten that scared attitude by being in a cage that was too small. A cage that size can injure a bird's wings when they flap in it. Of course this isn't your fault. Because of their personality, if they get hurt like that they immediately decide not to try it again in a small area. At 30 yrs old, you may not get the optimum results you're looking for. Instilled habits die hard but there will be bravery soon enough. It'll start off small but will increase. He'll also get braver with you. Just watch and see. Yes, his muscles are weak but that large area yoyu're talking about is gonna help with those muscles. If his wings are clipped just let them grow back. In my avatar I've had that bird ( Smokey) since he was in the egg because I own his parents so he's been flying since he first discovered that he could. He's 13 yrs old.

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I must caution you about stroking him down the back as he is a mature bird and touching them down the back, under the wings and anywhere around the tail area are areas that can be sexually stimulating to him and you do not want a sexually aroused grey.



Ooooooops... No way. I do NOT want that. Had no idea that it could have that effect. Thanks again. Will stick to stroking his head. Any ideas on how I can get him to step up?

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You're gonna see a big difference in your bird's abilities once you set up that project. He may have gotten that scared attitude by being in a cage that was too small. A cage that size can injure a bird's wings when they flap in it. Of course this isn't your fault. . Yes, his muscles are weak but that large area yoyu're talking about is gonna help with those muscles. If his wings are clipped just let them grow back. In my avatar I've had that bird ( Smokey) since he was in the egg because I own his parents so he's been flying since he first discovered that he could. He's 13 yrs old.


I have my fingers crossed. I am sincerely hoping that his new habitat will bring him back to being a real parrot. I have seen a lot of improvement in him since I got him home. He is getting bolder and braver. Hopefully I will be able to gain his unconditional trust.

His wings are not clipped and I have no intentions of clipping them. :)

Smokey is gorgeous and picture perfect. Well captured on the camera. Its awesome that he was born in front of you. I have a friend who has a 20 yr old female. Was actually thinking of getting Kikki introduced to her. Any tips here???

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Kikki is beautiful. Even though he was kept in such a small cage and didn't have human touch, he certainly appears to be well loved and secure. It is wonderful for you to open up his life and allow him freedoms and exercise he hasn't had before. I hope you have the best of luck to build a wonderful relationship with him. It looks like you are well on your way. Thanks for joining us and sharing your journey together.

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I agree with many of the posts. Considering his history, it's amazing how open he is to human contact. He is a handsome guy! Enjoy him and bless you for giving him the home and love he deserves. His story started as a sad one, but I believe in happy new beginnings!

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Sure thing. I wanna give him my best. All that I can. He is getting more and more fond of me. But there is one problem. If anyone besides me goes close to his cage, he fluffs up and gets all aggressive. How can I stop that. I have a little 6 yr old daughter who keeps trying to make friends with him but each time she goes close to him, he gets aggressive. He has bitten my mother-in-law twice ;) He shrieks when she is on the phone.

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Welcome, I've been following your thread, some greyt advice you've received. It is possible and it has been known that some Greys don't get along with children, especially as they get older. This does not necessarily mean this is the case with your family. After 30 years, there's baggage after baggage and it's just starting to be unpacked. As Dave said, he will show you more of himself as time goes on. Concerning the petting, as long as your baby isn't showing sexual tendencies, which usually only happens once a year, you can pet and cuddle them and scritch under their wings as much as they will allow or like. I'd stay away from the small of the back and the rear portion of the bird. If he starts regurgitating or doing the mating dance, then by all means, limit it to the head and beak. If and when he shows these signs, stop petting, say "I love you" and walk away. Try at a later time to pet. What a wonderful job you are doing. Please keep it up. Don't be afraid to ask questions of any and all of these Greyt members, which, now you are a part of. Thank you, Jayd

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Hi folks.... Yesterday, being a Sunday, I got to spend a lot of time with Kikki. One great achievement was that Kikki came to me on call....though I had to lure him in with some seeds. but he actually took the trouble of getting down from his perch and walking up to me. Here are some pics.

But he really doesn't want to step up....even if I tempt him with a peanut (his favourite). Need help here.... or should I let him take his own sweet time??






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Here are some pics of the tree branches that I have picked up for Kikki's balcony. These are branches from a Gulmohur Tree (Royal Poinciana) which fell during a storm, 3 weeks ago. I have picked up branches of varying shape & thickness. Do I need to pre-process them in any way? I have scrubbed and washed them already and left them out to dry a bit.

The rest of the balcony work will start soon. I will start a new thread and will keep updating the progress via pictures. In the meantime, any kind of advice on how to set it up would greatly help Kikki and me. I have visited the cages section and got some really nice ideas there.




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Happy you have found us and Kikki. You are off to a "-greyt"start building him a place of his own. He may be a little clumsy to start with as he has not developed his flight muscles so you may wish to provide something soft under his taller branches to fall on safely if needed. Adding an untreated or homemade wooden ladder might be a smart thing to place for easy climbing from the groud to his perches. You can hang some toys from it as well.

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you may wish to provide something soft under his taller branches to fall on safely if needed. Adding an untreated or homemade wooden ladder might be a smart thing to place for easy climbing from the groud to his perches. You can hang some toys from it as well.


Point noted...thanks for the input. Will do that. I'm also planning to hang a lot of knotted rope from the ceiling for him to go up and down and play Tarzan. As far as toys are concerned, I will have to make all of them at home. You see, it's next to impossible to get good toys here in India. I'm struggling to get good quality pellets but no luck so far. I guess I will have to resort to importing them. The problem with importing is that the shipping charges are twice as much as the original cost of the product. :( So i'll end up paying triple the cost. Plus if he gets all fussy with it then I'm gonna have a tough time.

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I'm sorry but I noticed that you feed your baby peanuts in the shell, you should never feed them this, they can cause serious illness and possible death they can harbor a deadly fungus, Aspergillosis, only feed them roasted no sodium human grade peanuts without shells. Our Greys can and should have about 3 tbs of white-striped sunflower seeds a day, what I see your feeding your baby is Black-oil sunflower seeds, which are extremely high in fat, you might want to change. Such a beautiful baby and a wonderful job your doing...Thanks Jayd P.s. Do a check to see if the wood is safe for parrots, I found 1 source that said it wasn't, but I'm not sure they were correct...


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