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hi everyone, it's been awhile since i have been here, i have a question for everyone does your grey say what all the time? Chloe has picked it up now she says it alot especially when i tell her to be quiet she says what then laughs.

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Hello Susan, no we haven't heard from you in a while and to answer your question, yes Josey says it a lot too, she also answers us with "no" when either my hubby or I ask one another a question she will say it before one of us can get a word out, guess she hears us say it so she repeats it. Do you laugh when she says "what", if so then she is getting a reaction and so she will continue to do it because they love drama and I am betting she does like it because she laughs afterward which is what you are doing when she says it.

Funny you mention that she says it after you tell her to be quiet, my sun conure screams sometimes and Josey will tell her to shut up, yes I know we have told her that so she is only repeating what she hears but its funny when she says it.

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I would be thrilled if my guy would say anything! Oliver on the otherhand mumbles up a storm and says hello atleast 50 times a day and really gets tossed in too. Yesterday he even said Abby ( my barking chihuahua ) ok, he more yelled it but he said it!

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^^^^... Aawww! Poor Misty!



Hi Susan! I think "What" was Phenix 2nd/3rd word & he used it surprisingly appropriately from the beginning. Call him & he'd answer, "What?" Call him out & it was, "What (no-o... not ME)???", etc.


He's got every possible nuance of that single word down. A bit ago he came out with, "Wha-at (really don't want to hear it right now)." Reading this reminded me of something that happened just after he'd been doing it for just long enough for me to start to take it for granted.


We'd been waiting in an examining room. Phenix was sitting on me, busily munching a tongue depressor I'd swiped for him. The vet finally came in & started casually observing from a distance while we talked.


When he eventually walked over to w/in a few feet of us, Phenix finally stopped, looked over his shoulder & snapped, "WHAT (do...you...WANT)!?!" PERFECT tone of voice. PERFECT body language. ALL the attitude you could ever possibly imagine.


The vet choked out, "He didn't just... HAHAHAHA ...did he... HAHAHA ...Oh HAHAHA ...Oh!! NO!! HAHAHA ...what I thought... he...!!??" before he finally wrapped his head around what he'd heard & collapsed against the wall in hysterics. It must have been a full 5 minutes before he could finally stop laughing.


And Little Mr. Attitude...? He rattled his tail feathers & went right back to what he'd been doing. So classic. So Grey(t)!

Edited by birdhouse
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Gilbert has a funny way of saying "What" also, it comes in the form of a quick rebuttal or denial. All I can think of is Vinny from Welcome Back Kotter from years ago. The tone and delivery is a little different every time, but is always with attitude, "Whut?" He does it when dog barks. He does it when he has been making mischief or if company comes and the house gets noisy. It always seems to be spot on and intended to make us laugh. Even someone who has never heard it before will laugh at his sassy retort. Of course, another favorite that faded for a while came back again yesterday. The same thing happened where one of the dogs couldn't wait to go outside and wet on the floor right by the door. Gilbert awakened me in my room with his one and only naughty word, pronounced with a definite southern drawl, male voice "sheeeeeit", spoken in disgust over and over. While I cleaned up the floor he said it again and again. While I mopped the floor, he said it again. I would say he said it at least forty times in an hour. That was yesterday. I didn't look at him, I didn't smile and I just totally ignored him and went about my business while he was having his tirade. Since then, I have not heard it one time. So, I am guessing that since he talks about "Lou" in reference to one of our dogs, who is named Baxter, I think he must remind Gilbert of Lou and I am guessing it was not received well when Lou had an accident.

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today i asked chloe if she wanted out and she said what so i repeated it and she said do you want out then i said no you silly then she said what lol.birds are so funny i cant wait til she finds new things to come up with, i'm sure she is thinking about it.

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It changes all the time. Right now, Sondhi's favorite words are "Ah-pole" (apple), "Hi Boo Boo," "Hi Thondhi" (Sondhi is hard to say) and "Richard! Good Boy! (talking to the dog). Burt's favorities are "Good boy, Burt. Good work!"

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