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Sterling Gris


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Hi, here I am as my female companion calls me. "Big Guy" aka Sterling Gris, Gris which means Grey in French and Spanish but pig in Swedish so they say (Sheesh!!!) I am called the baby in the flock, but hey, I'm the biggest parrot how can I be called Baby!!!! I am the youngest true at 1 year and 4 months but come on..... I'm well, a Paul Bunyan or Jolly Green Giant in human terms and that white haired lady that lives here well she always praises me when first thing in the morning when I get out of my cage I fly to the bird room ceiling perch and give off a BIG ONE. Usually old White Hair says, "Good one, you Big Poop" and tickles my head with a big smile on her face. Boy is she easy to please.


When I first got here, to my new home, I was scared because this little gray grey, named Ana Grey, what a bossy female she is, would beak me whenever I got near the treats but now that I am bigger and more confident she knows better and gets out of the way when I just pretend I'm going to bite her. Hey I need my nourishment I'm a big guy and need my strength.


Now Louie, the zon, he is sure an easy going guy is such a gentleman, and let's me eat first... second and third.. heh, heh! Here i am doing my favorite thing, well besides eating, swinging!!!!




Well, I need a snack so see ya!!

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Hey is that you Joe? Boy it sure is good to hear from one of the guys. I've read about your troubles before you got to Jay and Maggie's and I sure am glad I have always had an easy life especially the FOOD!!! I'm proud to be called like Spock. The old white haired lady she has talked to me and the others about Spock. He was a fun guy and I'm sure he is having a good life where ever he is. Such a guy! I'd better get going, I smell food a cooking!!!!! See you Joe!

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Hello Sterling Gris, this is Joe. I enjoy the responses from other Greys and parrots. I miss Spock so much and call for him every day. It seems to me to be so funny, all you have to do is what comes naturally and our humans are so easily impressed. Eat your food and get praised....dump your food and get a laugh....tell a Grey joke and you are a comedian...

White haired old lady?...my papa has no hair and when I land on his head, I skid across! Try to preen that! Well, it is time for my snacks...maybe we have corn today or an egg....hmmmm! Talk to you later...

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