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My bird enjoys when I sing to her. I tend to sing a lot of folk and country and spiritual songs. She has learned how to whistle "I've Got The Joy of The Lord" almost perfectly. Well..the first part is perfect and then she sounds like a drunken sailor whistling. She also likes Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" and Maroon Five's "Moves Like Jagger". I think she likes the whistling in that one!

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Sophie still tries to perfect her " take me out to the ballgame". A work in progression for years. LOL She enjoys when Ryan brings out the guitar and sings. She also loves when kids sing rap. ( has to be clean!) She has lots of rhythmn and enjoys to dance. Kiki on the other hand, enjoys opera and classical( we all hate it!) She will start revving up when she hears a certain note. Nancy

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I like a huge variety and listen to rap, hip-hop, metal, country, rock, jazz, pop, classical...pretty much everything. It will be interesting to see if Zulu likes music and reacts to it, particularly if there is a different reaction between the different genres.

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Spencer 'interacts with' anything with whistling or electronic sounds. Whether or not he 'likes' them is debatable. He has a local 'Adult Alternative' station on all day (WXRT), but sadly has not picked up any of my favorite DJ's mannerisms yet. ;)


Edit to add: When I'm playing guitar/singing, sometimes he's nice and listens, other times he 'joins in' or tries to drown me out. Again, debatable. :D

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I don't understand why you would play music that encourages Dayo bob his head.


Because he enjoys it. Many parrots bob their head, it is a natural thing they do..... He loves to whistle, sing and beat-box and bobs his head, dances and moves his wings up and down and gets totally into to it. BIG FUN and enjoyment!!!

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The first time you see your parrot bob his head, quickly disassociate yourself by setting him on a stand or back in his cage; do not tolerate even the smallest episode, no matter how innocent it may seem.


http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?196082-What-does-this-mean/page2 see post 13


If head bobbing is part of sexual behavior and is suppose to be stopped immediately isn't it confusing and cruel to play music that you know will cause Dayo to bob his head only to have to put him back in his cage or move him somewhere else because he did bob it.

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http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?196082-What-does-this-mean/page2 see post 13


If head bobbing is part of sexual behavior and is suppose to be stopped immediately isn't it confusing and cruel to play music that you know will cause Dayo to bob his head only to have to put him back in his cage or move him somewhere else because he did bob it.


I do not know who ever said head bobbing is sexual behavior, it is not. If a bird is getting sexual, they will drop their wings, pant a little/make little almost painful sounds, regurge etc.

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http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?196082-What-does-this-mean/page2 see post 13


If head bobbing is part of sexual behavior and is suppose to be stopped immediately isn't it confusing and cruel to play music that you know will cause Dayo to bob his head only to have to put him back in his cage or move him somewhere else because he did bob it.


Oh in reference that thread, what was meant by "Head Bobbing" is not like when they are dancing. It is actually more of an up/down head/neck pumping action as they are preparing to regurge. It looks completely different, but I can see why you questioned this now. :)

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Just recently I post that we all should fully read and understand what a post say's before replying. What I was referring to was the bobbing, the mechanism to regurge, not fun and dancing....

As a second point, if you quote some one, please include who that someone was!


Another point, nowhere is "Sexual behavior" mentioned...

If a thread or a post isn't understood, inquire before replying..

"they often direct courtship displays, including regurgitation, to their human caregivers. The best way to avoid a regurgitation problem is to nip it in the bud. The first time you see your parrot bob his head, quickly disassociate yourself"


Thank Jayd

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Oh in reference that thread, what was meant by "Head Bobbing" is not like when they are dancing. It is actually more of an up/down head/neck pumping action as they are preparing to regurge. It looks completely different, but I can see why you questioned this now. :)



Ahh. Ok. All I have ever seen in head bobbing is similar to what Dayo was doing in the video. I am relieved. Thank you for clearing that up.

Edited by Wingy
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Misty is mostly a jazz and classical fan. Sax and piano will set him off. Freeform jazz in particular. The beauty of freeform is it allows improvisation which is Misty's forte´ For all that Misty is not in the slightest bit pretentious.:cool:


Steve n Misty

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Loki is a huge Katy Perry fan. Everytime her music comes on, Loki starts dancing back and forth and whistling.

A few evenings ago, the trailer for the movie came on. Loki was napping on my arm at the time. She immediately perked up, started bobbing her head saying "doo, doo, doo" and whistling.

She never reacts this way to any other music.

Something tells me she would love to go see the movie.

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Loki is a huge Katy Perry fan. Everytime her music comes on, Loki starts dancing back and forth and whistling.

A few evenings ago, the trailer for the movie came on. Loki was napping on my arm at the time. She immediately perked up, started bobbing her head saying "doo, doo, doo" and whistling.

She never reacts this way to any other music.

Something tells me she would love to go see the movie.


Too funny! you're going to have to buy it for her when it comes out!


Oh hey!! Just noticed your a Canuck! I'm in Durham Region, not far at all!

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Tui tends to bob her head up and down to Nickelback which I play on my phone, but I have noticed she loves the whistling in the song "Whistle" by Flo Rida. I personally don't like the song, as it's not my cup of tea, but I let her listen to it.


OOOHH!!!!! I cant wait to teach Zulu "Whistle". I LOVE that song!

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You go!!!! Music... is very important to my entire family.We all play an instrument or two. I play the piano, Sean plays the violin and sax, Ryan plays the guitar, and has the voice of an angel. Sophie LOVES to dance, and yes, she bobs her head. ( never knew that could be sexual!) She has more rythmn than the entire family! She clucks on tune as well. Kiki will only interact with the classical or instrumental music. Sunny gets excited, say's hello hello! LOL Ollie howls, when Sean plays the violin, Zoey barks and barks. Music gets everyone going in one way or another! Nancy

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